15: ☆ the owlery ☆

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I woke up the next day relatively early for a school day. I changed into some comfortable clothes while I brushed my teeth and got ready for the day. Since I missed our last two meetings being busy with helping Harry practice for the first task, my dad wanted to have breakfast together this morning. Ruby and I hadn't sat down with him in a while so we had a lot to catch him up with on how our lives had been.

As I got to my dads office I saw that he brought two tables in for Ruby and I with an assortment of French toast and strawberries on a plate.

"Oh yum!" Ruby exclaimed as I heard her come in from behind me.

"Yes ladies take a seat," my dad welcomed as he gave us each a kiss on the head,"I want to hear all about how your grades are and classes."

"I personally love potions and the teacher is pretty nice to me," Ruby started while I snorted. Everyone knew that professor Snape was the meanest teacher at this castle, and of course he took a liking to Ruby.

"I think I'm getting pretty good at defense against the dark arts," I spoke up while I saw my dads face get uneasy. I knew the topic about dark magic made him nervous since his fingers began to tap the desk rapidly.

"Well Violet I'm glad to hear that your grades are doing well but I don't think you need to particularly focus on that subject if you want to become an education teacher like me," he answered while taking a bite into his toast. My career aspirations of becoming an Auror were still a secret, and I had somehow convinced my dad to think I wanted to be a teacher like him.

"No you're right I didn't say I liked it I just am doing pretty well in the class," I assured him while trying to change the subject.

Thankfully Ruby interjected, "You said you had a package for us?" Dad snapped his fingers in remembrance and leaned to reach into one of his drawers.

"Yes! Now your grandmother sent me these a while ago and told me to save it for a special occasion. Seeing as Christmas is coming up and it'll be special at the castle this year. I thought you girls would like to wear this." I took the package from his arms and undid the binding to see a beautiful pastel purple necklace inside. It was a sterling silver pendant in the shape of a heart, with another heart on top in the color purple. I gazed at it in amazement while turning to Ruby seeing she got the same necklace but in red.

"It's supposed to match the color of your names," dad mentioned, "your grandmother dreamed of giving it to you guys in person when you each turned 16 but seeing as we live in a different country now she wanted to send them over."

I made sure to wrap the necklace well while carefully setting it back in the box, "what did you mean when you said Christmas will be special at the castle this year?" I asked knowing that every holiday we would fly to California and visit my grandparents.

"Well there's a special event happening at the castle Christmas day, and since I live here now with you girls I thought it would be best if we stayed during the break," he explained.

"Oh okay. Well thank you dad this is so beautiful," I thanked while Ruby nodded agreeing.

"Don't thank me thank your grandmother," he reminded, "i'd like each of you to send her a letter in the next week or so thanking her for the jewelry."

As I said goodbye to my dad and sister I decided to head to the Owlery now since I had some spare time before my first class. I trudged up the long road of winding stairs before finally reaching the top.

"Damn that was a workout," I gasped clutching over to hold the cramp in my side.

"Someone's out of shape." Of course the twins were the only ones sitting in the Owlery, and I would've laughed at them if I didn't notice how weird it was that they were here at this time of day.

"Let me guess you're taking samples of Owl poop to use as a new prank ingredient," I teased.

"No actually," George said as he put the letter they were writing under his books, "just sending fake love letters to our dear brother Percy as usual," he said quickly as I narrowed my eyes. I could tell it wasn't the reason they were up here but seeing as I didn't have too much time before my first class I headed over to my barn owl. I hadn't visited her since we got to the school and I felt kind of guilty when I saw her wings flutter at my arrival.

"Hi sweetie," I cooed and gave her some leftover toast from my dads office. She nuzzled her head against my arm in thanks and I laughed at her behavior.

"They're quite the intelligent creatures owls," Fred said from next to me as I saw that George was gone.

"Yeah I had no idea what they were capable of until I received my first post from an owl at age 11," I smiled at the memory of getting my Ilvermorny letter.

"What is it you have?" Fred questioned pointing at the box that was still in my hand.

"Oh!" I exclaimed while opening the wrapping, "my grandma sent Ruby and I necklaces to represent the color of our name," I held it up.

"How does it look on you?" he asked as I shrugged in response.

"I don't know I didn't think to try it on."

"Well then turn around and let me put it on you," he said standing up to take the necklace from the box. I turned and since I hadn't braided my hair yet, I struggled to gather it all in my hands and move it to the side.

I stared out the balcony of the tower as I could feel the necklace be laid on my chest, and his cold fingertips working to close the clasp. I got goosebumps on my skin feeling his hands tickle my neck as I waited for him to be done. When I heard the familiar click of a necklace being clamped shut, I expected Fred to announce he had closed it but he didn't. Instead I felt a warm breath hit my left ear as I could feel his face get closer. All of a sudden I went stiff in place and I seemed to forgot how to breathe.

He lowered his head and lightly placed a kiss right at the bottom of my ear. I fluttered my eyes shut staying completely still, worrying that if I moved he'd stop. His hands slowly lowered down from my neck to my waist as he tightened his hands on me. He left a trail of feather light kisses down my neck, that were tortuously slow. As he got to my collarbone, my neck involuntarily moved to the side to give him more room. I could feel him suck lightly as I let out a gasp in surprise. My stomach felt a weird twist of nerves as I continued to stand there.

Then the moment was quickly ripped away as I could hear two sets of footsteps running up to the top of the stairs about to enter the Owlery. I pulled away avoiding any kind of eye contact with Fred as I grabbed my box and ran down the stairs. I could feel my face turning a bright red as I made my way back to the common room to get changed into robes.

When I got there, there no one was in the room, and I thanked whatever gods were up there that it was empty. Dropping onto my bed, I stuck my face into my pillow and yelled. I had no idea what came over me up there. I let the heat of the moment get to me and had gone dizzy to the the head when he placed his hands on me.

While Fred's actions did shock me, I surprised myself even more by liking it.


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