{GB} Beautiful Insecurities (Mai)

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(His name is Meiji. Fem. chubby reader. Zuri (Zukos) best friend. Fire bender)

Requested by: nobody

Zuko: Zuri
Mai: Meiji
Azula: Aiko
Toph: Tai
Sokka: Sosa
Katara: Kaid
Aang: Ai
Ty Lee: Ta-Kai
Iroh: Irene
Suki: Sachi
Ozai: Ofira

This is honestly just not placed in any point of the show. You are dating Meiji

P.D: "I just want to be good enough." "You are good enough to me. Who cares what Mister. Prince says."

Your POV

Sitting over by Zuri as Aiko and Te-Kai were talking about girls. Pretty boring. Meiji was with his mother, doing something that wasn't told to any of us. "Zuri, if you were a guy would you date {Y/n}?" Aiko crosses his arms with a smirk plastered on his face that I really want to punch.

"I don't see why not." She speaks, her voice kind of low like usual. Pretty monotone. "Why though. She don't have the looks." The fourteen year old snickers, pointing up and down at my body making me insecure, trying to fix my clothes that were already pretty baggy on me.

"Don't say that." Zuri stands up for me, but I touch her arm to stop anything from happening. "See even she knows she isn't the prettiest. It's a surprise Meiji is still with her." Aiko carries it on, just making me feel worse and worse. They do this a lot I should be used to it but today I feel a lot more insecure. Probably because this is the first time they've done this since I started dating Meiji.

Honestly I don't get why he's dating me either. We are complete opposites for sure. He was quiet and kept to himself, I on the other hand was anxiety filled weird person. "What's up guys." Meiji walks into the room, waving shortly and coming over to me. He sits down next to me and was definitely expecting me to hug him or something but I was too much into my head to do anything. Aiko was right.

"I'm gonna go get water." I mumble, walking off to the kitchen. The palace was huge but hanging out with Zuri all the time I learned my way around.

Third Person.

Meiji looks around at everyone. Zuri looked angry, Te-Kai seemed guilty and Aiko had a smirk on his face. Proud about something. "Why is my girlfriend upset?" He asks in a monotone voice. It doesn't sound like he's concerned but he very much is. "Aiko you gonna tell him?" Zuri scowls, clenching her fists in anger. Upset that he could say things about her friend right in front of her.

"Oh how I said that she doesn't have the looks. How I'm confused on why Meiji is still with a chubby thing like her." Aiko checks his nails as he talks, not bothered as usual.

Meiji takes a deep breath, taking a knife out quickly and throwing it at Aiko, sticking his clothing to the wall. "Don't talk about her like that." Meiji lowly says, Aiko chuckles. "Sorry not sorry." He shrugs, watching the long haired boy walk off to find his girlfriend. "Get this stupid knife off my clothes!" Aiko orders, Te-Kai rushes over to him and gets the knife out, throwing it onto the floor.

Meiji sighs, entering the kitchen but she wasn't there so she continues down the hall to see her staring in a mirror, tears falling down her cheeks. "Love?" He gently says, walking up to {Y/n} who jumps. Quickly wiping her tears.

"Yeah? How was it with your mom?" You try to change his thoughts from what he saw. It was a fail. "I'm not gonna force you to talk about it but Aiko is wrong for what he said." Meiji tells you and your bottom lip starts to pucker. He grabs you by your waist quickly, pulling you into a tight hug as you start to sob.

As you tremble you guys fall to the ground, he starts cradling you even more. Not knowing what else to do. You were his weak spot. "I just want to be good enough." There were cracks in your voice as you spoke. It was truly heartbreaking for Meiji to watch. Anger, sadness, and pain all bottled up in him. "You are good enough to me. Who cares what Mister. Prince says." He whispers, petting the back of your hair.

"It doesn't matter what he says I'm still chubby. I look horrible compared to all the pretty girls out there. Why did you choose me?" You cry out, trying to take deep breaths but at this point you were hyperventilating. "I don't care if you're chubby. Honestly I love it. You are so cute and beautiful. Your curves are lovely. I know I don't compliment you enough but starting now I'm going to say what's on my mind." Meiji talks, it was the most he had said at one time. It surprised you a bit but it made you feel loved.

"Like how I wish you would wear that one outfit you wore the day we went on our first date. It shows your beautiful curves. It brings out your eyes too." He continues bringing a smile to your face. "Don't listen to idiots. Listen to people who love you like me and Zuri." He lifts your hand and kisses it multiple times causing you to have butterflies in your stomach. "I love all of you." He lays your hand down and kisses your face. "I love you too." You whisper, kissing him back.

"Now let's go get some food, my beauty." He stands up, helping you up as well. He holds your hand and kisses your cheek as you make way to the kitchen.

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