Ch. 48 Different

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*No One's P.O.V.*

It had been a few days since the trial and things were quiet. Jack went out almost daily to tend to his Guardian duties, even attending a few meetings with the Guardians about holidays and possibly teaming up to collect teeth together every now and again.

Jack had even shown up to an elemental meeting, much to Mother and the others' surprise. The meetings were of course boring and uninteresting, but Jack found himself paying attention to every detail and not spacing out like usual.

After his outings, he'd return home to Gen's who had picked her schedule back up at work. She tried not to work nights, but the world wasn't so kind. Things happen. On this particular night, as Jack returned from changing snow to spring in certain regions, Gen wasn't home.

The clock read 10 pm, normally she'd be back at 11-11:30 at the latest, so he decided to sit on the couch and read a book while munching on some red dragon fruit. He hadn't tried alot of things before moving into Gen's, but she opened his food pallet to a variety of delicacies.

As he ate from his little bowl of dragonfruit, eyes glued to his book, there was a faint tap noise from the window at the far corner in the kitchen. Jack's attention was immediately brought out of his fantasy novel for a breif moment, listening attentively for any other noise.

When none came, he shrugged and resumed his reading. The entire situation completely slipped his mind after a bit, until another, much louder noise came from a window nearer to the boy.

This time, Jack immediately looked at the window where the sound had come from, only to find that it was totally black, almost like it was covered by something. If he didn't know better he wouldn't have been worried, but he did know better.

It was a full moon tonight, and there should be plenty of moonlight to even cast shadows at night, so why couldn't he see out of that window? His brows furrowed as he sat perfectly still, eyeing the window.

He let his eyes drift to another window, upon seeing the moonlit front yard, his eyes snapped back at the darkened window. Slowly, he set his book and bowl down and stood defensively.

What happened next, almost made him pee himself. A familiar face appeared from the top part of the "darkness" with a goofy grin, "Jack!" They shouted.

The "darkness" was a long black trench coat and when the face revealed itself, Jack let out a yelp while projecting ice out towards it in defense. "What the hell?!" Jack shouted, rushing over and opening the window.

Jamie came inside the small window hurriedly, shivering and apologizing profusely. "I wanted to visit! But I didn't see Gen's truck here, and I saw some lights on and tried to see if you were in here." The child explained guiltily.

Jack was unimpressed. "Why didn't you just knock?" The older boy asked as the younger shook off some snow from his hair. "I wanted to prank you?" He asked more than stated. Jack deadpanned.

"I know, I know, not funny." Jamie sighed out. "For all I knew, you were a burglar or-" Jack paused as he shut the window, making sure to securely lock it. "I know, bad idea. I won't do it again, I promise!" Jamie apologized again.

"Why are you here exactly?" Jack asked as he turned back around to face Jamie. Said boy looked a bit hesitant to respond, and Jack took notice. "What is it?" Jack asked, his brows furrowing once more.

"I.. had a nightmare." He spoke as he sat on the couch, not looking at Jack. The spirit's face took on an almost unreadable look with many emotions. He was shocked, but also confused and worried.

"Pi-.. he's locked up, he can't use his powers-" Jack began and Jamie nodded. "But nightmares can happen without him too." Jamie reminded and Jack sat next to his friend.

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