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Toph x Reader (gender not really specified)

Reader is from Omashu

[Name] instead of Y/n


It's been 6 years since the 100 year war ended and that means Toph and I have been together for 4 of those years. Just turning 18, Toph proposed right away on our 4th year anniversary.

Which is surprising that right now I'm feeling the way I do. Toph invented metal bending. She discovered it in one of our adventures in the very beginning with The Gaang. I'm of course proud of my now Fiancee.

It's just that now when we were supposed to be figuring out our wedding and our future and where we're going to build the rest of our lives she's nowhere to be seen.

Or if she is home she's not even paying attention to me.

Being in her mind or with paperwork trying to start the training for other metal benders that she wants to start in her twenties, she hired an assistant to of course help with said paperwork. Someone she spends more time with compared to me. Her Fiance. I understand the importance of it but does that mean I don't get anything at all?

Lately she's going back to her old ways as well. Getting into the underground earth bending fights. Soaking up the attention that everyone gives her.

Where I met her with Sokka, Katara and Aang. I was from Omashu, that's where they found me and when I joined them in their journey to help Aang end the 100 year old war.

I stand in the crowd with everyone else as they cheer on my lover, doing what she does best.

My thoughts were racing so much I could barely hear everyone else around me. Sokka stood beside me. He enjoyed this stuff and since he was visiting us from the Northern tribe Toph invited him to watch her fight. During the match I was silent.

It was abnormal for me since I'm usually the loudest in the crowd. I feel an elbow nudge my side, startling me from my thoughts. I glanced up to the man next to me whose face was scrunched with confusion. "You alright?" He asks, saying it just loud enough for me to hear over the loudness in the room.

I force a smile and nod my head. "Of course! Just thinking about some stuff I have to do later." I lie to him, he stares at me for a moment but then carries on to watching Toph in action.

"I can tell something's on your mind, but I won't force it out of you." He tells me, clapping his hands when Toph gets the large man to the ground. I suck in a sharp breath. "I'm okay." I assure him.

Towards the end of the fight Toph waves us to her spotlight. The crowd cheered for the blind bandit. A name she still uses from when she was a kid. She pulls me into her side, Sokka stands on the other side of her. She was sweaty but I didn't care.

Her arm around my waist was all that mattered to me at this moment. The most affection I've gotten in days.I feel her lips land on my cheek. I knew it was for the crowd because the moment we left the building her hands left my body.

Her eyes were not looking my way.

She gloats to Sokka about everything that's been going on lately as I told them I was heading home. I decided to cook dinner tonight since Sokka was going to be staying in our guest house.

Maybe Toph and I could have a romantic night since we haven't had one in a long time. Cooking was also something I enjoyed very much. My parents owned a bakery in Omashu, that's what made me fall in love with it.

I get started on Toph's favorite meal, also getting out stuff for dessert. I knew they were going to be out for a couple of hours. Sokka was never a night owl so I knew it wouldn't be too late. Toph is though so that means there should be time left over for me, finally.

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