Jeremiah shook his head in disbelief. "What the- Did I just witness—Why are y'all— PFFFT, there goes the tongue twister again!"

The basket of dirty clothes that were folded neatly in piles for laundry was scattered around the floor. It made a huge mess in my room. Sweat tricked from his forehead which he wiped rapidly from the back of his already trembling knotted hands. As if on cue, the sun rose like a flower opening, gifting its rays to the world. But the uninvited gray sky pronounced otherwise. My entire room darkens as I imagined it to be around seven o'clock by now. For a brief moment, a tinkling sound came to our ears as the first sheet of rain began. The sound was intensified against the window. We could also hear thunderstorms roaring.

My big brown eyes narrowed at the dancing curtains due to the windows cracked that allowed the humid temperature. It was never my intention for Jeremiah to find out like this. We have a special unexplainable bond. Jeremiah actually treats me like family ever since we met at the wedding. I appreciate his kindness and have gotten used to his military random actions. A tight-knit form in my throat as I tried to stumble across words to come out but nothing would come out.


My mouth twitched and nothing wanted to come out. I wanted to speak so badly but I can't.

Jeremiah attempted to saunter closer to my bed where he could turn his head to see what was going on under the sheets but suddenly his legs twisted. Slightly losing his balance, he stumbled over the basket of dirty clothes, where he tried to smoothly regain his balance back by landing a hand on the doorknob and keeping his foot pointed forward. But he ended up toppling over the dirty clothes somehow hitting his head against my dresser.

Books began to drop on the wooden floor shifted some of my feminine hygiene products. I immediately got up from bed. "Oh my God! Are... are you okay?" I asked with concern, reaching out a hand for Jeremiah to grab at. I was already across the room near the door strolling towards him for help.

He rubbed the spot where I guess he hit his head against the dresser and his eyes blink several times. I wasn't sure if he notice that I was still standing right in front of him, waiting for an answer, so I kneel down to touch his shoulder and kept a hand out for support. "Here! Gimme your hand, please."

"NO! NO! I'm fine?!" Jeremiah refused with a groan, clutching his hand towards his chest, sliding himself away to the wall like the floor was slippery.

"Are you sure?" I asked, examining him to see if there were any injuries. I even put a hand on his chin, moving his head around slowly now that we're even, just to be safe. I'm very sensitive to injuries. Maybe it was because I thought about majoring in biochemistry to work in the medical field someday. There were none but I had medications in the dresser, second row, in case he has migraines.

"There is a jar of ibuprofen on the second shelf! I can get it for you!" I offered.

"I said that I'm FINE!!! Shit!" He whispered with a shout, yanking himself away from me so that I couldn't touch him anymore. I was shocked at Jeremiah's hostile behavior that it cause me to look at him dejectedly. I had never never never ever seen Jeremiah get so cold. It was making me sad. Always wonder what could get him angry because he can be such a goofball 24/7 but I wish it remains mysterious. It frantically scared me witnessing Jeremiah pissed off knowing that he's really nice to me like the way he treats Emily whenever she comes over.

That made me blink several times staring into space as I got up from the wooden floor away from him. I tuck a long piece of my curly brunette hair behind my ear, folding my arms, as I simultaneously step backward keeping my gaze like he was somebody that I use to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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