Kylie: Hey girl! I'm walking Porter. Wyd?
Me: I'm walking Ace! Hey, meet up with me! I'm on 76th by the mini-market!

Moments later, Kylie came around the corner. Our dogs love each other so darn much!
It's really cute to watch them play together. We decided to go to the doggy park so we could play with them.
"I'm so glad we don't have any work today."
"Me too, but I don't know if it really helps."
"Why do you say that?"
"I have to write a speech for this thing I'm attending about my assault, and I don't know how to start." Kylie thought.
"Think of it as one of Mr. Fletcher's essays, you need a hook to reel them in, don't be afraid to get a little personal."
"I like that. Thanks! But, what should I start with?"
"You could start with when it first happened. But, I don't wanna tell you exactly what to start with. It's your story. Tell it in whichever way feels most natural to you."
"Wow, thanks, Kylie. That really helps."
"Anytime, Bell."
"Now come on, let's go play fetch with these adorable cuties!"
I was now back inside and in my bedroom. I just finished having dinner with Lucy, Leia, and Noah. I feel full and ready to write! I got a piece of loose leaf from my drawer and picked up my lucky purple pen. Whenever I use this pen to write something, I usually get a really good grade on it, so I figured it'd be smart to use it. I began writing.

First I wanna start off by saying thank you, all of you for listening. I'm going to try my hardest not to ramble. I do that quite a lot. (10-second breather)
When I was a little girl, say 4 years old, you could say that I was a pretty happy child. I went to preschool, played with friends, and most importantly, I got to spend time with my Mom, Maria.

I suddenly dropped my pen.

Nine years ago
"Mommy, push me higher on the swing! Higher Mommy! I wanna fly! I wanna fly."
"Okay baby! Hold on really tight!"

"What was that?!" I whispered. Maria and I had fun together?! Blech! No! Ew! I erased what I had just written.
"Let's start over."

When I was five years old, my biological mother traded me for drugs. It was confusing to me. All of these big men around, it was scary. Things were okay at first, but then, they began to rape me. I didn't understand what was happening to me. All I knew was that I was scared. This is what jumpstarted my fear of other people as a little girl.
I liked this intro way better, but at this point, I was starting to feel burned out. I decided to call it a night and go take a shower.

8 Years Ago...
"Ow! That hurts." I said. I cried. The big men would always hurt me. I was scared of the big men. I was scared of everything. If the door opened I would hide. If the curtain moved, I would cry. I don't even know what's not scary anymore. Everything things me. I looked down at my skirt. There was blood all over it.
"Nooooo!" I screamed.
My Office (Olivia's Perspective)
"Bella! Are you fresh out of dance class?" I asked.
"Yeah, I also took a shower at the gym, I feel tired and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to shower tonight. I got some work to finish up." She told me.
"What is it?"
"Algebraic equations. Pretty easy ones at that." I watched as she got to work with her calculator and wrote all over her homework.
"You really are a math wizard."
"How's it going with your speech?" Bella sighed.
"It's going okay, sometimes when I write though, it doesn't seem good and I just end up crumpling it up or erasing it."
"Would you like help?"
"No, it's okay." She said with a big smile.
"I'm really proud of you. This is a very big step for you, Bella Danielle!" She giggled. I gave her a kiss and she pulled away playfully.
"Stop smothering me, Mother!" She joked.
"Whatever, Bella."
"Mom can we please go shopping?!"
"Sure, when I can find the time we can go. Oh, and sweetheart, about your birthday party, things are being finalized!"
"Yay! I'm so excited! I'll be right back, I need to use the restroom!"  My sweet girl.
Thursday, November 15th (10:30 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
I was still writing my speech and the event was Saturday. Gosh. What was I to do?!

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