Chapter 22

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If you didn't notice already I change Caleb's older brother name who was called Harry before now is called Jeremiah. I forgot that there was already a guy name Harry in the book who is Carly's school friend. I also change Madison's younger sister who was called Carey now her name is called Alessandra. Sounds more like an Italian name herself for an Italian woman. Sorry for the confusion guys.

And my book was eligible to join the Watty 2019 this year. I won't make it without you guys helping me out! On with the story.


I watched as Dad danced freely with Madison all over the dance floor area with all the other guests who attended the wedding shortly joined afterwards when the DJ gave them permission to. We all had announced our little memorial speech as soon as we entered inside where the wedding reception was airing. Almost anyone was sitting down on the chairs listening to the music instead they were all partying. I was the only one who wasn't dancing. I lean my head on the wall, watched as everyone enjoyed their time and nodded my head to the music that was now playing.

If you keep staying like this you'll look like a loner.

There was only one person who I wanted to dance with tonight. I look around my area and searched for Caleb who was dancing on the dance floor with a beautiful red headed girl who looked to be in her mid twenties. I would be lying to myself if I wasn't feeling jealous the way the girl started grinding on him. It made me wanted to do physical actions that I didn't wanted to commit.

I really like him. I like when he was around. There was always something so mysterious and dark about him that made me wanted him even more.

Not because of the way he use to treat me but the way he makes me feel when I'm with him sometimes. There were times where he would be like a whole jerk to me and there were times where he would be so sweet and such a angel to me. When he plays that character I know that that's truly him talking especially when he's drunk.

I'm not that stupid to not realize the sensation I feel sometimes. I tried my hardest to be as nice to him as possible because I still had that small little crush on him ever since when we first met each other no matter how much of pain he was being to me. I always thought that he was attractive ever since that day.

This definitely wasn't the right time to think about him after both of our parents just got married. But what can you think about in a corner alone while everyone is dancing?

"You want to dance?"

My head snap up to face Jeremiah reaching out his hands to me. I didn't wanted to be rude to turn down his offer because I wasn't doing anything important. And to also be fair he wasn't an unattractive guy. I grabbed his hands and warmly smile to him. "Sure!"

He helped pulled me up from my chair and guided me to the dance floor. I wasn't really much of a good dancer when it came to fast music. Thankfully the DJ switch it up a bit to a slower paste and I ended up gluing my body onto him as we both dance besides other people who dance like us.

"Your name is Carly... right?" His voice was low and raspy. He had that military high pitch voice.

I remove my head from his chest and resume up to his face. Gosh he looks so much like him. I know they're brothers but they looked like fraternal twins. Both of them were handsome and almost shared the same features except for Jeremiah had longer hair, pointer nose sharper jawline but the rest was all Caleb.

Reminiscing myself back to reality, I nodded at his question. "Wow... I didn't expect you to look this... pretty!" He turned me around through the slow music.

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