DIO : Depression

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Lmao this is a full on self ship to cheer myself up. I am not feeling well, I went a little off the rails a few weeks back and I'm getting the same feelings that made me decide to do that, so I'm going to ring the doctor this morning.

I assure you all that I'm okay, I live at home with my parents and I think I just need my medication reviewing because it is not helping me right now. I've been on it 7 years and my parents aren't the most helpful when it comes to mental health. I feel mega high all the time so I think my body has gotten used to it and is therefore withdrawing. (basically I'm addicted to antidepressants)
I honestly feel like all I do is excuse myself and I am sorry for that, but my anxiety has been ruling my life the last few years and I'm not sorry for admitting that. I'm ashamed, but it is what is happening and I am slowly learning when to challenge it. (and stop ignoring it lmao)

I had to write this to put my feelings somewhere in a way that isn't blatant. Plus, a bit of escapism doesn't hurt.

I still read all your comments and messages, and I enjoy working on all your requests, even if I am rather slow uploading them. It really helps me through my mental illness and I hope that when I do deliver it brings joy to you all. ❤️

Hopefully, now I'm feeling a lot calmer, I'll be able to get some sleep 🥱

Your reflection glared back at the ghost staring into it.
The world seemed to be eating away at you, stripping you of your character and causing you to eat erratically and go about your life on a chaotic sleep schedule. Your stomach gurgled and cramped daily, screaming for help with its haunting voice. Aches and pains weighed heavily on your bones, worse when you walked through them to distract you from becoming bionicwoman, untouchable and unriskable.

You noticed that the red bags under your eyes were full, sagging much like your unscaffolded breasts, detrimental to your bad back. Dull and oily, your face had craters from breakouts long gone, serving to remind you of times when you didn't care for yourself the way you probably should have. Weak beneath your lids, your eyes had lost their usual shine, hidden beneath grey clouds and crystal waterfalls of tears formed as you had spent another evening crying.
Usually, your casing was hard enough to keep the shit out. Insults and bad days rolled off your skin like rain along an umbrellas ribbing. However, continuing to ignore had led to this.
Sighing long and hard, you plonked yourself down on the sofa, exhausted from weeks of lying to yourself. Sometimes, it felt as though you lacked all control. Sometimes, the fear of cutting the cord on your oral life support system you had created in pills was enough to knock you sick. Your rituals seemed pointless, now you had gotten what you wanted: the magical happy ending hidden away in a rolled up certificate proving that you had sat in a room for three years and clicked away on a machine.
The job applications weren't rolling in how you had thought, leaving you stuck in the broken office chair of your metal prison, serving rabble their groceries in return for a glance down their long noses, if you were lucky to even have that.
Whilst there was no real crisis in your world, living inside your head often felt like a kickboxing match, attacks proceeding over every little thing you did, right or wrong.
You slunk down, unrested hours coming back to haunt you now you weren't terrified of passing in your sleep and your heart was on a low beat.
The world just seemed... Still. Nothing pregressed, nothing regressed. You were in the same state of bleary eyed sight and hopeless life you had been in since what felt like forever. Finally, your body pressed against the tense barrier of insecurity, breaking it just enough to sink into light sleep.

You weren't sure how long had passed. Something had woken you, gently. Softly. Just a small scrape to your lower lip, before a cool, wet swipe along it. Breath caught in your throat as you gasped, slender talons gripping it just enough to drag you back to the present. You tried to swallow. It wouldn't go down, making you choke and splutter through tears.
"Settle down," an angelic voice cooed, sharp pincers barely grazing your neck. It took a long moment for your breathing to fall back, but you managed, ragged breaths slowing through his soft tone. "That's it, Dear. Trust me," the male snickered, clutching your stem and jerking you with small squeal. "You'll thank me for it later." The pain was akin to a piercing, blunt, throbbing and prolonged.
"Who are you?" you heaved, eyes widening to take in the gorgeous being arms length before you. His eyes were flame red, beneath wild locks of unkempt, blonde hair.
"Ahh, so you talk!" he sung, tilting your face back in order to get a look. This was easy, due to your body growing limp with serious blood loss. You noticed his protruding fangs, gleaming beneath his luscious, lipsticked lips.
"Y-You're a vampire!
He cocked his head as you stammered, taking note of the various DVDs in the stand behind you.
"Mmhm, I can see you're a rather avid fan." Looking round, there were drawings all over of vampires and other drawn tidbits reminiscent of his day. "Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord DI-"
His introduction was cut short since it seemed you'd drawn your final breath, laid on the sofa graceful and deflated, much like your mood.
DIO waved his arms around to shake off the feeling of his retrieval, surprised at how bright the essence was from this woman considering she didn't fight or even scream!
Her effort seemed to go into these drawings, well studied and done beautifully. A snob for art himself, the works interested him. Art had come so far after all these years, and someone with such a passion was deserving of a place in DIO's world.

Crouching over you, he took a nail and drew it across his wrist, letting blood drip from his arm onto your neck, drizzling down to where your heart was. The effect wasn't quite instant, but DIO still hadn't quite mastered the pause between blood seeping into your skin and life leaping into your body and thrusting you forward into his chest. Of course, you caught him off guard, smacking into his bones, but you were steadied and left to ride out the transformation on the sofa. Panting, your entire body felt like it was on fire inside, spirit fleeing from your being ten times faster than your depressed state before. The potholes in your skin filled, paving a smooth sheet of soft flesh all over. Beauty befell you, shrinking your bags and brushing your hair, four new teeth growing beneath your plush lips and initially poking your mouth.
He smiled as you changed, offering his hands to you.
"I'm Lord DIO, and allow me to welcome you to DIO's World."

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