Ch. 24 How Bad Is It?

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*WARNING: Slight graphic mention of harm and throwing up!! *

*No One's P.O.V.*

It had been about an hour and a half after Jack fell asleep, and Bunny had convinced Tooth to go home. He knew she needed to get work done since she had spared some workers to come watch over Jack.

Said workers were all quietyly hovering around the sleeping boy curiously as they'd never seen him sleep before. Baby Tooth had seen him sleep once as a spirit and may or may not have bragged about it to them.

The fairies all loved and adored him, they also obviously had crushes on him as well. One of them even fainted upon meeting him for the first time once. Bunny chuckled at the fairies as they all quietly fawned over his innocent sleeping face.

"Alright girlies, give him some space," Bunny motioned for them to leave the boy be and they begrudgingly did as they were told. About 30 minutes later, 2 hours after Jack had fallen asleep, Baby Tooth woke from her nap.

She sleepily looked up at her friend and noticed the slight furrowing of his brow. She rested a hand on his cheek, stroking it comfortingly as best as her tiny hand could. She looked to Bunny as he was hearding the fairies to a tunnel. "Go ahead and go home, we'll be okay." He told them and they squeaked in protest but obeyed.

Baby Tooth knows one of them had to have tried something with Jack for Bunny to be sending them home, which was correct. While Bunny wasn't looking, 3 of them were trying to open his mouth and 2 were playing with his hair.

After the fairies left, Baby Tooth let out a soft squeak to let Bunny know she was awake. He nodded at her, going to clean up the mess from dinner and do the dishes for Gen. He wasn't sure how to operate a dish washer, but he knew how to clean dishes by hand so thats what he did.

While Bunny cleaned up, Jack's brows furrowed even more and his face contorted into a horrified expression. Baby Tooth took notice of this and her worry for him errupted. His hands twitched, his legs jerked, and he let out strained cries.

Baby Tooth had begun squeaking for Bunny's attention which was immediately successful and he darted over. "Mate? Mate!" He gently shook the boys shoulder as Baby Tooth squeaked, begging for him to wake.

Jack had tears running down his face at this point, crying out to "please stop! I don't want to do this!" So Bunny shook him a bit harder, extreme worry written on his face. How was Pitch doing this to him? Is he somehow doing it remotely?

"Jack! Wake UP!" Bunny gave one last shake and Jack's eyes shot open. His breathing was labored and ragged, his eyes wild as they darted around the room. Baby Tooth had gotten up on the couch from Jack's shoulder so she wouldn't get hurt by his struggling.

Jack's eyes met Bunny's again and his face turned a bit green. "Mate-" before the Pooka could even ask, Jack's hand flew to his mouth and he darted to the downstairs bathroom. He released the contents of his stomach painfully. The yeti's looked down at their feet, feeling bad for the boy.

Bunny's ears flattened as he made his way to the bathroom as well. The sight broke his heart. His little brother was sobbing as his stomach emptied itself. The Pooka squatted next to him and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

After a few rounds, Jack had finished throwing up. He couldn't stop himself from sobbing though, the nightmare still plagued him and his throat burned so badly. Bunny got him some water and items to clean his mouth and Jack shakily took them.

He absolutely refused to look directly at Bunny right now, for multiple reasons, but he was grateful for his help. After cleaning his mouth and flushing the toilet, Bunny held him close while still rubbing his back.

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