Stardust Chapter 41

Start from the beginning

"Oh, your boyfriend mad at you playing house?" The huntress questioned, ignoring the disgusted look that crossed the elder man's face. "What. Dean."

The male slammed his hands down on the table, an action that made Belle's heart race, it took everything in her not to let herself jump, her jaw clenching as she shut down her emotions. Looking up blankly, a perfect eyebrow arched in an 'are you done' look. "This. Belle. This is what I want to talk about." He gestured pointedly between them. "You and me are family-"

"Family?" A judgmental snicker interrupted him. "Yeah, family leaves a kid abandoned at a motel for some chick."

At least he had the decency to look shameful, a sigh left him, "Kid, I wasn't in the right mind set to be a father."

"Unless it was Ben." Belle snapped.

"Belle... I don't know what you want me to say!" He yelled, defeated, "I came back!"

The teen leaped up, slamming the unloaded gun on the creaky table. "I didn't need you anymore!" She cries out, "I was doing just fine without you!"

"What?" Dean sneered, "Being buddy-buddy with some FBI worker?" His question came rhetorically, venom painting every syllable. "You were a charity case!"

The laugh that came from the girl was haunting, such a self deprecating tone it made Dean's stomach lurch uncomfortably. He knew as soon as he said the words it was wrong. He fucking knew it. He was just hurting and pissed. "That "FBI guy" was more of a father to me in 6 months than you were in sixteen years."

"That isn't fair Belle!" He huffed, "I tried my best!"

"I was NEVER your priority!" She screamed back as Dean rose to his feet. "It was you and fucking John and as soon as that bastard croaked, it was you and Sam."

Dean's face fell at her words, heat radiating through his chest, palms burning, "Don't talk about him that way! He was your damn Grandfather."

"He was a homophobic abusive PRICK!" Belle threw back, her anger rising with Dean's, "Grow the FUCK up Dean. He ABUSED you, he ABUSED me! He handcuffed me to a radiator in a burning fucking building! He'd throw me into battles and use me as bait!"

"That was to train you." Daddys boy was immediately on the defence, "I never agreed with how extreme it was but it was to make you a better hunter, it made you stonger." He snapped.

There that laugh was again, haunting as traitorous tears sprung to her eyes, "I was a child, I didn't need to be strong, I needed to be safe."

"Belle, kiddo, please." Dean whispered.

"When, Dad," the title was more of an insult than an honorific, "When are you going to face facts."When he didn't answer Belle continued digging, "When are you gonna wake up from this hero worship. John? Dear old fucking Dad, was a shit person." She cried, pools of tears spilling down her cheeks. "He fucked with your mind, made you think that everything was on you, that Sam was!" Belle took a step toward her father, an accusatory finger digging into his chest with each point. "He made you a soldier." Jab. "He broke you down." Another jab. "He made you hate that peice of you that shows any attraction for a man." A larger almost bruising push that made him flinch. "Guess what Dean? Hes fucking DEAD, but you're still denying that your head over heels in love with a fucking angel! Who guess what? Loves you fucking back!"

Dean swallowed thickly, not even realizing how much Belle saw, a burning hot shame spreading through him. "HE LOVES YOU!" She cries. "And he's alive and you can be together!" Sobs shook her body as she stands, "You can be with him!" The cries get harder as her knees shake, "Do you hate yourself that much?" She whispered, "that you can't allow yourself the one thing in life that you can rely on?"

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