chapter 47

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as colby played with my hair, i felt myself drift off to a light sleep. i started to think about what happened with brennen and what he even wanted me there for in the first place, him claiming that he could "sell" me. what the hell does that even mean? he wanted to sell me to some old guy that could use me for whatever he wants? no... god, no. i was glad colby had found where i was, even though i don't know how. did he know about this? he didn't... right? how could he have known that i was in a bunker four feet into the earth? i have no idea. as glad as i am that he came to my rescue, though, i could've done a little magic with the situation myself. i may be better at bluffing than i am fighting, but i could still do both. brennen wasn't scary... he was intimidating. but once i realized hat he tied my hands with fucking painter's tape, i knew that he couldn't do anything that my life could depend on... or so i thought. he threatened me with some very terrifying things before colby got there... colby still doesn't know what all he said. i'm not sure exactly what he heard, but i sure as hell hope he didn't hear the first part of the conversation... brennen threatening me. brennen's all bark... no bite. with mike, i was terrified. terrified at the way he went about things, how unattractively aggressive he was... how he was harsh and brutal, not caring about who was in pain and who wasn't. he had nothing, he felt nothing... and that's what causes most of the men and women that do the shit that they do. they take advantage of the free-hand feeling and just... go... and don't stop, just like serial killers. colby unexpectedly leaned in my ear and whispered that we had arrived at my apartment, dragging me out of my thoughts that had drifted to a very dark and godawful place. i opened my eyes and saw colby smiling down at me, gently pushing the stray hair off of my face. i smiled at him and got out of the car, hearing colby behind me as we walked into my building.
emma: "thanks for saving my life, guys! i love you all!" i shouted, chuckling, as sam rolled down the window as he drove off. he honked and waved in response and i heard elton and kevin laughing and cheering. dorks. when i entered my apartment, i sighed and shook my head in distress.
emma: "ugh!" i groaned and put my head in my hands, leaning on my kitchen counter. colby came up behind me and rubbed my back gently i turned around and hugged him tight.
colby: "it's over now, baby. i got you, i promise." he said calmly, opening his arms as he saw me stand up to him.
emma: "i love you." he hugged me tight, rubbing my back softly. fuck, my back hurts. i may have been kidnapped for the second time, but period cramps are way worse than brennen.
colby: "i love you more, princess," he paused, sighing, "it won't happen again, okay?" he continued,
kissing the top of my head. i nodded and we stayed like that for a few minutes. i finally had pulled away and told him that i was heading to the shower, even though i wanted to hug him for hours and hours on end. i stepped into my bathroom and stripped my clothes before letting the blazing water beat into my cold, shivering skin. i felt my muscles loosen and the stress lift off of my shoulders and that was when i felt better. the situation with brennen itself doesn't bother me... what bothers me is why do i keep getting kidnapped? why am i the center of attention twenty minutes of my mind flying went by and i stepped out of the shower and dried off. the first thing i did was find medicine in my bathroom cabinet and take it for my cramps. god, this sucks. being kidnapped while bleeding internally... not very envious of the situation. i got dressed and put on my tiny black shorts. i wandered over to my closet to look for another hoodie, but i didn't want to wear mine.
emma: "BABY!" i called out to him loudly so that he could hear me. he walked into my room and laughed.
colby: "you screamed?" he teased, sitting down on my bed. i laughed and smiled at him.
emma: "you using that?" i pointed to his hoodie that he was currently wearing. he smiled big and shook his head.
colby: "nope," he laughed, "you want to wear it, don't you?" he smiled.
emma: "yes." i laughed. he shook his head once more and he took off his hoodie before walking up to me with it in his hand.
colby: "cover those up, would you?" he teased, wrapping his hand around my right breast that was exposed because i didn't have a shirt on. i blushed and put the hoodie on as his hand released from me.
colby: "do you feel any better?" he asked sympathetically, his face softening as if he remembered something.
emma: "i feel the same... so no." i sighed, walking over to my bed as colby followed and sat next to me.
colby: "i'm sorry about brennen. he's an asshole."
emma: "no, it's okay. he wasn't that bad, if i'm being honest. the only problem was my annoyance at how much he talks about wanting to hurt me and harm me and all that other shit and he never did." i chuckled.
colby: "and he's not smart either. he used painters tape to wrap your hands up. what an idiot." he rolled his eyes and then smiled at me. i couldn't help but let a fat ass smile creep onto my face because of how fucking adorable colby was. he brought me into a tight hug and we stayed like that for a few minutes.
colby: "you're the strongest person i know." he whispered.
emma: "i try." i sighed.
colby: "i love you with all my heart and i want you to know that i will always be there for you... no matter what. nothing else is going to happen to you as long as you're with me. i promise." he kissed the top of my head.
emma: "i love you forever." i whispered, not knowing how to respond. he pulled away from the hug and smiled at me sadly as his big, blue eyes burned into my soul and cemented into my brain. i finally broke his gaze, smiling shyly at him before walking into the bathroom to brush my hair. he followed in behind me and stood in the doorway waiting for me. clingy ass.
emma: "what time is it?" he pulled out his phone the put it back in his jogger pocket.
colby: "almost 8."
jesus, these days are going by fast.
emma: "you have a job." i turned around to face him. his face dropped and he was quick to snatch his phone back out of his pocket.
colby: "oh shit," he mumbled, his eyes wide, "another reason why i love you. thank you for reminding me. i have to go." he took a large step towards me.
emma: "sleep at your place tonight. i'll come see you tomorrow." i looked up at him as i put my brush down.
colby: "aw, but why?" he frowned.
emma: "don't ask questions. i'll see you tomorrow. i love you." i leaned up and kissed his lips gently. he kissed back and pulled away and ran out of the door quicker than he possibly could've. i chuckled to myself and got into bed, deciding to call katrina and see what she was up to. i feel like i haven't talked to her in forever.

emma: "hey, katrina." i smiled.
kat: "hey, bestie." i could heat her smile through the phone.
emma: "how was your day?"
kat: "boring. how was yours?"
emma: "i got kidnapped, but then i was saved... so, it was fun, i guess." i chuckled.
kat: "oh my god, are you okay?" she said, her tone completely changing.
emma: "i'm okay, don't worry," i paused, hearing her breath of relief, "you're at sam's?" did sam not tell her?
kat: "yes, ma'am. but he left for a job."
emma: "i feel you. colby left two minutes ago. he was running late."
kat: "ah, so that explains why sam kept cussing at elton that colby would answer his phone." she laughed. i laughed and shook my head. yep... that's my colby.
kat: "you want to hang out tomorrow?"
emma: "yeah, of course."
kat: "we can see if the boys want to come with us wherever we decide to go."
emma: "sounds good to me."
kat: "alright, sis, i'm going to shower and go to bed. i'll see you tomorrow morning. love you."
emma: "love you, too." and just like that, the call was disconnected. i sighed, smiling, and plugged my phone in to charge before my mind went haywire... again. today was a long and rough day and i pray to god that i don't get kidnapped again... it's getting old. literally crying for my life and colby having to come save me at an inconvenience... it's all just old now. i'm not saying i would prefer getting kidnapped rather than going to the mall, but at this point, i don't think i'll ever even see the mall again if i keep ending up in people's bunkers and creepy ass sheds. go to sleep, emma. i sighed and shut my eyes, falling asleep until the very next morning.

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