Ba Sing Se Princess (ZUKO!)

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"Father! I'm going out!" I shout, fixing my dress as my bare feet patter against the cement.

"Stay with a guard, don't wander!" He tells me, but just ignores his demand. I don't need a guard to protect me.

I have Earthbending and can take care of myself.

Sneaking out was easy, dad was always busy with his stupid pet bear. After mom left he had gotten the bear and basically stopped treating me like a daughter

More like a friend.

Anyways. I heard of the new workers at my favorite tea shop. They've been making amazing tea. I've been so excited to try it.
Getting people waving and fangirling basically. It's always lovely to see my people after being cooped up for so long in the palace. It's pretty lonely...

My one friend... prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko was my only friend. But his father banished him after an Agni Kai. Our mothers were best friends.

Both disappearing together. It was weird...

"Ahem, your majesty." A man speaks causing me to jump.

"Hm? Sorry." My face heats up in embarrassment. Moving out of his way. The area is not the prettiest. I always used to think that everything was kept up and clean.

This isn't clean. The guards are mean...

I look at a building and smile as I see it's the tea shop. I walk faster, entering the shop. Getting gasps and whispers from people. They know who I am of course.

"Uhm... hi..." I wave awkwardly, a boy with a familiar burn walks up to me. "Just you?" His voice was raspy but calming to me.

"Yes. Just m~" "Lee! This is the Earth Kingdoms Princess! You must show respect." An older man exclaims... that's Iroh... General Iroh, Fire Nations-

"It's okay, really. Uh I would just like to try your famous tea. I've heard all about it." Clapping my hands, smiling widely.

"Well follow me, Princess." He shows me to a seat, the boy named Lee behind him.

Why is Iroh here...?

I sit down, my posture was straight, perfect like taught. Even though I hate it, I'm in public.

The boy stands there as the elderly man walks off to get my tea. "Lee, you seem familiar. Have I seen you before. Someplace?" Finally catching onto who this is.

Right after thinking of him too... how convenient.

"Uh... oh no. Just a refugee. My face probably just looks familiar." He stutters causing me to giggle.

"Of course... Prince Zuko." I whisper but it was of course loud enough for him to hear, his eyes widening.

"I... don't know who that is, your highness." He runs off before I could reply.

His uncle comes back, happy as ever, placing the cup down.

"Here you are." Bowing down, getting a small bow back from me. He watches me try the tea.

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