Ch. 20 Protection

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*No One's P.O.V.*

It had been about 2 weeks since Jamie had fractured the trust between him and Jack. The former winter spirit was now in his second month of his 3 month time frame. The Guardians had come to speak with him and Gen about the Boogyman's return and how MiM seemed to be a bit anxious about it.

They were sitting in the living room, Jack with a blanket over his lap, a nice cozy sweater on, and a steamy cup of hot coco with extra whipped cream. He'd had a nightmare again and was keeping quiet for now. Only speaking if he was spoken to, trying to hide the ever so slight trembling of his hands by fiddling with his mug.

Gen was seated beside him, albiet about a foot or 2 away to give the boy space, but her presense eased Jack's nerves slightly. She was cozied up like Jack was. Her heating was broken and a thick layer of snow had been falling all morning. "It seems Mother Nature is taking care of it for now, thats good.." Tooth trailed off as she peered out the window.

"You sure you're alright mate? You're so quiet," Bunny asked with the tiniest sliver of concern on his voice, then mumbled, "Its a bit unnerving." The Pooka did care and was indeed concerned but didn't want to blatantly express it. They had gotten word from Gen that Jack wasn't doing the greatest lately, and that she couldn't give them all the details.

So, the Guardians knew not to press him for now, but what the boy uttered next gave them chills. "I've been having nightmares. They've.. been getting worse. Almost every night." He looked up from his empty hot coco mug.

The Guardians couldn't help but gasp, even Gen. She hadn't expected him to just come out with it yet, and she didn't realize just how often they'd been plaguing him. The Guardians had taken a good look at their youngest member in shock.

It was as if a mask had been ripped from the boys face and showed just how exhausted he was. His skin was on the verge of a sickly pale and the dark circles under his eyes shown just how little sleep he was getting, if he was even sleeping at all.

"W-what? Oh Sweet Tooth.." Tooth flitted over to him slowly and gave him a gentle hug, as did North and Sandy. As for Bunny, he was borderline livid, only keeping a lower profile as to not make a bigger scene for Jack.

"Want to talk about them?" North asked with a soft tone. Jack shook his head, if he talked about them he might cry or shake more than he already was. "Pitch is directly targetting Jack and I've had enough of it." Gen stated with an angry tone as she stood.

Jack couldn't help but stare at her a bit shocked. He'd never seen her angry or mad before, well, when Bunny sprained his wrist but this was a whole new level of angry for Gen. And the fact that she was being protective of him shocked him a bit more. 'Why me?' He thought. He hasn't really done anything to recieve this care and protection from Gen, at least thats what he feels.

"Man in Moon has been restless. Pitch is up to something, and it's bad." North stood, walking to the back of the couch and looking out of the window. "What is he up to? Why target boy?" He pondered aloud.

Jack looked down at his mug again, he knew why. "He.. wants to weaken me. Even though I'm powerless as a spirit, I'm still technically a child of belief so.. I still amount as a threat to him. He wants to incapacitate me." He spoke, glaring slightly down at his mug.

"Which seems to be working." He ground out. "I doubt that, mate. You're strong." Bunny commented, which irritated Jack who stood up suddenly. He wobbled for a moment but stood his ground.

"I haven't slept much in weeks. I'm not a spirit anymore so my body and its tolerance is crap." He got close to Bunny's face, the Pooka getting a good look of just how bad the younger actually looked.

"I have only actually slept maybe 4-5 hours in the last 2 weeks, and when I do sleep, the nightmares are so damn bad that I either wake up screaming or I wake up sobbing and unable to move." Jack finished with a growl. He'd admit, he was irrationally angry at Bunny for his comment, but Jack felt that he was insulted somehow.

Bunny, as well as everyone else in the room, stared at Jack in shock. His sudden outburst was one reason for shock, another was because of his words. Bunny's ears flattened on the back of his head and he scooped the boy into his arms, hugging him close and protectively.

Jack was like a little brother to him, he hated that he was struggling and having such a difficult time. Jack's eyes widened as Bunny suddenly wrapped him in a big comforting hug. He wasn't sure if it was just his delirium or not but the large rabbit seemed to get big enough to wrap him in such comfortable warmth.

He also wasn't sure if he was just so delerious that he imagined being rocked and a soft purring sound emitted from the large Pooka, but Jack didn't care. He was tired and cold, and bunny was just oh so warm. In almost an instant Jack had fallen asleep.

Jack had indeed been delirious when Bunny seemed to grow larger, but the Pooka did indeed rock the boy gently and softly pur, much to everyone's surprise. "The bloke needs rest.." he spoke quietly as he rested on his haunches and cradled the small fame in his arms.

Bunny dared not let go as he vowed to protect his little brother at any cost. "Aww.. anyway, Jack is clearly unwell which shows how urgent kicking Pitch's ass is now." Gen sat, looking at Jack's sleeping face as Sandy sent some gold sand his way.

Jack's face relaxed a bit as the sand gave him a blissful, dreamless sleep. "I agree with Gen!" North exclaimed in a hushed shout as to not wake Jack. "We will send Yeti's and el- no not elves. Very bad idea." North hummed as he pondered.

"I can send some baby teeth? They adore Jack and would protect him without question. I'll even send Baby Tooth. She misses her best friend." Tooth smiled as she looked at the sleeping boy fondly.

North nodded and Tooth left to collect her fairies as North opened a portal to bring a few yetis. Gen sat patiently as Sandy signed his goodbyes to return to work for now and left both her and Bunny watching the soft rising and falling of Jack's chest.

"He only has a bit more than a month left.." she mumbled solemnly. Bunny looked up at her, "And he'll survive." He finished.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Soft chapter but I hope you enjoyed!

Stay cool, stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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