5: ☆ owl results ☆

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A light tapping noise came from my right and I twitched in my sleep. My nose crinkled up in distaste from being woken up before I was ready. I cracked my eyes open and saw Hedwig perched tall and proud on my open windowsill.

"Hi sweetie," I spoke out, my voice raspy from the residue of sleep in my throat. Hedwig hooted happily and set down two letters on the frame of the window. One was marked with the name Hermione and the other one had mine on it, the writing resembled Harry's and I put it in my pocket.

"Could you take this to the Weasley's for me pretty please," I asked Hedwig with my puppy eyes and she jumped up, surprised at my request. I went over to the bag of owl treats I stored in my suitcase and lay out 10 of them in a bowl, "there's more where that comes from," I smiled at her. Hedwig grabbed the envelope I handed her for my dad and flew off in the same direction she came from.

The note Harry wrote described his latest encounter with his cousin, and how he had started running off during the day as to avoid any confrontation with his family. He scribbled down that he wasn't sure when or if he would be arriving at the Weasley's before summer ended.

I didn't write a response back since I knew I would be seeing him soon anyways, but safely put it with my pile of other notes. I layback in bed and pondered what Fred and I would be able to do if I got to stay with him.

We had never been out to dinner, or even any other activity that wasn't in Hogsmead. After the year we had last year, I was looking forward to doing something semi normal with him.

After about an hour of just lounging around and daydreaming of different things, Hermione burst open my door, her hair disheveled. She had this rabid look in her eyes that cause me to sit up immediately in my bed.

"Hermione what the fuck, ever heard of knocking?" I sputtered out. She shakily walked towards me and handed me a letter, which from her reaction I was terrified to look at. I took the one with my name from her hand and saw the were our OWL results, "I thought someone died Hermione you can't do that!"

"You open yours first, I cant," she spit out her hands trembling. My god this girl was pyscho. I rollled my eyes and ripped my envelope open, scanning down the list of exams I took.

Astronomy: E

Care of Magical Creatures: O

Charms: O

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O

Herbology: E

History of Magic: E

Potions: O

Transfiguration: O

"Hey 5 O's I'm not mad," I laughed feeling any nerves from the anticipation of exam results drift away from me, "open yours!"

Hermione glanced down at the letter, and took a deep breath before peeling back the paper. Her letter opened slowly and I peered over behind her shoulder. In every single exam she took she received an 0, besides defense against the dark arts which was an E.

"Wow! You got 9 O's Hermione that's incredible!" I stared at her results impressed.

"Right well it was really nothing!" she beamed proudly, "i'm going to go explain to mum and dad!" she ran off to go tell them the news. I watched the back of my best friend run off and could hear her squeals of excitement from down the hall. I shook my head, laughing at her behavior since she normally had her emotions very contained, and kept myself busy by reading a new book I bought.


Over the next few days Hermione and I started to get bored with each others presence. While it was beyond fun to have a daily sleepover, after four days of being together 24/7 we started to get tired of being trapped inside and itched to go somewhere. After all she only had so many rom com movies that we eventually finished them all.

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