chapter 44 (colby's pov)

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as emma walked out of the bathroom, i made eye contact with her and smiled at her as she smiled back. my smile quickly faded and my blood almost instantly boiled when i witnessed some douche saunter up behind her and slap her behind with no warning. go beat his ass, colby. no one touches her except me. who did this guy think he was? she turned around with anger in her eyes, i could see it. i took no time and stormed over to emma, making sure she was okay before anything. all i wanted was to treat the love of my life to some goddamn pancakes and i can't even do that without something unfortunate happening. emma looked up at me when i rested my hands loosely on her waist.
colby: "are you okay?" i asked calmly, feeling the fire in my eyes flame.
emma: "i'm fine. second booth to the left by the restrooms." she looked angry, but she also looked like she wasn't feeling the greatest. i was about to ask her if she was feeling okay, but she strolled out of the restaurant before i had a chance to ask her. i shook that thought aside and without delay, i briskly walked over to the two middle aged men who were sitting in the booth emma had pointed to. as soon as i approached the booth, i saw another man sitting opposite of the one who touched emma. must be his
guy one: "can i help you?" he asked rudely, looking up at me as if i owed him something. seriously, who does this man think he is?
colby: "so, you think it's okay to treat women like
that?" i balled my fists, clenching my jaw.
he smirked, "she had a fat ass, what do you care?" he brought the bottle of beer to his lips. oh, fuck no.
colby: "because that's my girlfriend, you prick." i brought my fist up and connected it with his face before he could say anything. his face fell backwards with force and his friend's, who sat opposite of him, mouth thinned as he looked up at me in disbelief.
guy two: "dude, what the hell!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air as he stood uncomfortably against the table where he sat.
colby: "what? you want some too?" i strike him in the face before he could answer.
colby: "you come near her again, and you're both dead. and just so we're clear," i paused, seeing the both of them hold their noses while they groan and ache in pain, "that wasn't a threat... i'm just saying how it is." i spoke sternly through gritted teeth and stormed out of the restaurant, ignoring all of the looks that were given to me as i strolled down the aisle of the restaurant to the entrance and exit double doors. two workers rushed over to where the two drunk men sat while some of the customers tried yelling for me to come back as if i was the one in the wrong. no, bullshit. they did it, i just handled their consequences. i walked back out into the car as calm as i could possibly be, even though i couldn't help the anger that came out of that situation, and emma was sitting in the passenger when i slid into the driver's seat next to her. she didn't say anything, but she looked nervous. she was twisting her rings and tapping her foot excessively which told me that her anxiety was spiked high, but she seemed okay other than that. i pulled out of the parking lot and put my hand on her thigh and started driving.
colby: "if someone ever touches you again, you let me know." my voice soft but harsh, circling my thumb around the small part of her thigh in comfort.
emma: "yes, sir." she teased, speaking in the deepest voice that she possibly could've, but failed, as a way to mock me. i chuckled and looked over at her, smiling at her brightness. again, even in the darkest of situations, she never fails to make me smile or make herself smile. she peered up at me through her long lashes with her big, beautiful blue eyes and as much as i wanted to stay looking in them, we were in a moving vehicle that i was controlling. i smiled at her and proceeded to drive, wondering if i should ask if she's feeling okay.
colby: "how's your wound?" i glanced back over at her in curiosity. she lifted up her shirt enough to show me the area that she was hurt and i was surprised when i saw that the previously open wound is now a scar.
emma: "it's getting there." she sighed, brushing her finger lightly over her scar.
colby: "it looks a lot better." i took my hand and brushed over her scar lightly, glancing between her and the road on a constant loop.
emma: "at least it's finally a scar. this damn thing was always in the way." she chuckled, looking back up at me as i removed my hand from her stomach. i am so in awe of her that it's unbelievable. she got shot with an actual, real-life bullet... for me! no one i had ever known would've ever done that for me. i don't even think sam would take a bullet for me. he may say he would, but if it comes down to it, he wouldn't... well, at least i don't think he would. i chuckled at her comment and my mind wandered back to the invasion from our opposing gang, which was when emma and i started to flirt and talk more. it was also when i told her about my friends and i being in a gang. with that thought running through my mind, i remembered the events leading up to how her and i started to mess with each other. that slit on her neck, caused by the asshole who threatened to take her for himself, hasn't been noticeable in quite a few weeks, almost a couple of months by now, since the invasion happened.
colby: "baby, do you remember that slit on your neck from the opposing asshole gang that bombarded our bunker?" i saw a ghost of a smile play on her lips out of my peripheral vision. that damn smile...
emma: "when you kind of saved my life because i was bleeding out? yeah, it healed a few days after it happened. it wasn't as deep as we thought it was."
i chuckled, "well, shit, you're just getting all bruised up, aren't you?" i teased, lacing my fingers with her own. she smiled down at our entwined hands and looked up at me, causing me to peer over at her as we came to a red light. why does she look so pail?
emma: "anything to be with you." she gave my hand a tight squeeze and smiled shyly, almost as if she was embarrassed by her choice of words. i couldn't help but smile my biggest smile. she truly owns my heart and i've come to the conclusion that if i lose her, i'm done for. i would never be the same... ever... if she left.
colby: "i love you." i smiled, but frowned when the light turned green and i had to look away from her.
emma: "i love you so much more, bubba." she leaned up and kissed my cheek. i blushed like the pussy that i am and proceeded to drive to who knows where. my mindless driving kicked in and i took the turn to go back to the bunker. it's probably best we go home for a little bit, anyways. after the situation at IHOP, i don't think i want to even look at anyone else except emma right now... and my friends, obviously.
emma: "can you stop at CVS really quick, please?" she asked softly, almost whispering, pointing out through the passenger window.
colby: "yeah, of course." i switched lanes so that i was pulling into the parking lot of the drugstore.
emma: "i'll be back." she said quietly when i put my corolla in park. she leaned over and kissed my lips ever so softly before she pulled away and started her trek into the store. from the way she was walking, she looked as if something was hurting her or bothering her. the brief thought of maybe that guy at IHOP did something else to hurt her or make her uncomfortable ran through my mind. but i eventually came to the conclusion that it could just be menstrual related. that had to be it, right? every female goes through it, so maybe that's what's wrong. i watched her walk inside the store and disappear out of my sight. everything about her just had me crazy and so super soft for her. i became to realize that i'm not as "badass" as i used to be, according to every single one of my friends. even sam had said to me that i'm not myself, but not as a negative factor. emma made me a softer person, but it was so worth it. she makes me the happiest man i could ever be. my thoughts ran wild of emma being the magnificent emma that she is, and i soon saw her walking back out into my view with a bag in her hand. she got in the car and teacher down to take a bottle medicine out of the bag she just brought out. she had a look of pain on her face and it made me feel terrible.
colby: "are you okay, my love?" i rubbed her back softly while she leaned down to put the remaining pills back in the drugstore bag.
emma: "no, i want to fucking die." she groaned.
colby: "don't say that." i warned, remembering our conversation from just a few weeks ago about what i didn't remember and what i did. it felt like my heart was ripped out of my body and left to dry out on a drying rack for everyone to see when she informed me that i had encouraged her to kill herself. it was the alcohol that influenced it because no normal human being would say that to the love of their life... i would think.
emma: "shit, i'm sorry." she said sadly, a cautious look on her face while she held her stomach in pain.
colby: "don't be, it's okay. here, lay down." i put my right arm onto the center console. she wrapped her arms around my own and held it tight, but not too tight, and she rested her head on my bicep. i leaned my head down to kiss her head and i started driving back to the bunker. again, i still couldn't get my head straight from what happend at IHOP. nobody touches my lady and he crossed the line... big time. he's lucky all i did was punch him. i would've done more if i didn't have an audience. goddamnit, which reminds me, i have pursuit later... damnit.

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