chapter 62

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she was a petite blonde, shorter than i am and wearing a small dress that just barely covered her behind. "colby!" she gasps and runs to him, her face falling at the sight of him.
colby: "not now, emily. i told you to wait in the car." he said angrily, wiping his face. emily? that is strangely close to emma.
emily: "babe, you're crying... what's happened?" she said sadly, rubbing his shoulder softly. babe? and he yells at me for moving on. he looked up at me, a sincere look before his famous blues flamed with fire. my heart dropped, but i imagine that's how he probably felt when i ran to brennen instead of him. betrayed and worthless... damnit, this is all my fault. i do very much miss him, though. his hugs, his smile... the way he cares for me. i didn't ever think that i would be in a situation where i love two men, one a little more than the other, but here i am. you're an idiot! my subconscious shouts.
colby: "i said go wait in the car!" he shouts at his supposed 'girlfriend' angrily, her eyes wide as she quickly turns on her heel to walk away. how is she prettier than me? i don't blame him for moving on, because i clearly did, but it just had to be someone prettier than i am. i mean, she's skinny, a little shorter than i am, her skin is fair and angelic, her hair is thin, straight and shiny... a beautiful bright blonde. i, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. i'm a little taller than she is, my hair is thick and wavy, i am not the skinniest and i am definitely not as angelic as she looks.
emma: "and you get mad at me for moving on? really?" i snickered in disbelief, shaking my head as i watch her strut away.
colby: "you moved on, what seems to be the problem?" he sassed, his tone angry and bitter. i eyed him evilly, my forehead brooding in anger. ouch...
emma: "why so sour?" i asked sarcastically, clenching my jaw as my head tilts in amusement. he opened his mouth slightly to say something, his eyes squinted and his forehead brooding, but brennen said something before he could.
brennen: "okay, enough of this. why are you really here, colby?" he asked forcefully, crossing his hands on top of each other directly below his waist. colby's eyes turned dark, an evil glint in his eye as he glared at brennen, completely diverting his attention from my own.
colby: "to come kill you, you son of a bitch. you know damn well what you did. a friend of mine told me you would be here tonight, but i didn't know you would be hoeing around with my ex-girlfriend whom i still love, so my plan wasn't followed through." he glared at me evilly before turning his attention back to brennen as he steps closer and closer coming face to face with brennen. kill him? for doing what?
emma: "look, i don't know what's going on here, but no one is killing anybody! can we just stop for a second? please?" i shouted, looking between the both of them. brennen's fists were balled up at his side while colby's were crossed in front of his chest. i was literally standing in front of two rivals and it, honest to god, scared me. it scared me because this wouldn't be happening had i just turned down brennen's offer of coming with him tonight. but on the other hand, brennen wouldn't have come home at all if i weren't here... so part of me is glad that i came along.
colby: "it's over for you, man. lights out." he muttered angrily, pulling a knife out of literally nowhere and aiming it quickly at brennen's torso, pushing his arm forthwith in demand.
emma: "no!" i screamed, a sharp sting brought to my vocal cords. i used all of my power and shoved colby away before he could cause any harm, standing next to brennen who's now awake and aware. colby looked at me in distress, angry as he stumbled on his feet from my force. brennen moves closer next to me, reluctantly placing his arm in front of me out of protection.
colby: "do you know what he's done, emma? he hurts people! he plays people and manipulates them!" he shouts, waving his blade and ushering it eagerly between brennen and i. his face was visibly red from anger and i could almost see the the steam coming out of his ears. his lips were curved downwards, almost like he was trying to keep from crying more than what he was.
emma: "you hurt people! you play people into getting what you want when you go on these kinds of "missions"! that doesn't make brennen any different!" i cried, wishing he would just stop yelling. my head is pounding and i honestly just want to go home. not my house, but brennen's because that's where i'm staying and that's where i want to be... with brennen. the smarter half of me wants to tag along with colby and go back to where it all started, but it's going to take time for me to feel the same way about colby as i used to because brennen is mainstream now. unless he doesn't feel the same way, which i doubt because of the way he held me and the way he looked at me when that blade was to my throat... it showed more than just a simple "let her go". not to mention, colby has a brand new pretty girl that he now calls his and that made it clear to me that i am no longer in the picture even if i tried to be.
colby: "but i do it for the better! why do you care about him so much?" he shouts, my ears ringing excessively while he ushers his hand aggressively between brennen and i.
brennen: "dude, chill out! she doesn't have to answer to you!" he protests, standing in front of me like a body guard.
emma: "brennen—" i gripped his arm, stopping in my tracks when colby belches out.
colby: "i didn't ask you! is your name emma? no, it's not! emma, why the fuck do you care about him so much?" he screams, my body shaking from the tone of his voice. oh my god...
emma: "colby, please!" i shout, sobbing my lungs out. my head is beginning to throb harder and harder and it's almost unbearable. i grab my head between my hands and sob loudly, practically begging him to stop screaming. colby moves closer to me, angry and heartless. it was scary for me because the only other time i had seen him this angry was when he was drinking excessively. he pushes brennen out from in front of me, brennen almost falling with force.
colby: "what? am i being too pushy? do you want me to leave you alone? what the fuck, emma!" he screams, pushing me forcefully. i fall backwards, landing on the floor onto my behind. i let out a grunt as i hit the ground, my tears falling faster and faster.
emma: "colby, what the hell!" i cry, watching as he hovers over me with the blade in his hand. his eyes were blazing and the color would be red if that were possible. he looked like satan at this very moment and i... i don't know what to do. brennen then charges towards colby and pushes him out of the way with everything in him and leans down towards me, gazing at me nervously. he asked me if i was okay, but all i could do was shake my head and belch out "no" while he held my face between his two hands. my head is throbbing, colby turned into a psychopath over the last four months, my dress is lifted and my ass is flush against the dirty ground... what the hell has this night been? brennen swipes his thumb against my cheek, wiping away the tears that won't stop falling. he soon helps me up, holding me steady as colby approaches us once more.
brennen: "colby, leave. you're hurting her." he said quietly, his tone bitter and cold. brennen turned his back to me, his arms spread out behind him as he acts as a wall in front of me. out of anxiousness, i grip a small part of brennen's dress shirt that is no longer tucked into his shirt and gaze at colby, worried about his next move. at this rate, he might as well just kill me if he's that pissed.
colby: "no! not until she answers me! why do you care about him so much?" he screams once more, his tears practically faded as he tucks his blade in the waistband of his jeans. this is all just pure anger coming from him and it's bad... scary, even.
emma: "if you're so mad at me, then why don't you just kill me? you've done enough already! just add it to the list! you know what they say, the more the merrier!" i scream at him, gripped brennen's t-shirt tighter and tighter. and just when i didn't think it was possible, colby's expression turned angrier. it was the look of the devil and i really don't want to be in presence right now.
colby: "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION, DAMNIT!" he screeches a soul-piercing scream. chills ran down my spine in fear and brennen's back landed flush against my front, his arms practically wrapped around me. i cried out loudly and shook my head, not wanting to answer him. if i say what he wants to hear, i'm admitting something to not only colby, but brennen and myself and it could change everything.
emma: "because i love him! okay? is that what you wanted to hear? i love someone other than you! in fact, maybe even more than you from the way you're acting! now, stop yelling, you're hurting my head and my ears and i want you to leave! you've done enough!" i scream loudly, shuddering as tears spill out like a river while i hold my head between my hands in pain. oh my god... sobbing uncontrollably, i glare at colby, watching as his face suddenly falls... his frowning, brooding face fallen in disappointment. i didn't bother looking at brennen who was standing in front of me protectively, worried about the face he's making at my admittance. colby, though, however, looked as if he had just seen a ghost. as i should've expected, he blind sided me by shaking his head and walking away, not saying a word. i was shocked and frozen in who knows what and all i could do was cry and cry. brennen surprised me by hugging me tightly, cradling my head as my blood curdling cries escape eagerly. he coos and calms me, muttering gentle, calming things in my ear.
emma: "brennen, my head! it's throbbing, it hurts!" i sob, holding him tightly.
brennen: "i know, baby, i know. it'll all be okay. we're going to get you home and get you some medicine, okay? i got you, i'm here." he cooed, rubbing my back as his nose settled on the top of my head.

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