Ch. 14 Setting In

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*Jack's POV*

Was that... the witch?

My heart was racing and my head was suddenly pounding. It felt as if there was a whole construction team inside my head. I winced, holding a hand to my head and still looking at where I saw the witch.

"Jack?" It was North. He put a steadying hand on my shoulder and I had only just noticed I was swaying. "You alright, mate?" Bunny stood in front of me, my vision began to tunnel and my hearing faded out a little.

I pointed at where I saw her, "The w-witch.. was.." I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Whats going on?? "... ack..? Ja..!! JAC-" I fell back onto North, everything going cold and dark.

*North's POV*

Jack had stayed at his and his sister's grave, so I made my way back over to him to see if he was doing alright. When I got closer I noticed he wasnt facing the headstones anymore, in fact, he was facing the gate and was swaying side to side.

"Jack?" I asked calmly, fearing I might startle him. Which I did. He jumped and would have fallen over if I hadn't steadied him with my hand. Bunny had followed me, possibly senseing something off about the boy.

"You alright, mate?" He asked. The frail boy remained staring at the gates in unease and seemed to be having trouble breathing. I held him upright and looked at Bunny worriedly, the others seemed to have begun to notice the scene unfolding.

"The w-witch.. was.." Jack began to look pale and frightened. "Jack? Mate, can you hear me, are you alright!" Bunny was in front of him trying to gain Jack's attention but it didnt seem to be working.

"Jack!" I tried to gain his attention but his eyes began to flutter closed. Jamie and the others came rushing over at the sound of mine and Bunny's panic, "JACK!!" They shouted. The boy's head suddenly lulled back and he fell into my arms, unconscious.

Gen quickly rushed over and felt Jack's face as I cradled him gently in my arms. She gave a relieved sigh, "He's running a slight fever and he seems to have fainted from stress induced shock." She looked up at me.

"He'll be just fine after plenty of rest.. My guess is that everything came crashing down on him after seeing the witch?" She looked at me for confirmation, she had over heard what Jack said before he fainted.

I nodded. "I knew he was handling all of this too well," she smiled sadly. "Lets get him back to my house and tend to that fever." She finished. I felt his head and he was alarmingly warm.

We gathered our things and made our way back to Gen's residence. "Lay him on the couch, I'll get blankets" She stated, going to a cupboard under the stairs and pulling out a few plush blankets.

*Gen's POV*

North laid Jack onto the couch and I pulled out some blankets. I set them on the edge of the couch and took off Jack's shoes, setting them on the floor and out of the way.

I wrapped him up in a soft fuzzy blanket, taking a minute to let his body react. He shivered. "Okay then.." I mumbled as I put another one on him, his body relaxed into a very small set of shivers and he seemed to snuggle into the blankets.

"Jamie, can you get me a cool damp cloth please?" Jamie nodded and did what I asked. Once I had the cloth, I gently moved Jack's hair out of his face and rested the cloth on his forehead.

He scrunched up his face at the sudden contact but eased himself, breathing softly. I gave a relieved sigh. "We absolutely hate to have to do this but.." I looked up at Tooth. "We do have to be returning to our duties." She looked sad and worried.

I gave a reassuring smile, "Its no problem at all. Than you for spending the day with us, I'm sure Jack would appreciate it." Tooth gave a small smile, "Oh!" She pulled out a small diamond shaped object. "Press this if you need us, its like a walkie talkie! Let us know when he wakes and please give us updates!" She seemed like a worried mother, I gave a smile.

"Will do, stay safe." They nodded and said their goodbyes and left. A few of the kids sat on the floor next to the couch to keep an eye on Jack, and the others sat in lounge chairs or on the floor.

I gave them a soft smile, "He's going to be just fine guys," I said. "We know, its just.. we've never seen him like this." Jamie said worriedly. "I understand.. anyone hungry? I was thinking about making some lasagna for dinner." I gave a smile as they all perked up.

"Yes please!" They cheered. I smiled and got it ready to go in the oven. "Now we just let it thaw a little and let the oven heat up!" I smiled, glancing at Jack who's face is very flushed.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter and apologies that it's not very long! I will try and update again very soon!!

Anyway, stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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