Ch.4 Rescue

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Bright light.

Where am I?


What's going on?

"Hello, can you hear me?"

I woke with a start, inhaling deeply.

Uknown P.O.V.

He woke with a jolt and a sharp breath. His eyes were wide, and frantic. "Sir, please remain calm. The ambulance is here." I coaxed, holding his trembling body in my arms.

"W-where-" I shooshed him. "You're all right. You were unconcious in the woods, some kids found you. They said they think they know you." I told him.

He breathed a little slower. The medics came and wrapped a blanket around him and set him on a gurney. I stayed with him, to keep him calm.

I had gotten him out of the woods with the help of some of the medics. The children were deeply concerned, and one boy, Jamie, was silently sobbing. They were going to the hospital with some police officers to get statements and be with the young boy.

At the moment we had began to drive off, and the boy had fallen back into unconciousness. "So, Gen," I looked up at Luke. He was one of the medics and also my friend. "You know those kids?" He asked. I nodded and smiled softly. "Yes, I sometimes babysat them." I replied.

Jamie and Sophie are the sweetest kids. Always talking about Guardians and Jack Frost- wait. I froze. I furrowed my brow and looked down at the shivering boy. "What is it?" Luke asked.

"The kids always talked about someone named Jack Frost-" Luke interrupted me. "But he's just a myth." he stated. I slowly nodded. "But, when they found him, they were calling his name and saying ' That's Jack! Thats him!' And I think this is that Jack they always told me about." I told him.

"Maybe so, but Jack Frost? Ha! You must be in one of your dilusions again." He laughed. I reached over and punched his arm. "They aren't dilusions! I swear I saw a giant rabbit and some humanoid hummingbird things!" I told him, earning an eye roll and a change of subject.

"You think he'll be ok?" He asked, sullenly. "He isn't injured, nor does he have frostbite. Thats a miricle in itself. But, I think at most he has a fever." I told him, touching the boy's forehead. He seemed to wince, but just barely.

I'm not yet sure if Jack is his name so I will just wait on that. We pulled up to the hospital and the nurses pulled the boy to a room. Jamie and his friends arrived at the same time. I stayed behind so the doctors could examine him in peace.

Jamie tried to run after him but I held him back. "No!" He faught. "Let me see him!" He punched and kicked. I was knelt down as he did this. I hugged him and held him quietly "Shh.." ing him.

He slowly calmed down and sobbed into my shoulder. "Its going to be okay, Jamie. He's not hurt, no frostbite, at most he has a fever." I told him and his friends just as I had told Luke.

I looked at his friends, all the while rubbing circles on Jamie's back as I held him. A nurse walked out. "Gen?" She asked. I let go of Jamie and stood. "Yes?" I asked. "He's awake. You can all see him, now. However," she began with a kind voice. "Be very careful when you go in. He's a bit shaken up and still in shock." With that she took us to the room.

Jack's P.O.V.

I woke up in a room. The hospital... I recalled. I faintly remember a woman telling me that I was being taken there. Thats about it. THAT WITCH!! I sat up, but feeeling the blood rushing to my brain I leaned back. "Well hello there." A woman's voice cheered. I looked toward where it came from and found a short woman with black hair put in a bun.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked. She came over and put a gentle hand on my arm. "Well, the report says that a group of children found you. They claimed they know you." She explained.

Was it Jamie and the others who found me? Or someone else. "They said your name was Jack?" She asked, looking up from her chart. I blinked and nodded slowly. Ugh my head...

"Oh, thats very good. I will let them see you if that is alright?" She kindly smiled. I was still trying to process how and why this is happening. She left the room and I felt a shiver go down my spine.

Am I... cold?? The door clicked and in came a group of kids. Oh my god... it was them... Jamie's eyes widened and he tried not to cry. I stared at all of them as they stared at me. A woman, the same one that had told me where I was going earlier, was with them.

She had closed the door and then she spoke up when no one else did. "Jack?" I looked at her. "Jack Frost?" She asked. I took a moment, my eyes never wavering away from her gaze. How can she see me? I slowly nodded, Jamie finally breaking down, as did a few of the others.

I snapped my head in their direction, away from the woman's. At that moment, I saw a tuft of brown hair float into my vision. What the?! Without any warning I ripped the blankets off of me and bolted toward the room's bathroom.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. I saw myself in the mirror. Familiar brown eyes. Fluffy brown hair. Pale-peach skin. I was human. I noticed I was no longer wearing my blue hoodie or dearskin pants.

Instead, I wore a hospital gown and had a patient's wrist band. I walked into the doorway, put one hand on the wall, stared in shock at the floor, and ran a hand through my hair.

Jamie walked up to me and asked shakily, "Is it really you...?" I looked at him, inhaled and exhaled deeply and shakily. "Y... yeah... It's me.." I breathed out. He threw his arms around me and I did the same to him, dropping to the ground as I did. The others came and hugged us as well.

"It's me..." I whispered again.

Curse Of A Witch (Book 1) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora