Ch. 30 What Is Going On?

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack had stopped dead in his tracks at Pitch's statement, staring wide eyed up at the slender man. Pitch turned to face him as he'd heard the boy's footseteps halt. "Was it that shocking?" Pitch tilted his head in slight amusement at Jack's expression.

Jack was at a loss for words, his mind going 1,000 miles a minute. Pitch chuckled at the lack of response. "I don't wish to harm you." He stated, turning his back to Jack as he continued to walk, silently mouthing the words, "not yet." To which Jack obviously didn't catch.

The human boy hesitated but followed the Boogyman, why he followed him was a mystery to even Jack, but he did. They reached the cave entrance quite quickly, Jack's eyes straining against the darkness as he relied solely on his flashlight and Pitch for guidance.

Something in Jack's gut twisted and churned, as if something was wrong, but the boy was curious and he couldn't back out now. He knew that he was in Pitch's element now and he was basically defenceless, aside from a measly taser in his pocket.

He kept his free hand in the pocket gripping the taser, knowing that if something went wrong, that taser would be somewhat useless against the Boogyman, but it'll give him a head start to run. As Jack followed his enemy, he calculated any possible escape routes, trying his best to remember each turn they took.

"Scared?" Pitch looked back at Jack with a smirk, his face looking creepier than usual in the light of the flashlight. The boy in question glared, "Cautious." He stated as he continued looking ahead, realising they had been twisting and turning around corners for quite some time.

Jack stopped, a sinking feeling taking hold of his core. Something was wrong, very wrong. Pitch stopped as well not looking back at him, however, when he spoke it sounded like multiple voices in one. "What's wrong, Jack? Are you scared?" The voices came out in bellowing laughter that shook the boy to his core, yet Pitch remained unmoving.

Jack turned on his heel, sprinting for the exit. "RUN JACK!" The voices seemed to chase him, laughing hysterically. They repeatedly told him to run, louder and louder, laughing harder and harder as he ran as fast as he possibly could, until suddenly he was waking up gasping for air on the edge of the woods.

A hand pressed firmly on his chest, worried faces swarming his vision as his body struggled against the hands gripping his shoulders. He hadn't realized his hearing hadn't came in until he could suddenly hear the snow crunching loudly as he writhed, and the excruciatingly loud voices calling out his name.

"Sweet Pea its us!" She wrapped her arms around him in hopes he'd come to and calm down, which worked after a moment. His eyes wildly darted around, eventually recognizing the faces of the Guardians around him. "Wh-" he heaved, his chest burning fiercely.

Gen hushed him and rubbed his back, he was trembling violently. "Lets get you inside Sweet Pea," Gen helped the shaking boy stand, which proved to be a bit difficult until Bunny came to help.

"Wh-" the boy huffed and puffed, desperately tryung to catch his breath. "Breathe, mate." Bunny looked at Gen in concern. They needed answers, so did Jack. The quickly made it to the house, sitting the freezing boy by the fire after the awaiting children moved out of the way with scared, worried faces.

"Bunny get some water, Tooth bring some blankets. Jamie-" she stopped as Jack gripped onto her shirt, tugging it urgently in wild confusion. "Jamie, go to the second cupboard in the hall upstairs, find me some mittens and fuzzy socks." The boy quickly nodded and made to do as she asked.

Bunny brought the water as Tooth wrapped the blanket over Jack. "Sweet Pea, drink some water," Gen coaxed as Bunny held the glass to his friend's mouth, who greedily chugged it. He almost choked but caught himself, finishing it quickly as Jamie returned with socks and mittens.

"Okay, now put these on, you're as cold as ice." At this, Jack let out a huff that closely resembled a chuckle as he tried to help Gen put the socks on and then let her put the mitten on him. "Is he okay?" Pippa asked worriedly.

Gen didn't answer for she wasn't quite sure. "Give us some space," she stated as she cupped the boy's cheeks as his breathing began to steady. "Sweet Pea what happened? You went out there 3 days ago and the tracker lost connection hours after you went out." She questioned.

At that Jack's brows furrowed and he stared at her in bewilderment. "I-I went out t-there just 2 hours ago.." he shivered, pulling the blanket around him more. Gen's eyes widened and she looked at Bunny with urgency, who then stood up and went back to the other Guardians.

"Wh-what?" The frightened boy asked nervously. "Sweet Pea-" Jamie interrupted her as he sat next to Jack with a serious look that made Jack feel even more uneasy. "Jack.. tell us what you remember." He instructed, the boy in question looked from Jamie to Gen, a look of fear on his features.


Hello bootiful Snowflakes!

PLOT TWIST!! What do y'all think happened? What do you think is going on? Theres a bit of tea to be uncovered so stay tuned! ;)

*Jack Frost*

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