Ch. 25 Maybes amd What if's

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Hello my Bootiful Snowflakes!

I just wanted to say something before hoppin into the chapter. I'm absolutely LOVING your comments on the previous chapter XD. I'm delighted to have an army against Pitch, I am truely grateful >:)



*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack sat silently on the way there. He didn't want to leave the house but also thought the small "outing" would maybe be good for him. Baby Tooth kept quiet for the ride, though she desperately wanted to talk to her friend and distract him from his thoughts.

She knew how to read his body language pretty well over the time they've known eachother. She looked up at him, a slight worried crease in her brow feathers. She had both palms rested against his neck to reassure him that she was there.

She gave his jugular a gentle pat to get his attention. He didn't move his head or make a peep, but he stuck his hand into the hood a little, allowing her to play with his fingers as she pleased. He let out the smallest hint of a smile as she quickly entangled herself in the slim appendages.

He stroked her head feathers ever so gently as she cooed quietly. Her presense was such a blessing right now, he'd have to remember to thank her and spoil her with buiscuts later. She loved buiscuts for some odd reason, he wasn't sure why.

The transport vehicle parked and the automatic sliding door opened for the passenger to exit, which he did swiftly. Jack sent the driver a small wave as a thank you and entered the buidling. He paused, looking around. He wasn't sure what do do so he went to the front desk.

"I'm Jack Fr-" he mentally kicked himself. "I'm Jack Overland, Gen's expecting me?" He asked rather than stated. The woman smiled, "Oh I've heard so much about you! Let me call her up for you, she should be on break right about now," she sent the request on a pager for Gen to come to the front desk.

"Alright, hun! You can have a seat in the mean time," she smiled sweetly as Jack nodded. "Thanks," he replied and went to a lone seat. Baby Tooth squeaked quietly in the boy's ear, asking a question. "Overland was my human name. The kids, Gen and I agreed that I should go by that while I'm.. like this." He explained curtly.

The small fairy nodded in understanding and snuggled into his neck, earning a small chuckle from Jack. She perked up and smiled brightly. She adored his laugh and it made her giddy to hear him laugh during a time where he's been struggling.

"Jack!" Gen called as she motioned for Jack to join her, which he of course did. He followed her down the hall and to the break room. "Hungry?" She asked, offering an apple. Jack shook his head, not trusting his stomach just yet. "Okay, well," she hesitated as she sat down, biting into the apple.

"Is..?" She looked at his hood, silently asking about Baby Tooth. "She's in here," he pulled the side of his hood open so Gen could see better as Baby Tooth waved sweetly at her. Gen smiled sweetly and waved back.

"Sweet Pea-" Gen began in a more serious tone but was interrupted by Jack. "I don't really want to talk about it, Gen.. I already told Bunny.." the boy avoided making eye contact. He looked exhausted and angry.

"I know he went to go tell the other Guardians about it. With Pitch attacking me like this and my time running out-" he let out a heavy sigh, sinking into his chair. "I feel so useless and Pitch knows it. He's in my head. Feeding off of all of it. " He looked at Gen at this point, sitting back up.

"I could be a danger to you. And the the kids." His tone was so serious, it gave both Baby Tooth and Gen chills. The tiny tooth fairy peered up at her friend, anxious as to where this convorsation was going.

"Sweet Pea what ever happens, we'll protect you. I'm not scared of this stupid Pitch guy." She crossed her arms, taking a confident bite from her apple. "That's not the point. He's in my head, he knows every weakness that I know of. He could cause harm through me and I don't want that to happen." He stated.

"Sweat Pea... what are you saying? " she asked hesitantly. "I think.. I should leave. "At this Baby Tooth let out a sharp squeak in protest. Luckily no one else was in the room. Gen sat there, dumbstruck." Where will you go? " she asked, curious.

"I-.." Jack wasn't sure, he hadn't really thought of that. "Sweet Pea. I get what you're saying. I understand why you're feeling this way but it's not the answer. If he was going to harm us he would have done it by now, yes? He's been tormenting you for nearly a month now." She explained making Jack feel a little silly now.

"You're not going anywhere buckaroo." She took another bite from her apple. "But-" this time, Jack was interrupted. "No buts. You're stuck with me remember?" She gave a small smile as a shy blush spread over Jack's cheeks.

Baby Tooth silently chuckled as Gen won the argument easily. "Besides, you're incredibly sleep deprived and probably aren't really in your right mind anyway." She stood as she finished her apple, tossing the core in the trash bin.

The boy scratched his head, he silently questioned his ability to make rational decisions now. He figured Gen was right, she is a nurse after all and he had barely been sleeping. "Come on lets get you in a room. Got a book?" She asked as he stood as well.

"Duh." He almost scoffed at her question, making her laugh. "How dare you assume I'd leave the house without one." He replied sarcastically, making her chuckle more.

Baby Tooth stared up at him. She was amazed to learn that Jack liked to read, she would have never thought. They walked down the hall and to the elevator, taking it to the third floor.

Jack yawned a few times but shook them off, refusing to give in to tiredness. He followed Gen down the hall and to a private room that had its own TV, bathroom and window.

"Here we are! I hope its okay, theres an electric hamper over there in the corner with warmed blankets in it. It gets pretty cold here sometimes." She smiled sweetly as Jack nodded, sitting on the bed.

"I'll be back in around 30 minutes to check in okay? Make yourself- yourselves comfy," she corrected herself as Baby Tooth popped her head out from the boy's hood with a thankful squeak.

"Okay." Jack replied, opening his bag and pulling out his book to set on the table. Gen quietly left, putting a "do not disturb" sign on the door. She was wracked with worry for her friend. He looked so tense and upset while talking in the breakroom.

She began to wonder if she should help him sleep while he's here. She could give him medication for a deep slumber which might be very helpful.

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