Don't Be Stupid (Sokka)

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(Duo Bender Fire and Water. You are very strong headed, kept you yourself. Lived in Ba-Sing-Se all your life)

Sokka tries hard to get you to have fun and loosen up.

Dialogue Prompt:
"Don't be so stupid, leave me alone." "Only if you have fun for once." "Fun is for people who are stupid."


.Third Person.

"Break for a few hours." {Y/N} dead pans, wiping her hands on her pants. Aang pouts. "I still haven't done any fire bending." Whining, something the {H/C} girl couldn't stand, wincing at the awful noise.

"Too bad. You are ready for fire. You need to be calm and collected before using it. Use my meditation methods tonight and we will continue this later." You tell him, walking over to the water the group was by to just sit there.

Zoning out so you didn't have to hear the complaints of the Avatar. Katara pats his shoulder basically telling him he needs to just do as {Y/N} says. Toph chuckles, leaning back on the wall.

Sokka glares at the stoned face girl, not like he's mad but more trying to understand why she was always so uptight and not fun to be around.

He had a small interest in her but would never let that be known to everyone else. And no... it wasn't small like just said but we will let him believe what he wants.

"We should go swimming, have some fun." He suddenly speaks up getting everyone's attention. "I'm up for it." Toph just up from her spot, Aang shrugs and Katara nods thinking it will help everyone to loosen up.

"Come on, icy hot! We're going swimming!" Toph  yells out for the stuff girl.

"I'm good, thanks though." {Y/N} stands up, walking past the group to lay on Appa, not wanting any chance to be splashed by the idiots.

Katara goes to talk with her but is stopped by Sokka.

"I got it." Smirking, rubbing his hands together mischievously. "Really? Last time you tried to get {Y/N} to do something it didn't end well." The water bender crosses her arms with a smug look.


"Just wear the stupid outfit!" Sokka shouts only to get frozen in place and then thrown across the camp area. "Leave me alone, idiot!" {Y/N} growls, laying back down on Appa, resting her head on her arms as Sokka groans.

~End of Flashback~

"Let's not talk about that. Anyways just leave it to me." He smiles and walks over to the quiet teen. "Hey~" poking the female with his boomerang.

"Don't touch me." She mutters, not opening her eyes as she lays still. "Sorry..." he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You should really come swimming with us." He puts his thumbs up as she lifts her head up to look at him.

"Hm let me think about it... oh I did. It's still no." She fake smiles at first that then becomes a bitch face, laying back down and closing her eyes, thinking she got him to go away but he doesn't give up yet.

"You are so uptight." He whispers, you weren't able to make out what he said luckily.

"Hm?" "Nothing, just come swimming for a little bit and if you still aren't having fun you can get out." He pleads, you look up at him and sigh.

Giving him a little hope but only for that hope to be crushed. "Don't be so stupid, leave me alone." Swirling water up in the air and splashing him in the face.

"Only if you have fun for once." You look at him with another bitch face. Not up for this. Just wanting to be left alone and take a nap or something.

"Fun is for people who are stupid." Sokka's face drains of all happiness. Looking at you before suddenly picking you up and draping you over his shoulder causing you to let out a yelp.

"Put me down, you- you idiot!" Smacking his back multiple times as the others just sit back and watch.

"Why are we by the water- SOKKA! No no! Put me down!" You scream, clinging on to his shirt as he steps into the water.

"Don't drop me in the water or I swear!" Threatening him but it only made him smirk. "You swear what?" "I'll kick your a- AH!" He throws you in the water before you could finish the sentence.


{Y/N} comes out of the water coughing and trying to get the liquid out of her nose. Once she calms down, seeing everyone laugh at her and Sokka smirking proudly.

She stands up straighter and rubbing her
{s/c} hands.

"Want me to have fun, Sokka? That what you want?" Grinning creepily, freaking him out a bit. "Uh- yes." Saying but more like a question if anything.

"I'll have fun drowning you." You go at him but Katara takes this as a hint to jump in and stop you, freezing you in the water.

It doesn't stop you unfortunately, heating up the ice and you swirl water around Sokka, not actually going to drown him. Just mess with him a bit.

Truth be told you had feelings for the sarcastic boy.

You spin him around in the water. "Alright! Alright! Stop! Pleaseee!" He whines, sounding like he was going to hurl. You let out a huge sigh but listen to his pleads, letting him go.

"That was horrible." He bends over, holding his head and stomach in pain.

"Well leave me alone next time.." Is all you say and he looks at you sadly making you feel sort of guilty. All he wanted was for you to have fun and all you did in return was be a jerk.

"I did I have fun though so thank you." You kiss his cheek and pause before grabbing his wrist and twirl him around, kicking the back of his legs causing him to fall in the water.

"Oh you're so gonna get it." He groans, getting up and picking you up like he did before, jumping around before going under water with you.

Katara grabs Aang's hand dragging him into the water, giggling. Toph shortly behind.

The group all splashing and messing with each other.

{Y/N} splashes Sokka before pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you, idiot. I really needed this." She whispers, his face beat red, stiffen at the sudden action but in the end he returns it.

"No problem, weirdo." Looking down at you as you glare up at him before grabbing his face and aggressively kissing him, both of you stumble and falling in the water with you on top of Sokka.

You guys stare at each other before laughing, Sokka sneaking a kiss on your cheek.

"Who knew ms. Serious all the time actually had feelings." He teases making you splash water at him.

"Ruined the mood. Idiot." Looking away as you smile to yourself.

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