Perfect Chapter 38

Start from the beginning

Taking a sip of her drink, she looks at him softly, a buzz of content flowing through her. "Everything is perfect Dad, it'll be okay."

The man swings his arm around her wat hing the tv calmly, "Well," he starts, a playful grin on his face, "on the subject of kids, how's the whole Grandbabies coming along?"

A snort escaped Belle, smacking him as she sat up in her spot, giggles of disbelief escaping her joining with his.

Her entire life was just ideal.


Walking out of her home to take a stroll down the street, was the first time she'd felt it. The sense of feeling watched... yet when she'd looked around no one was there, the street was quiet, empty, with the after smell of rain hitting the warm concrete.

Thinking of it, she hadn't realized it was raining earlier, didn't even hear the familiar ping of droplets hitting the window, the woman didn't mind though, the smell was familiar, comforting, it was one of her favourite scents.

So, as she walked down the quiet street, in her ideal neighborhood and completely flawless life she couldn't help but pause at the thought.

Honestly she didn't remember how she'd gotten here, couldn't really push through the haze of her past. Of course, there was the vivid feeling of sand, salt water, and aching muscles of bootcamp and her time serving. The recollection of Jaibrien getting down on one knee during the celebration dinner of her graduating with her doctorate in Criminal Science and Psychology, her family surrounding her, the cheer of Garcia and happy spin of Spencer when she'd said yes.

There were flashes of the wedding, her sweaty palms as she watched herself in a full white gown, one that hugged her waist and flared out at her hips. The beautiful diamond and lace flowers that wrapped around in sheer long sleeves. Her hair picked up and curled. She could practically Spencer in his cool grey suit he'd wore as he hugged her and promised to see her down there as her best man.

There was the comforting image of her father standing beside her, grabbing her arms as he handed her the bouquet, walking her down the isle, only to see Jaibrien in her navy blue velvet suit, tears springing in both of their eyes.

There was the honeymoon.

And then the house.

And now, Jaibrien would come home after long days, and Belle would greet her, they would talk about the cases, if it was a good day or bad and Belle would fall asleep in her arms.

It was... is there any other word but perfect?

So here she was, waiting to go to an interview that might change her life again. God she could remember the long nights with Jay when she woke up with PTSD, from War or her Childhood, it was whatever her brain picked for the night.

Thinking about it now... she hadn't had nightmares in a while. Plus Jaibrien hadn't lost a case in what seemed like forever.

Why was everything so... perfect?

So when Belle was walking down that damn street, in that damn neighborhood, with all of those white fricken picket fences... why did she get the feeling that everything wasn't... perfect?!

Looking down at her feet and up at the darkening sky, she couldn't help it. The emotions waiting to bubble over. She just wanted it to stay the way it was. So why did it feel like she was going to loose it?

Shrugging it off she turns, to go back, to go home, her safe place that was filled with the scent of lemon, the feeling of love and most importantly her wife.

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