35: ☆ dpt of mysteries ☆

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I had no moment to analyze the conversation I had with the reflection who claimed to be my mother since I had to lean over to hold my forehead in between my two hands.

My head suddenly pierced with the familiar pinch I associated with danger. I knew that was a sign that I had to get back to my friends and stand by there side in case something was to happen. I made sure to tuck the notepad deep in my pants, and I sprinted my way out of the door.

My body rushed into the familiar circular room that held multiple doors around it. I noticed nine of the fifteen had been slashed off with a red mark, no doubt Hermione's doing.

The first door I inspected had a burn mark and a half melted knob placed upon it. I only assumed that they tried to enter this one and were unsuccessful, so I raced into the one directly to the right of it with no hesitation.

My eyes blinked back the amount of light that engulfed me when I went inside. Although the room was completely dark, there were thousands of little pearls that gleamed brightly and were perched upon shelves. I stared at the one to my left that was at eye level with me and felt my hand raise itself to grab it.

'No' a soft voice boomed in my head. It shook me out of my trance and I kept walking trying to avoid staring too deeply at the orbs.

I made my way down the hall and found myself stuck as to where to go. There had to of been hundreds of aisles, and there was no way I could reach my friends in time by checking them one by one.

I scrambled my brain and started thinking of which aisle they could be in. It would be a foolish idea to call out for them, especially if Sirius really was here being tortured. I kept my ears extended, trying to hear some kind of noise, but the only thing I could hear was my own breath.

After a couple minutes of making different turns I huffed in frustration. The shelf next to me glowed brighter than the others, and I saw a number catch my eye.

Right where I was standing, the shelf was marked with a glowing 165. Like someone had connected the last piece of a puzzle in my head, I gasped realizing the true significance of my dreams for the past few months. The number 97 had meant something all this time, and it was a way to guide me to my friends.

I sprinted up the hallway vertically trying to find the 97 engravement. I knew I was going the right way because I could see the numbers grow smaller and smaller. Then in a small shadow, I saw a group of bodies standing together in a circle.

"Oh thank god," I said loudly running over to them, "I was afraid I wouldn't find you guys," I spoke relieved but I didn't see their expressions mimic mine. Instead of them looking at ease, their faces showed the most intense look of concentration mixed with fear.

"Ah Miss Pine you've joined us just in time," a male voice spoke and my head snapped up to the end of the row. I had been so focused on finding my group of friends, I didn't notice the lingering shadow several feet away from us; a man with a mask in his hands who went by the name of Lucius Malfoy.

"Stay back," Harry said raising his wand higher and grabbing my arm back. I joined the tight circle the group had formed when I saw flashes of black fly above us and land on either side. We were surrounded by people in masks I could only assume were death eaters.

"Like I said give me the prophecy," Lucius Malfoy drawled out extending one of his hands. So that's what these orbs all were, prophecy's for different witches and wizards.

"I want Sirius," Harry demanded not wavering his face. The death eaters around us all laughed and removed their masks to face us.

My breath hitched at the sight of the man in front of me, the one who haunted my nightmares, the man who ruined our lives by killing my mother. It was true Augustus Rockwood had escaped, and here he was smirking at me, giving me a small taunting wave.

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