Chapter 2: The Rave

Start from the beginning

"No it just sort of happens and I don't know what to do. Gyro's been a great listener though, so that's been helping."

"I'm glad." Ms. Kris smiled. It was nice to know not all boyfriends were like Mark. "Well, have you been practicing the coping mechanisms I suggested? Aroma therapy, mindfulness meditation, exercise, etc?"

"I've been lifting weights." Gyro added in. They were actually just cans of beans but he wasn't going to say that.

"Okay..." Ms. Kris already knew it was probably expired cans of food and took note of that. "Gloria?"

Gloria shrugged. "Kind of? Probably not as much as I should."

"What do you mean? Are you avoiding doing so?"

"I mean, I still feel like shit everyday so I'm not sure how much the coping mechanisms are helping. I know it'll take time but damn."

"It's only been a few weeks, but I can assure you that even if the difference is little, it is better than nothing." She paused. It was off topic but Ms. Kris felt the need to bring it up. "Has... being around Boyd been bothering you? Or being around children in general?"

That caught Gyro's attention and he waited on Gloria's response.

It took her a minute to respond. She didn't want to hurt or offend Gyro in any way but she knew he would understand. "I love Boyd! He's the sweetest kid I've ever met and I am so happy for Ellie and Gyro and I guess Mark." She muttered that last part under her breath "that they have him. But, and I know it's already been discussed before, but he came into all of our lives, my life, during the miscarriage. I dunno it just feels off still. I'm sad when I see him sometimes."

Gyro started internally panicking because he already offered to babysit Boyd that weekend.

Ms. Kris nodded. "That is completely understandable. Do you think he makes the symptoms worse? Don't be afraid to speak the truth. This is a safe space."

"...I mean, he might? I'm not sure I see him pretty often so it's hard to tell." Gloria started panicking herself. She wasn't sure how Gyro would feel about this.

"Oh God, Gloria." That was Gyro so she was going to find out how he felt. Cool. "I... offered to babysit Boyd. Do you want me to cancel? I promise it's not a big deal."

Ms. Kris was going to let Gloria answer before she spoke her mind.

"No no it's alright! Really! Like I said, I love that kid so it's not like I'm sad around him all the time."

"Well, if you insist it's not a trigger..." Ms. Kris tried to find her words. "Then I think it's healthy to continue being around children. Try to get used to them. But if you find yourself having a harder time then don't be afraid to distance yourself and bring it up in therapy. We won't push you unless you feel like you can move forward."

Gloria nodded, still staring at the floor while she spoke. "Alright. Thank you Ms. Kris."

"It's my job." She reassured. "Now, let's continue."


After Mark and Ellie's relationship therapy session, they didn't exactly talk for the rest of the day. They weren't mad at each other, or upset, it was just plain awkward. What the therapist had said was right, they barely knew one another. The only reason they were "in love" to begin with was because they had been through so much together and were turning to each other for emotional support. That was about it.

They loved each other for other things too, but if they couldn't think of the reason then it didn't really count at the moment, did it?

Sure, Mark liked Ellie because she didn't judge on status or money. And Ellie liked Mark...for...his hair swoop (?).

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