Ch. 13 Peace

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*Jack's P.O.V. *

At the flourist, I got a bouquet of vibrant yellow and red roses. Emily loved those colors paired together, and she loved roses.

After purchasing the flowers, we headed to the cemetery. The walk was about 10 minutes so we had time to chat as we walked, but for me, I had time for something else.

I looked up at the sky. It was a bright blue with a light scattering of clouds, the sun shining brightly down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, taking in the air around me and really feeling the sun's subtle warmth.

I felt a nudge on my arm and opened my eyes to see Jamie, smiling. "It feels nice doesn't it?" He asked knowingly. I nodded. "It's been so long since I've really felt the sun and the frigid air." I smelled the roses in my hand, smiling.

The world around me felt so foreign, yet so familiar. I glanced back at the Guardians, who were taking in all the sights and not paying much attention. I chuckled at how child-like they looked.

I've spent so many years in the cold, now its high time I live in warmth. "Its just around this corner!" Gen cheered. We turned the corner and were met with the old fashioned gates to Burgess Cemetery.

Though the cemetery is centuries old, it's very well kept, and not very creepy. It might be creepier at night, though. I took a deep breath, and entered the gates. The others following suit.

After about 15 minutes there was a shout. "Over here!" It came from Pippa. Everyone gathered and I nervously approached. My friends parted for me to come through and two gravestones came into view.

The left one read:

"Here lies
Jackson Overland
Loving Brother
Courageous Son
And Loving Friend"

I put my hand over 'hero' and smiled. North put a firm hand on my shoulder. I felt like I was about to cry and I didn't like that everyone was so quiet. "Well," I cleared my thoat, "I had a body, so thats nice." There were a few chuckles.

I looked over at the headstone on the right. It read:

"Here Lies
Emilia Overland-Bennett
Loving Wife
Loving Mother
And Grandmother"

I laid the bouquet at the base of her headstone. "I miss you.." I whispered. I stood, not knowing if or what to say. "We have something," Jamie spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

He pulled a bouquet from behind his back. It was blue and pale pink roses. I stared in awe. He smiled, everyone else joining in. He walked over and placed them at the base of my headstone.

I gave him a small hug and told him thank you. "I'm going to say a few words.." Gen spoke up this time. Everyone looked at Gen, engrossed with what she was about to say.

"Jackson Overland. I did not know him 300 years ago, but I know him today. Jack may not have had a long life, but I know he lived the best life he could. I didn't know Emily eaither, but if I were her, I would definately be proud and happy of the young man that he is today." I felt tears welling in my eyes.

"He saved his sister's life at the expense of his own, and as a Guardian, will gladly continue to do so for the rest of his life." She finished, giving me a big hug.

No one else had anything else to say because Gen covered it all, most of the others tearing up as well. I decided I would speak. "Emily was about 10 when I left. She was so mature, and proper. Always lecturing me on how I needed to 'grow up' but deep down she was as free spirited as I was." I smiled.

"I never got to see her 'grow up', or be there when she married, but I have a peice of her with me today and hopefully I will be able to see her grow in him." I looked over at Jamie who was silently sobbing.

We all exchanged hugs and whatnot and decided to just hang out for a bit. I still stood at the graves, the others ventured off to find older ones.

I took a breath. I felt whole. I felt complete. I felt like I was finally at peace. "Rest in Peace.." I whispered, walking away.

I ventured off to catch up with the others, but stopped when I saw an old woman at the entrance to the woods.

I stopped in my tracks, bewildered by what I saw. When I looked closer, she was gone. Was that.. the witch?


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Kind of a gloomy-ish chapter but I hope you enjoy! This quarantine stuff is starting to get to me.. but we'll survive!
Until next time!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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