Chapter 29

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Beep beep.

Hitting my alarm clock, I snap out of bed. Ah! My fucking back hurts like hell. I regret that I stayed for football after school just to practice for the game at homecoming today. Coach had us all playing rough with each other in the afternoon. Everybody tackled each other and there were some fouls that were ignored. It annoyed me.

What I needed right now was a cold shower. This can probably relieve the pain that was bothering me. Getting up from bed was even harder. Bed was like my kingdom dong right next to football.

I turned on the shower and grabbed my soap. My dark messy hair that was messy in a good way started to become wet along with my body as I soap everywhere. This week I was at it again with the sex. I needed to give myself a rest from now on.

When I entered back inside my room after using the bathroom, Jeremiah, my brother was awake from sleeping on his bed in the other side of the room. Sometimes he would sleep in the guest room and other times he would sleep in my room whenever we have a night staying up playing video games together. This morning happens to be one of his nights.

"Morning big bro." I scoffed.

"Good morning little bro." Jeremiah replies rubbing his eyes with his hands. "What time is it?"

"Its time to wake that ass up." I laughed while closing the door from behind me.

He rolls his eyes. "That is why I interrupted your affair with you and your girl the other day." He scoffs. "Ah! Caleb! Ah! You're so bad at this!"

I threw a pillow at him as we both burst into laughter. "She was mad at me that day."

"She was too loud." He says honestly. He wasn't lying though. Out of all the hookups I get with girls Lexi was the only one who couldn't handle me as much. She would scream out my name too much and demand for more when she is in pain.

"You going to homecoming with that on?" Jeremiah asks referencing to my clothes I had on.

I glance at my reflection in the mirror. "Nope, I'm about to hit the gym. Mind coming with me?"

"I'll meet you there later. I have to make a phone call to Dad." He says while rolling out of bed. "He says he wanted to talk to you too."

The mention of my Dad name left a frown on my face. My relationship with my Dad isn't so great. Growing up I never was closer to Dad. He always favored Jeremiah over me because it was like he was the perfect child. Getting good grades in school, obeys anything he says about mom when we were kids and wanted Jeremiah to pick up his dreams in the US Military. He never was a true father to me. It was like he was absent but presence. But because I was the complete opposite I was always the bad guy to him. There was more to the story but I didn't wanted to mention anything about the past.

"Oh what does he want?" I groaned.

"I dunno." Jeremiah answers rubbing his eyes again. "But you should call him to see what he wants."

"I'm good." I grabbed my towel on top of the shelf. "I'm heading out now."

"Caleb..." I heard Jeremiah calls out after me. "You need to talk to him."

Talk to him? Why should I?

Mom was in the living room watching TV. That was a first since she is always in the kitchen cooking something. I strolled in the living room catching her eyes on me.

"Morning mom." I kissed her on her cheek.

"Good morning." Mom answers sounding sick. "Where are you going?"

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