Ch. 43 Some Rest

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Gen sat with Jack for hours, switching between rubbing his arm and humming soothing tunes. She had noticed that he begun to look tired, but wouldn't let himself fall asleep.

"When was the last time you slept, Sweet Pea?" She asked softly after a while. He shrugged at her question. "Probably last week?" He mumbled quietly, making Gen frown. "You're obviously tired, why do-" she began but Jack interrupted her.

"Not tired." He argued. She sighed, ceasing the rubbing on his arm. "Jack I'm not going to let you stay awake and be more miserable than you already are. Don't make me sedate you like when you came to the hospital with me." She threatened, though Jack considered being sedated.

On the plus side, he'd have a dreamless sleep with no risk of nightmares. But on the downside his immortality might mess with the sedation somehow. He played with the thought for a moment before speaking. "I don't want to have anymore nightmares." He concluded.

Gen sighed, "Sweet Pea.." she understood where he was coming from and her heart bled for him. "Try some melatonin first, if that doesn't work then we'll see." She wasn't planning on sedating him, but he had to reason with her.

"Gen, I'm not human anymore. Mere suppliments won't work. I have tried." He explained. "If I were to get hit with a normal tranquilizing dart, it wouldn't do much, maybe ake me a little dizzy, unless it was like a horse or elephant dart. If you get what I'm saying." He went into a more detailed explination.

"I've already tried to go to sleep on my own, and melatonin. None of it is working. So I'd rather stay awake." He finished. He didn't want to risk any nightmares so he decided he'd power through it.

Gen frowned, she didn't want to sedate him. They sat silently for a moment. "How about some chocolate milk? Maybe it'll help you relax a bit." She looked down at him as he shook his head. He didn't have an appetite for anything and he didn't want her to leave.

She nodded in understanding and stayed put, rubbing his arm again and humming softly. She suddenly remembered when he had gotten sick after their visit to the courthouse, how she had pressed her hand over his forehead and eyes. It had calmed him and soothed him into sleep, so maybe it'll help.

Very gently she moved her hand from his arm and to his forehead, brushing his bangs from his face and gently running her fingers across his forehead, all the while she still hummed softly.

Jack had furrowed his brows slightly, but relaxed as the action was soothing him and helping him relax. It was amazing how she seemed to know how to help him. She smiled as she felt his tense form relax and hearing him let out a deep sigh.

Soon his eyes began to droop and his head lulled forward slightly. This told Gen that he was on the brink of sleep, but was still fighting. She then pressed her palm over his eyes and forehead gently, using her thumb to continue the soothing motions like before.

Not long after this, Jack's whole body went slack and he breathed deeply, yet softly with sleep. Gen continued stroking her thumb on his temple and kept the quiet humming going. She leaned against the bed, pulling the blanket over the both of them as she sat with him.

She was hoping he'd sleep soundly but decided to stay awake just in case, just as she had done before. Later on in the night, she pulled out her phone and texted Jamie. 'He let me in today.' she texted.

'Really?! Is he okay??' Came Jamie's quick response. 'He's a little worse for wear but I think he'll be okay.' she replied. Without hesitation, Jamie replied quickly, 'Can I see him??'

Gen opened the camera option and held her phone out to take a picture. She smiled softly at the camera as her hand still rested upon Jack's brow, but a soft and peaceful expression adorned his face in the dimly lit photo.

Before sending the photo, she attatched a message, 'I've been with him all day and night, and finally got him to sleep.' She smiled at the picture, it was quite a cute one. Jack's mouth hung open ever so slightly, his lashes brushing his flushed cheeks, he looked so small and precious when he slept.

'Omg thats a great picture, its a rare sight to see Jack sleeping. I'm saving that.' Jamie's response made Gen chuckle silently. 'Lol, I agree. But its late so get some sleep and we hope to see you soon.'

Once their goodnights had been sent, Gen put her phone away and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to sleep, she was just resting. She smiled as Jack shifted in her arms, letting out a big huff as he did so.

Gen opened her eyes and looked out the window and at the moon. "Why won't you just give him a break? He's just a boy." She frowned as the moon shown it's beautiful yet merciless light into the window.

She sighed and pulled Jack a bit closer. She'll protect him at any cost, even if it's the last thing she ever does.

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