Ch. 36 Happy

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*No One's P.O.V.*

"Ah!! Cold, cold, cold!!" The children exclaimed, quickly pulling away from their frosty friend. Though he was smiling, he was a bit puzzled by their reaction. They had never pulled away like that because of his cold body temperature before, so why'd they do it now?

His attention was brought back by Mother Nature, "You are significantly more powerful than you were before." She gazed at him with a soft yet wary expression that made Jack a bit nervous. The boy folded his arms as if to hug his power to himself, being mindful of how delicate humans are to the cold.

"Which is why you'll need this back," she stated, holding out his beloved staff for him to take. For a reason Jack couldn't quite grasp, he was hesitant and wary of taking it. He looked at the dull staff, void of magic as he was used to seeing it possess.

"Go on Sweet Pea, its okay," Gen coaxed. At her voice Jack's attention snapped to her direction. He had momentarily forgotten she was there, but smiled softly at her. She seemed to always know what to say to him.

He took a deep breath and gently took hold of his trusty staff. Upon making contact with it, a bright burst of light forced everyone to shield their eyes until it dimmed shortly after. The boy blinked, his swirling thoughts and feelings seemed to calm as the staff pulsed with his power.

His brightly glowing eyes dimmed to a vibrant blue that wasn't so straining to look into, the frost and ice around his feet stopped spreading so rapidly and came out in thinner layers. Jack blinked, taking a moment to just process this all.

After giving him a moment, Mother Nature gently tilted his head up from his chin to look at her. "You are not only Jack Frost, you are the King of Winter." She paused with a small smile, "and you are the 5th Guardian. Welcome back."

Jack's wide eyed gaze bore into Mother Nature, with such childlike wonder and excitement that she couldn't help but chuckle at. "There will be a proper ceremony to announce your return and for your official coronation, but we'll talk about that another time.

"It's almost Christmas, you have some catching up to do." And with that, she made her leave, waving to her winter spirit's friends as she left. A small gust of warm wind rustled Jack's hair as she completely disappeared into the forest that made Jack shiver.

He held his staff close and for whatever reason, he looked down to check on Pitch but found the Boogyman gone. A small purple Dhallia in his place as Mother Nature's signature. The still dazed boy blinked at it, then looked up at the expectant Guardians, blinked again, then looked at Gen and the children, blinking once more.

He looked down at himself. "Cor.. onation?" He mumbled aloud, unknowingly. Gen laughed, bringing his attention back to her only to find her coming towards him with wide open arms. Instinct made him drop his staff to his feet and hugged her tight when she made contact with him.

He burried his face into her shoulder, sighing deeply. He wasn't much for physical contact but she made him feel safe and comfortable, which drew him to lean into her embrace more. A sniffle snapped him into reality and his head shot up, immediately going into a protective state.

"What's wrong? Are you alright? Are you hurt?" He questioned hurriedly and looking her over for injury. She chuckled and shook her head, "No, no! I'm okay, I just-" he paused, wiping a tear from her face and looking into Jack's worried gaze.

"I didn't want you to die, I was scared," she paused again and Jack's expression softened into understanding. "I'm just so happy you're alive!" She exclaimed, yanking him back into the hug while earning a surprised yelp from him as she did so.

He hugged back with no hesitation, but was being extra gentle now. "I'm not too cold.. am I?" He was slightly nervous as he asked this, but was relieved when Gen shook her head. "Cold, but I can handle it. Don't worry, Sweet Pea." She reassured to which Jack nodded in response.

"You look so different.." she trailed, Jack nodded again. "I know.." he replied but smiled at Gen's next response. "It suits you." She let him go at this, taking in his new appearance. "Jack Frost, huh?" She chuckled as he pinched her nose. "Nippin' at your nose," he subtly sang, making her laugh more.

He let go while also laughing, but rubbed his chest slightly as he felt his internal clock start ticking for his job as a spirit. "What's wrong?" Gen noticed but Jack shook his head. "Nothing, just my core clock starting back up and telling me to go spread winter." He sighed, not wanting to do it yet.

Gen smiled, "We'll be here when you get back. Shouldn't take you that long now that you're the 'King of Winter', right?" She smiled at her Sweet Pea as he grew slightly flustered at that. She was so proud of him, he has been so strong.

"I'll have dinner waiting so don't be too long." As if to agree with her, the wind swooped him up as he picked up his staff, he glanced at everyone almost unsure if he should really go right now.

"We'll be there too mate, its a special occasion," Bunny nodded for him to go and Jack smiled brightly, eager to come back to his family. And with a quick wave, he soared high into the sky to spread his magic and some fun.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Sorry for the short chapter and for the slow update, I've been struggling with my mental health lately and didn't have motivation to update. I hope you liked it.

*Jack Frost*

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