Late, Surprise, Gift!

Start from the beginning

"I crown you! Princess Leia!" The man put a crown on my head and it was pretty heavy!
"Princess Leia!" Queen Olivia kissed me on the head and said I was meant to be a princess.

"Leia?" Bailey tapped my shoulder.
"What do you wanna add to the story?" Leo asked.
"Maybe some aliens!"
"That would be super cool!" I laughed at the story my friends made up because it was so silly.
"And so, as Zora and her friend Courtney traveled through the Blue Moon, they saw aliens!"
"Were they nice or mean?!"
"You guys gotta choose!" Kamri said excitedly.
"They were nice aliens!" Barron said.
"Okay! So the nice aliens gave Zora and Courtney a ride!"
"But then! The alien spaceship started to make some weird noises. Like fart noises." I said while giggling.
"That's so gross!" I love being with my friends.
Home (8:45 PM) (Friday, January 9th)(Bella's Perspective)
Usually, after gym, I just relax in my bed because I'm tired from training. But, right now I was busy packing for my trip to Utah with my school.
"Okay, I think I got everything." I put my suitcase away. I grabbed my phone and called Alex. I'd already asked her in advance if I could call, since I know she's a busy woman.
"Bella! How are you, sweetie?" She asked as soon as she picked up the call.
"I'm good Alex, um, I kind of wanted to talk to you."
"Okay, what's up?" I took a small breath.
"I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but I felt a bit embarrassed to talk to you about it. I felt trapped because I wanted to talk to someone about it, but I felt weird."
"That's okay. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" I made sure to lock my door.
"You know that party I went to before Christmas?"
"Yes, your Mom told me about it. How was it?"
"Awesome. Until it got weird."
"Yeah. Please don't tell Mom about this."
"Well, I can't promise until I know what it is. If something serious happened I'm going to have to tell Liv, that's just the fact of the matter Bell."
"Fair enough. Okay, so basically what happened is I ended up in a blind spot in one of my school's staircases with this boy I really, really like and we almost kissed and it was so weird and awkward, and now our friendship is so weird." I looked up to see Alex smiling.
"What's so funny?!"
"Nothing's funny. I just found your blabbering cute. Bella, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that."
"I know. But, the reason why I wanna talk to someone about it is because I feel regretful."
"Why? Because you made a move?"
"Well... That and not kissing him. I don't know, after I told my friends that almost happened they were all kind of like Bella why didn't you kiss him? We know you like him. This, that, and the third."
"Well, why didn't you kiss him?"
"I didn't wanna ruin our friendship." Alex nodded.
"Are you sure there isn't more?"
"What do you mean?"
"More of a reason as to why you didn't kiss him. Bella, does part of you still feel guilty about liking boys?" I sighed.
"Yeah, a part of me does. I dunno, I struggle with it a lot. Part of me wonders why I still like boys after what happened to me. But also, part of me is like I need to get over it, it doesn't mean every guy is bad. It just sucks. So I guess a bit of that, me not wanting to ruin my relationship with one of my guy friends, and me not being ready. It isn't easy for me, Alex."
"Have you talked to your therapist or your Mom about it?"
"No, it's embarrassing. I don't want to tell them about it."
"I think you should at least tell your therapist Bell." I rolled my eyes internally.
"Okay." We continued to talk for a bit before Alex told me she was going to start dinner with her kids. After we got off the phone with each other I went downstairs to get some dinner.
"Hey, sweet pea," Elliot said while hugging me.
"Hey." I watched as he made himself a sandwich.
"What's wrong? You sound a bit down." He asked while giving me half of his sandwich. I pushed the plate away gently.
"A million things are wrong. You can't do a thing about it, Dad."
"Well...Maybe I can't fix every single thing, but I can fix one at least. Then you'll only have 999,999 things wrong. Isn't that better than a million?" I rolled my eyes while laughing.
"It would be. I'm going to make myself something to eat I'm starving."
"Don't try to avoid the conversation. Here's what, I'll make you some dinner if you tell me what's up."
"It's okay. Leftovers will suffice." I warmed them up.
"Does this have to do with what happened after the party?"
"Why do you say that?"
"Just because. I know it's had a bit of a damper on your overall mood. Even if you didn't want to tell me, I've noticed, your Mom's noticed. Because we love you and care about your emotional well-being."
"Nothing happened. I'm fine."
"Telling yourself that isn't going to change anything."
"I'm fine. I'm going to bed, night." I went down the hall to the guest room and locked the door. I cried quietly onto my arm.
The Kitchen (Elliot's Perspective)
Well, that didn't end the way I expected it to.
Me: Alex, do you know what's been going on with Bella lately?
Alex: Why?
Me: She's locked herself in the guest room, and I don't know why she's so upset.
Alex: It isn't in my place to say, I told Bella that she needs to open up to either you guys or her therapist. I don't want to speak on something that she should be communicating on her own.
Me: I can't get a hint?
Alex: Nope. Sorry. Let her cry it out. I just finished speaking to her not too long ago. She'll be much calmer afterward.

I sighed. What was I going to do?

~To be continued

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