Ch. 26 "Ms. Lockwood"??

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack leaned back in the hospital bed with a deep sigh, Baby Tooth hopping down to sit on the bed beside him. He took his hood off and rubbed his temples, scrunching his face slightly as his head throbbed.

"What am I going to do Baby Tooth?" He asked, tilting his head to the side to look at her. She squeaked sadly at his question. He sighed and stared at the wall for a second. "You think he stuck some weird brain worm in my head that causes nightmares until it hatches? And when it hatches will I become a mindless zombie who can only walk super slow and say 'braaaiiinnnsss'?" He rambled, looking back down at her for an answer.

She stared up at him, slightly disturbed. She wasn't sure if he was being serious or trying to joke around so she didn't respond. "Yeah, you're right. I'm losing my marbles." He sat back up.

"Correction." He stood up, Baby Tooth eyeing him warily. She wasn't sure if he was okay in the head right now. "I've already lost them~" he sang, stretching and digging in his backpack. Baby Tooth squeaked in slight concern for the boy.

"Hah?" He paused his aimless search and looked over at her confused. She squeaked again, but he just blinked, shrugged and tossed his bag to the side. "Brain worms. Gotta love'em." He muttered nonchalantly.

Baby Tooth pressed the "Call Nurse" button. She knew Jack was a bit off but she couldn't do anything to help. She had asked Jack to please get back in bed twice but he seemed like he didn't understand which was very strange. He was fluent in her language.

Another thing that worried her was the fact that he wasn't trying to hold her anymore. Ever since she'd hurt her wing, he refused to let go of her. The boy began to fiddle with the window, seemingly trying to open it for some reason but it was locked. Though, that hasn't registered in Jack's mind yet.

A few moments later while Jack was still struggling, a nurse came in. Upon realizing it wasn't Gen, Baby Tooth quickly hid in the blanket. "Yes?" She asked confused. She tilted her head slightly as she noticed Jack struggling at the window.

"Sir?" She asked louder to get his attention, which was successful. He turned to her and his expression grew unimpressed. "Uh huh." He deadpanned. "Th-the window-" she began, kind of nervous now.

"You're not Ms. Lockwood." He stated, standing up straight. His expression and demeanor had turned menacing and unnerving. Baby Tooth was glad that he didn't have his powers right now or the whole room would likely be iced over and his normal ice blue eyes would have been a deep navy.

But, again, luckily he doesn't have his powers. "A-apologies!" She quickly left the room to retrieve Gen. Jack grumbled and went back to trying to open the window. "UGH!" He ahouted angrily as he began to search for something to break it with.

Baby Tooth poked her head out of the blanket, squeaking frantically for him to stop as he searched the room, she'd realized what he was trying to do. She couldn't tell if he was ignoring her or if he just couldn't understand her but he looked more and more irritated.

Gen quickly opened the door with a worried, "Sweet Pea?" She closed the door behind her as Jack froze, his arm reeled back to punch the window. He stared at her for a moment with that same menacing look as before but it quickly changed to innocent and giddy.

"Ms. Lockwood!! How are you doing?~" his voice had a sweet ring to it, though his arm was still in a punching position. Alarms were blaring in Gen's head but she remained calm. "I'm doin' okay, how about you? Wanna take a seat so I can hang out with you?" She asked in her usual sweet tone.

"Sure!" He quickly went and sat on the bed criss cross apple sauce with an excited grin. "I missed you, Ms. Lockwood!" He sang happily. She sat beside him, mindful of Baby Tooth as she slid a hand into the pocket of her scrubs.

"I missed you too Sweet Pea!" She sang back at him. She noticed how he seemed to smile more at that, so she continued. "I suppose you were getting a little lonely in here without me then?" She asked and he nodded quickly.

"Aw, I'm sorry. You must be tired too, huh?" She asked and he hesitantly shrugged. "Well I'm here now," she opened her free arm for a hug which Jack moved into. As quick as she could she pulled her other hand out of her pocket and stuck the needle she'd hidden in her pocket, into his neck.

"Ow!" He shouted, jerking back and putting a hand on the spot where she pricked him. "I'm sorry Sweet Pea but you're dilerious.. you never call me Ms. Lockwood." She said solemnly. Baby Tooth squeaked worriedly as she watched her friend closely, hoping he wouldn't do anything harsh.

"B-but.." he tried, his vision beggining to blur as he felt unsteady sitting up. "W-wh-" his voice was beginning to slur. "You're just taking a nice long nap, okay? You'll be safe here, hun." She held his shoulder to steady him.

His eyes focused and unfocused as he tried to look at her. He didn't seem to notice her lay him down and bring the blanket over him. "B-ba.. b'tooth.." he incoherently mumbled. Said fairy instantly rushed to appear in front of his face with a squeak saying "I'm here!"

He let out a loopy giggle at the sound, his eyes slipping closed and his breathing evening out. He was out cold. Baby Tooth squeaked in question, seeming to check if he was really knocked out or not.

Gen sighed deeply and Baby Tooth looked up from her friend. "I should have done that earlier," she dimmed the lights. "The nurse that answered the call from here kind of told me what happened and that he asked for 'Ms. Lockwood' so I came prepared. I'm assuming you're the one that called?" She asked the small fairy, who nodded.

"Thank you, I have to get back but call if anything happens okay?" She asked, recieving a nod. Gen gave Baby Tooth's head a gentle pat and kissed Jack's temple. "Sleep well, kiddo." She smiled softly and exitted the room.

Baby Tooth returned her gaze to her sleeping friend. She was so worried for him that she quietly sobbed, calling her mother on a tiny device on her sash. It was almost like a hologram video call for the tooth fairies.

After a moment, Tooth picked up. "Baby Tooth? Is veryt- whats wrong, why are you crying?!" She asked worriedly. Tooth was at the Pole with the other Guardians, so hearing their member in a slight panic and hearing that Baby Tooth was crying worried them all.

They gathered around to try and see what the issue could be. Baby Tooth let out a series of squeaks and chirps, flailing her arms and desperately trying to dry her tears. Tooth's expression grew anxious and a bit fearful as the tiny fairy chirped.

"Hey, thats Jack behind her," Bunny pointed out, literally pointing at the hologram. "He's sleeping?" North asked as he looked closer. Tooth clarified, "she said that he started acting strange, calling Gen 'Ms. Lockwood', talking to himself, rummaging for things that weren't there-" she paused as Baby Tooth said something else that surprised Tooth.

"He what?" She asked in shock, Baby Tooth chirped. "H-he scared off a nurse and was trying to break the window open with his own fist." She finished. The other Guardians were at a loss for words. That didn't sound like Jack at all.

"His whole attitude changed when Gen came in, like he was bipolar, she had to inject him and put him to sleep, so thats why he's sleeping now." She added with a sigh. Baby Tooth was still sobbing, however. "Baby Tooth calm down, its okay. You did the right thing by pressing the 'call nurse' button." Tooth reassured.

"I know you're upset lil one but you did the bloke a favor. He's getting much needed rest now so when he wakes up, he'll be our lil show pony again." Bunny told her with a confident reassuring smile that seemed to do the trick. The fairy nodded and chirped a few times, wiping the rest of her tears away.

"Okay, Sweetie. We'll talk again soon." Tooth replied and hung up. "Poor fairy. So worried about Jack," North mused solemnly, shaking his head. "I know. But we've located Pitch so this will all be over soon." Tooth added with determination.

"Well, mostly." Bunny commented, silently referring to Jack's curse. They all began preparations for their next move as Jack, finally, slept peacefully. Unbeknownst to them all, Pitch was expecting them.

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