4: ☆ portkey ☆

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"Fuck that hurt," Sirius groaned and rolled over to his side while I jumped off my broom that still hadn't approached the ground completely. A sharp sting shot through my leg when I hit the floor but I ignored it and made my way over to Sirius.

"I don't even get what happened—" I started while checking his body to see if he was bleeding anywhere.

"Violet don't move him. You could hurt him even more," my dad instructed from behind me as he came down to the ground with us, "they'll be looking for where we fell out of the sky. We have to get somewhere safe."

"Where! He can't walk dad I mean look at him!" I shouted and pointed down to Sirius who's leg was bent at an awkward angle.

"No—argh—i'm fine," Sirius tried to protest.

"The safe house is just a couple miles up. Hopefully we haven't missed the portkey. Grab his arm Violet yeah?" I follows dad's orders immediately, and shrunk all our brooms so I could fit them in my back pocket. I could feel my height shrinking slightly as Harry's features washed away from me, and mine were pulled forward.

"Where's Moody?" I asked as I tugged Sirius' arm over my shoulder, and lifted him off the ground with dads help.

"Yeah just break my arm too while you're at it," Sirius spoke through his clenched teeth.

"He's still back there fighting the rest off," dad explained, "you're very lucky your interference didn't cause something worse Violet—"

"Interference?" I said loudly as we walked through the dark street trying to make our way to the lit up age house ahead, "how is this my fault that I happened to save Moody's life!"

"Because you weren't focusing!" He turned his head sharply to me, "you were acting on emotions and impulse, not from the true direction of your Seer powers. Imagine if that curse that missed Moody had done worse. Maybe it would've hit Sirius' body instead of his broom, or smacked Hermione right in the back."

Sirius was just whimpering in pain between us not adding anything to the conversation, "I'm sorry," I apologized, " I couldn't just be there and let Moody get hit."

"I wasn't asking you to do that," dad answered, "You were so determined to come on this trip and use your powers but you have to keep in mind that if you're really going to save someone's life you have to think of the domino effect it's going to have. If you had been focused and put all your effort towards this, you would've known to knock Sirius out of the way before Moody."

"Awesome dad yeah, great time to lecture me while we're dragging Sirius away from a possible army of death eaters. Anything else you want to criticize me on before we're ambushed and killed?"

"Don't speak to your father like that," Sirius muttered out and I could see the sweat droplets on his forehead start to come down his face, " he might not be explaining it in the right tone or words but he's right. I'm grateful that you happened to save an Order member but with every action comes a consequence. In this war there's no room to make a mistake by acting on emotion." I closed my mouth and refused to talk any further. How dare they insult me over the way I went about saving Moody.

It wasn't my fault that the truth about my powers were hidden from me until two years ago, and i'm not a complete mastermind at controlling them.

"I see the portkey!" Dad said loudly and pointed towards the glowing lamp perched on the patio, "it's glowing! Walk faster!" I knew that when the portkey glowed that meant it was getting ready to transfer to its next destination. With all my strength, and my dad's combined we pulled Sirius as fast as we could to the house.

The small lamp started rising above the ground. I could hear Sirius' grunts of pain but I couldn't spare any time to slow down, and help the drag of his broken leg.

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