Ch. 50 Growing

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*No One's P.O.V.*

The following week had gone by in a blur for Jack. He did his job, played with the children of the world and then went home. It had been a predictable cycle all week and by the end of it, he felt like a machine.

Now it was Friday night and the kids were over to play games and hang out. Jack participated of course, but felt a bit off. He couldn't quite place it but he'd felt groggy all day. "Go fish!" Gen exclaimed as they played the card game 'Go Fish'.

Jack stared blankly at his hand of cards, his mind going a little numb to his surroundings. His nose alerted him to a small tickle within it and, turning his head quickly, he let out a sneeze. At first, Jack didn't even think twice about what had happened, he'd sneezed loads of times as a human.

That is, until he realized he wasn't human anymore. His brows furrowed in confusion and they furrowed even more as he noticed everyone was staring at something behind him. "What?" He asked as he turned around, nearly jumping out of his skin upon seeing a 4 foot tall snow man behind him.

"The hell?!" He shouted in shock. "Are you.. okay?" Jamie had asked, not sure what was going on. Jack of course probably wasn't okay, for a few different reasons. "I- ah-" and he sneezed once more, a smaller and slightly different shaped snowman appeared at his side this time.

"Oh my- I'm calling North. This is freaky." Gen stated a bit quickly, pulling out the device she'd been given months ago and ringing the Guardians. Jack was almost afraid to move, staring at the snowmen that had somehow formed.

Was he really the one creating them? If so, why? How? "Are you sick?" Cupcake asked almost hesitantly. It was a bit alarming for Jack Frost, the embodiment of cold, to get sick. The boy in question sniffled. His sinuses did feel stuffy and his mind was foggy and throbbing. So, maybe he was.

"The better question is if these snowmen are homicidal or something-" he paused as he felt another sneeze coming on. And once it did, yet another slightly larger snowman appeared. "They're on their way- ANOTHER ONE?! Sweet Pea!"Gen shouted, earning an innocent yet desperate look from Jack.

"I-" he could have swore one of them moved. He stared at it intently, perfectly still. It's arm moved. "WHAT-" he shouted while scrambling to get up, pushing the kids and Gen behind him. "I think you can make snow creatures now," Jamie pondered aloud.

"Huh?!" Jack asked defiantly. "Your powers have grown quite alot, I wouldn't be surprised if you can do more than just weather related stuff." Gen spoke with a finger to her chin in thought.

Jack looked from them, back to the snowmen. They weren't like regular snowmen, their arms and legs were made of snow instead of sticks and their faces were carved into the snow. They all moved now, seeming to wake up from a slumber.

Once their eyes met Jack's, they smiled brightly and jumped up and down excitedly. "What-" he sneezed again, resulting in another snow creature. "Uh, maybe you shouldn't make so many-" but he sneezed omce more and the same thing happened again.

Now, five snow creatures stood before them, alive and animated. "I'm not doing this on purpose!" He protested, just as the door opened to reveal North and Bunny. Their faces went from worried to absolutely confused.

"What is going on here?" North asked as the creatures ran aroumd and played. They played amongst themselves and tried to play with the stunned children. "I don't-" Jack began but sneezed again and a 6th creature was born, showing North and Bunny exactly what was happening.

"Shasta- your powers have grown." North stated in amazement, Bunny simply stood in shock. "Okay so its because of his new power," Gen paused and North nodded to confirm what she was saying. "But why? And Jack doesn't get sick." She asked, confused.

"I'm not s-" Jack began, but a seventh creature was born. All eyes were glued to it as it became animated and joined it's brethren. "... sick." Jack finished, crossing his arms in denial. "Uh huh, sure." Bunny retorted sarcastically.

"Maybe its a side effect of his powers growing and expanding and his body is just trying to adjust?" Jamie suggested. "Maybe, or it could be that Jack is more sensitive to temperature than before since his powers have grown?" Pippa also suggested.

"Could be both." Montey also suggested. Jack just looked at them as they spoke and then at the creatures he'd made. "There's gotta be a limit-" an 8th and 9th creature were made as Bunny commented.

Every creature was varying in size, and once the third one had been made, they had started to get bigger. "No more sneezing!" Came a collective shout, but as Jack tried to hold in his next sneeze, it only built up. But suddenly, it went away.

Jack, along with the others, sighed in relief. That relief was short lived as that built up sneeze came back in full force, making Jack stumble back and 10 more creatures filled the area. Now, there were about 20 creatures running around inside and outside and Jack was left rubbing his temples.

He was starting to wear down, all this sneezing and creatures being created were tiring him out. "Jack you need to stop them!" Came a shout. His foggy mind couldn't quite place it, but he didn't seem to care.

He concentrated his energy on absorbing the creatures and closed his eyes. After a long moment, the creatures began to explode into snowflake flurries. Jack huffed and opened his eyes. "You can create living creatures.." Gen said in amazement at the dazed boy.

"Uh huh," he mumbled, agreeing with her words. Right now, he didn't care anymore. He was tired, his body hurt, his head hurt, and he felt spent. "Just imagine what else you could do!" Jamie cheered.

Jack huffed and sneezed again, but this time a flurry exploded to life above him. He had his own little snow cloud above him and the cold from it felt delightful to him. "Much better," he whispered as his mind began to numb and his aches began to dull.

Turns out the theories were correct. Jack's powers were still growing and his body was simply trying to adjust. He didn't know it yet, but this was part of becoming King.


Short and kind of random chapter but Jack's powers are still growing. I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm not sure if I'm returning to writing frequently again or not, I'm still going through stuff, but I'm glad you guys are still here. Thank you so much for being so supportive.

*Jack Frost*

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