Chapter 2: The Rave

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Ms. Kris, that's right the same therapist as last chapter, sat in her leather chair. Gyro and Gloria sat on the sofa in front of her. No, they didn't need relationship therapy like Mark and Ellie (thank God), they just liked to come together. Ms. Kris was happy to see them. They were probably her easiest clients. Their past was a shit show as well but they were normal. It was nice to speak with normal people.

She clicked her timer. "Alright. Let's get started, shall we?" Gyro nodded although Ms. Kris didn't need an answer. "Has anything new happened since last time? Good or bad news is fine."

Gyro didn't want to start on a low note so he chose to bring up that good tea. "I've been spending a lot more time with Boyd lately. It's almost like I have joint custody. I'm surprised with how compliant Ellie is being... because, well, you understand."

Ms. Kris did understand. "That's great, Gyro. I'm glad everyone seems to be getting along." That didn't include Glomgold. "Any bad news?"

"...Glomgold interrupted our date last night." He groaned. That wasn't exactly an issue to be brought up in therapy but holy shit was it annoying. Glomgold was a PTSD symptom just being himself.

"Glomgold's back?"


Ms. Kris jotted down notes, but it was for herself. She needed to make sure to sneak in wine next time a group appointment was scheduled because that Scottish fuck was going to be there. "What about you, Gloria? Any positive news? Or negative?"

Gloria thought about it for a moment, thinking back on everything that had happened the past few months. "Oh, did I mention that I was buried alive at one point? I dunno how long but long enough to where I started to lose air." Her tone was very nonchalant.

"Excuse me?!" Ms. Kris looked up from her notepad and adjusted her glasses so they weren't slipping down her beak for once. "We've been seeing one another for weeks and you have never mentioned that! What on earth happened?"

"Well this happened while I was still imprisoned with Steelbeak. So first I was giving him an attitude, which he beat me up over. Then when I did it again he decided it was best to just... I dunno, bury me alive I guess."

Being a therapist, Ms. Kris had to keep calm in order to not start panic in her client. But Gloria's calm attitude was disturbing in itself. "How does that affect you? Have you been having bad memories and flashbacks lately? Newfound phobias?"

"Yeah I guess I've been having some nightmares over it recently. Losing sleep or not being able to sleep at all some nights. Not just the whole bury alive thing, but nightmares I guess over everything that has happened." Gloria awkwardly scratched her arm while she spoke.

Gyro was surprised she brought it up. He was aware about her nightmares but she was so adamant on not talking about it. At all. He laid a hand on top of hers.

He had been having nightmares himself, but Ms. Kris already knew about all of his twink ass issues. Dude was open about everything with the exception of his Star Wars collection and his past with Boyd.

She jotted down more notes, having a new pen after her other appointment. You can guess which one she was referring to. "...the miscarriage as well?"

She stared at the floor. "I haven't been getting nightmares over the miscarriage, no, but it's always on my mind from when I wake up till I go to bed. It sucks."

"I'm sure it does." Ms. Kris put down the pen to give Gloria her full attention. She was dead inside but she needed to show some empathy. "That's to be expected with PTSD. Flashbacks, nightmares, obsessive thoughts." The two had been already diagnosed because the shit they've been through was wack. "Is there anything that triggers the memories? Or does it just... happen."

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