Ch. 19 Baby Steps

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*No One's P.O.V*

After the children finished their homework it was time for dinner. Jack had remained by the window, hardly speaking or looking from the view of the evening sun casting its rays over the trees.

He had been lost in thought and wasn't in the mood to eat. If he were to be honest, he felt miserable and helpless. He had no magic, no wind to swirl into his hair to tell him that everything was going to be okay. The wind was his closest friend, it'd been with him for 300 years, and he missed it.

He wasn't upset with Jamie anymore, not really. He was just hurt. He'd told Jamie that large bodies of water frightened him a little, and he'd asked Jamie not to really tell anyone just how much he didn't like water. So when Jamie made that joke in front of everyone, people he's meant to be strong for and protect, that trust was betrayed.

He hadn't realized it but he had begun to doze off, his plate slipping from his hands and onto the floor with a loud clatter. This made him jump up and look around frantically, alarms blaring in his head that there was danger. As his eyes scanned the room and dismissing the surprised and confused eyes that bore into him, he sighed in relief and realized what had happened.

He wasn't in danger, he'd just dropped his plate of food and scared himself. He mentally kicked himself for being so clumsy and for being so careless as to let his guard fown and doze off.

"Jack? Everything alright?" Gen asked, coming over to help. "Yeah, sorry.." his voice was quiet and soft, yet kind of had an anxious tone to it. "I'll clean it up, I'm sorry." He hurriedly rushed to clean it, almost as if he was afraid of being yelled at.

The children simply watched in mild worry, somewhat picking up on the feeling that something was off with their friend. Jamie blamed himself for it all, thinking Jack was just deeply upset with him but he kept quiet.

"Sweet heart, its okay-" Gen tried, but Jack quickly shook his head. "No, its my fault, I'm sorry." He finished cleaning it up and washed his dish quietly. Gen came and put a firm hand on the boy's shoulder. "Jack. Come with me." She said, walking to a side room.

Jack's body tensed but he quickly turned the water off and dried his hands, following her as she'd instructed. "Yes..?" He asked, his hands fiddling with his hoodie nervously. She sighed as she understood his behavior as scared and anxious.

"Sweet pea, take a breath. You're not in trouble, okay?" He nodded and took a big deep breath. "I'm so-" she cut him off. "No more apologizing, you did nothing wrong." She sighed and sat him down. "Look, I don't want to push you for answers but something is obviously wrong.." her voice was soft and gentle.

"I'm here for you, the kids and the Guardians are here for you too." He scoffed a little. "I love the Guardians, I do, but that doesn't mean I trust them. And Jamie.." his voice trailed off and Gen knew what he meant.

"He broke your trust, thats something he'll need to fix. But you don't have to open up to everyone all at once. You can take baby steps." She smiled softly as the boy nodded. "I'm worried about you kiddo.. we all are. You only have about 2 months left." Her voice got quiet as he nodded, resting his face in his hands.

"I know.. I just-" he stopped, unsure if he should continue. "My father.. wasn't the loving type.." he whispered. Sadly, Gen had come across patients from abusive homes and has heard similar phrases. She nodded knowingly.

That was enough to peice things together for now, she wouldn't push him further. "I understand." She smiled sweetly at him as he looked at her, slightly surprised that she didn't question him further.

"Just try to remember that you are loved, and none of us would ever dream of hurting you, okay?" He looked hesitant but nodded, giving her a hug that he very much needed.

"Did you want some more food?" She asked as she rubbed his back gently. He simply shook his head. "Why don't you go read your book and rest? Does that sound good?" She asked as he pulled away and nodded to her.

"Okay, then" she stood and walked out of the room with him. She handed him some water and chocolate to munch on as he relaxed and he gave a small smile as he took them. "Thanks," he replied and waved at the kids, making his way up the stairs.

"Is he okay?" Pipa asked, to which Gen nodded. "Yeah, just tired. He's gonna turn in for the night." She reassured with a smile as she cleaned up dinner.


Hello Snowflakes!

Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoy!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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