Ch. 23 Relief

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack remained huddled by the fireplace with Baby Tooth. He had managed to coax her into taking a nap and regain her energy, which is something he should do as well but won't and can't.

Gen had gotten up to make dinner for her guests while they waited for Bunny to return with the Tooth fairy when suddenly, the phone rang. Jack jumped slightly as he hasn't heard it ring but a few times. He held Baby Tooth close to his chest as he looked over his shoulder as Gen picked it up.

"Hello?" She asked. "Luke! Hey, whats up?" She propped the phone on her shoulder as she continued to cook. Luke has called a few times since Jack's stay and he's met him once since the night he became human. Jack was about to turn back to facing the fireplace when Gen's demeanor seemed to change.

"Are you sure they can't find someone else..? It just stopped snowing and-" she paused and then sighed deeply. "Okay.. give me 20 minutes, I'll take my truck." And with that she hung up. Jack had a slight nervousness now. Did Gen have to leave?

"Sweet Pea?" She called as she wrote some things down on a note pad after hanging up the phone. "Yeah?" Jack asked from his small blanket bundle in the living room. "The hospital needs me to come in.. I'm not quite sure how long I'll be there but I'll come straight back as soon as I can.." she sounded reluctant and guilty as she spoke.

Jack was sad for her to leave him, but he wouldn't show it. He knew she had a very important job and that people needed her. She'd taken off a long time from work to take care of him so he won't complain. "Okay," he responded.

"I'm leaving my cell phone number on this notepad if you need me, and I've written down some of the kids' numbers too in case you'd like to talk to them. Oh! And I've written down the directions for you to finish dinner, or maybe Bunny can help you." She put her pen down and walked over to the stairs.

"The yeti's will be here all night so you won't be all alone, if you need a midnight snack feel free to help yourself!" She smiled and sped up the stairs. Jack only nodded in response and carefully stood to go look at the notepad. It was a good thing he learned how to read.

The directions were quite simple enough and he followed them while only using one hand, for the other was still holding the sleeping Baby Tooth close. After a moment, Gen returned in navy blue scrubs, her name tag, and her hair pulled up into a bun.

She grabbed her keys and back pack, making her way back over to the boy at the stove. "Are you gonna be okay while I'm gone? If you need me for anything, don't hesitate to call. " She asked in a hushed voice. Jack nodded and gave her a soft smile. "Just be careful out in the snow, okay? And don't overwork yourself." He replied quietly.

She smiled softly with a firm "I will!" And kissed his cheek. She quickly turned on her heel and made her way out, waving to the yeti's and giving Doc a bright smile.

Jack turned back to the stove with a sigh. He'd gotten so used to Gen's presence and her being there, and now that she's not there, it feels weird. Jack looked back at the directions she'd left and all he had to do was let the food sit for 15 minutes on low heat.

He lowered the flame and set the timer, going back to sitting in the living room, but picking up the blankets first. "Rahgga?" One of the yeti's asked, earning Jack's attention. "She's a nurse." He replied. "She was there when I was in the woods after I ran into the witch.." he trailed off, not really wanting to go over it all again.

The yeti nodded in understanding. Jack was beginning to worry about Bunny, he knew it might be a bit since it was night time and Tooth's working, but to him, it felt like it's been a lot longer than it has.

Baby Tooth stirred slightly in Jack's hands and he turned is attention to her, stroking her head feathers gently. He dared not let her go again so he held her close to him. He silently swore to protect her at all costs.

The timer soon went off and the boy quickly silenced it. Taking the sustinance off the burners while turning them off and preparing the portions for the yeti's and Baby Teeth with Doc's help since Jack only had one available hand.

As everyone's dinner was handed to them, a tunnel appeared in the living room, Tooth and Bunny hopping out. Seeing Tooth made Jack's anxiety almost skyrocket. He felt that it was his fault she was injured since it was a blizzard she flew into.

The boy instinctively froze as his and Tooth's eyes met. She was upset, but not at him. "Sweet Tooth," she held out her hands for Baby Tooth. Jack remained motionless, just staring at the woman.

Tooth's angry and worried expression turned to a more confused one. "Sweet Tooth?" She asked, not sure why he was silent and unmoving, but then it clicked. Bunny had mentioned that Jack probably felt responsible.

She smiled softly and slowly fluttered over to him, to which he instinctively held his dear friend closer. "Sweet Tooth I'm not upset with you." She reassured him quietly while gently resting a hand on his shoulder.

"Bunny told me what happened, it's Baby Tooth that I'm upset with." At this the protective boy took a step back. He didn't want her to be upset with his friend. "Don't be angry with her, please. She was upset and she already feels awful for what she did so please don't be mad at her!" He didn't mean to shout, but he was desperate.

The small fairy had woken up not long after her mother had arrived, Jack hadn't realized. When her dear friend anxiously defended her, she teared up. Tooth looked down at her helper, not quite sure if she was even still mad, but she'll do as her beloved Sweet Tooth asks and not be mad right now.

"Okay, but I need to see her wing. If we don't work fast there might be lasting damage." At this Jack looked down at Baby Tooth, blinking as he noticed she was awake. She cooed up at him sweetly and motioned for him to hand her off to Tooth.

He hesitated but did so and Bunny ruffled Jack's hair. "Where's Gen? He asked as he scanned the room. "She got called into work. She didn't want to but she needed to go," Jack replied as he handed Bunny some food.

The Pooka gratefully took it and sat down, Jack refused to eat until Baby Tooth was okay. "It's an easy fix," Tooth reassured as she sat and began repairing the tiny fairy's wing. Jack let out a relieved sigh as his shoulders relaxed a bit.

"There! All done! But don't fly just yet, maybe give it a day or 2." Tooth instructed, earning a swift nod from Baby Tooth. "And don't you ever do anything like that again missy!" She reprimanded, earning another swift nod in return.

Jack quickly held out his hands for the small being and Tooth handed her over. Baby Tooth crawled onto his shoulder and hugged his neck tightly. Bunny handed Jack a serving of food that was a bit more than everyone else had. He knew Jack probably hasn't eaten much and hopefully warm food and a full tummy would help him sleep.

Jack took it and Tooth helped herself while getting some for Baby Tooth as well. "Thank you both," Jack looked from Tooth to Bunny, who both smiled and nodded as they ate. Jack didn't hesitate to eat as well, he was quite hungry as Bunny suspected.

The boy even had thirds until he was finally full. Tooth thought she'd stay a little while just in case Bunny needed more help with their youngest friend. Jack was sat on the floor against the couch with his blanket draped over his shoulders and Baby Tooth snuggled into it and him.

Tooth had gotten a call from Gen on her way to work, telling her some tips to calm Jack's nerves if needed. The fairy gently ran her fingers through Jack's hair, smiling as he visibly relaxed.

Bunny took notice as well, adjusting the blanket to keep him warm. Jack's head slowly fell back to rest on the couch as his eyes drifted close. He hummed softly and let sleep finally take him.

He had a full stomach, Baby Tooth was going to be okay, he wasn't alone, and he was warm. Maybe, Pitch would give him a break tonight.

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