Ch. 17 Meeting

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*No One's P.O.V.*

The next day came and the young boy was still sound asleep in his bed. The school day for the children was nearing a close and Gen was happily making snacks for when said children arrive to check on their dear friend.

Jack's fever had broke during the early hours of the morning, much to Gen's relief, so the boy was getting much needed rest at this rate.

There was a knock on the door, "They must have gotten out early today," Gen spoke to herself. She opened the door only to be surprised. It was the Guardians, not the children.

"Where is Jack? Is he any better?" Tooth asked in motherly worry. "His fever broke this morning, he's just resting now. Come on in." She smiled, welcoming them into her home. "I've just finished making snacks for the kids when they get here, and I have some food for Jack on the stove." The doctor added.

The Guardians thanked her and sat in the livimg room to socialize, the children arriving a while later. "How is he?" They asked as they entered they home. Gen gave a soft chuckle, "messing up his sleep schedule, that's for sure!" The legends gave a few laughs and chuckles as the woman continued.

"He's doing just fine, getting some much needed rest," she finished. Not much later did they hear footsteps making their way down the stairs, accompanied by a soft yawn.

"He's awake! He's awake!" The twins cheered as a groggy spirit-turned-human paused at the bottom of the stairs, looking as if to be processing the large amount of people looking at him.

He binked once, then twice. "Aloha from Japan, dudes and dudettes" he spit out while giving half hearted finger guns. The room burst into uncontrollable laughter, even Bunny.

Jack, finally feeling better, gave a bright smile and stretched. "Sorry for worrying you all," he smiled sheepishly as Gen led him to the table for his breakfast/dinner. "No need to apologize sweetheart, you've been put through alot lately." She ruffled his hair.

Jack was hardly listening though, opting to shovel his food into his mouth. No one commented further until Sandy rang a bell to get their attention. Even Jack looked over.

Once their attention was successfully gained, Sandy made an image of Pitch above his head as well as a few other symbols no one could decode. Except for Jack, that is. The majority of the company looked to said boy for they knew he could understand Sandy the best.

Jack blinked, still processing some of the message while slowly chewing on his mouthful of heaven. He swallowed, "like, last night?" He paused scratching his head. Sandy shook his head and relayed the images back to the boy.

"Oh! Yeah I had a spoopy dream and almost hurt Gen- I'm still super sorry about that by the way- but yeah." He replied while taking another bite. "What?" Bunny asked, completely lost.

"He asked how we knew if Pitch was really back or not and if I was sure of it," Jack replied as Gen gave him seconds without him saying a word to her. "All good, sir Jackson," she did a small bow as he nodded in thanks.

"Jackson?" Tooth asked, and said boy almost choked in his food at the silly question. "Jack is short for Jackson Tooth," he chuckled and continued. "My human name was Jackson Overland, so thats kind of what I have to go by now." She had a small embarrassed blush and simply nodded in response.

"But yeah, he's back and I'll be waiting for him." Jack said, glaring daggers at his empty plate. Unbeknownst to him, the others took a small few steps away from him as he continued to glare at his innocent plate.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Short-ish chapter and kind of uneventful but thats okay! Sorry gor being so inactive, it's been crazy lately! Anywho I hope you enjoyed!!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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