Ch. 27 Mornin!

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*Gen's P.O.V.*

Morning came faster than I realized and I went to go check on Jack once more. After putting him to sleep, I've checked on him 3 times to make sure he was okay. Baby Tooth had refused to sleep in order to watch over her dear friend, but when I went to check on them this time, she was sound asleep.

I smiled softly and walked over to the sleeping boy. During my second visit I had hooked up an IV drip with some medicine that should help him stay hydrated and relaxed so he could sleep. I checked the drip to see if it needed to be replaced and it was almost empty, so I replaced it.

I stroked Jack's hair gently as to not wake him when I heard a quiet knock on the door. Just as I looked up, Luke opened it. "Hey," he whispered, glancing at Jack and then at me. He made a motion with a tilt of his head as if to silently ask me to come out of the room with him.

I made sure to close the door quietly before speaking. "What's up?" I asked curiously. "I was sent to tell you that you can clock out, we were able to get someone to fill in for you," he seemed to pause, like there was a 'but' coming. I raised an eyebrow.

"Is he.. okay?" He asked, looking into the room from the small window on the door. "Why do you have him on an IV? I thought he was just staying here so he wasn't at your place alone?" He inquired. He seemed to genuinely care about what was going on, even though he didn't know Jack other than introducing himself and saying hello when he called to check on me sometimes.

I smiled softly at him, "yeah he's just.." I sighed, dropping my shoulders. "He's been having a hard time lately. He's had such horrible nightmares that make him scream until he wakes.." I trailed off. I probably shouldn't be telling Luke this in detail but I trust him with anything.

Luke's face grew shocked and worried. "I.. he and I are growing pretty close and I was so worried about him being at home without me because he.." she stopped herself with a sigh. "He just hasn't been eating much lately and when I brought him here he was acting dilerious, so I put him on an IV for fluids and some relaxers." I explained as he nodded.

He understood my worry and even expressed his own for Jack and myself. "I know thats tough on both of you," he paused to give me a hug. "So I'm assuming you'd like to stay here with him? And when he wakes, if he's doing better than when he got here, you can take him back home?" He asked and I nodded.

I snuggled into him a bit, he was so kind to me and knew exactly how to make me feel better. "Okay, thats no problem. I'll be here if you need me- oh!" He shouted as he pulled away. I stared up at him in slight confusion.

"Your kids called and asked for you, they said they stopped by your house but no one was home." He smiled down at me as I sighed. "Those kids-" I sighed again. "What did you tell them?" I asked almost hesitantly. "I told them that you got called in but their friend was here too and that they could stop by as long as they kept quiet while they're here." I nodded slowly at his reply.

"And when was this?" I asked curiously. "10 minutes ago, why? " He tilted his head cutely- almost. "Then they're here now." I chuckled a little, making my way to the lobby. "Need help?" Luke called after me, "nah! But your patients need you!" I waved at him as the elevator closed.

*No One's P.O.V.*

As Gen exited the elevator to the lobby, the kids were at the front desk. "Hey kiddos!" She waved as they scampered over to her. "Morning!" They chimed eagerly. "Good morning! Im assuming you wanna hang out with Jack?" They nodded as they followed her to the elevator.

"How is he doing?" Pippa asked, her voice laced with concern. They'd noticed his demeanor had been changing lately so they suspected something was up. Gen sighed. "Well. He's been having nightmares. He's hardly been sleeping and when he came last night he scared off one of the other nurses and was clearly delirious." She informed them, their heads snapping to look at her with wide eyes.

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