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Hey there Snowflakes.

I know I don't really do A/N's and some of you may not even care to read, but if you're reading this, I appreciate it.

So I've been feeling different things about this book. I feel that I probably should have ended it quite a few chapters ago but there were still subjects I wanted to touch on.

Its probably just me, and I know some of you are still enjoying this book but I wanted to know if I made the right decision in continuing it instead of ending it.

My reasoning is because this book was originally intended to just be about Jack becoming human and if he would become a spirit again or not, and that was supposed to be it. However, I got so obsorbed in it and the issues that I touched on made me realize that it wouldn't really be right to just give Jack some trauma and then end it on "you're a spirit again, yey!" If that makes any sense.

There may be character growth and there definately has been, but I'm just not sure if the story is running too far. Maybe I will edit the summary so that it gives more insight instead of only jack's journey as a human, because he's dealing with things as a spirit as well.

I'm sorry for this kind of "update" but I felt the need to address it.

*Jack Frost*

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