Ch. 1 It Was An Accident, I Swear!!

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*Jamie's P.O.V*

*At the Park*

Where is he? Ugh! He said he'd be here! It's been about a year since the ordeal with Pitch. Jack had been busy since he became a Guardian and now that it's winter, he's even busier. But, he said he could get some of his work done early and visit. The last time I saw him was late fall of last year...

"Hey! Sorry I'm late, haha... I got a little caught up in a moose standoff in Canada!" Jack! He made it! I did a complete 360 when I heard his voice. When I finally locked eyes with him, I bolted toward him. I ignored his surprised look and tackled him in a bear hug.

After a few minutes I let up. "Wait... moose?" I asked with a giggle. "Heheh.. Yeah, it was pretty cool! But, also terrifying haha!" He replied as he stood, wiping the snow off of his hoodie.

"Well, I'm glad you made it! And that you're okay." I said. "Oh hey, is the rest of the gang coming?" He asked with a smile. Oh I forgot! "They couldn't come as early as I could, so they decided to wait at the house. My mom is on a buisness trip so she left me in charge to take care of Sophie." I told him. He nodded in response. "So we're meeting them there?" He asked and I nodded.

"They are super excited to see you too!" I added. A sly smile creeped onto his face. "Lets prank 'em, huh?" I grinned, "Lets do it!" He whispered the plan into my ear and I nodded and laughed.

*At the Bennet House*

I walked in, tears falling down my cheeks as I did so. My friends all stood, their smiles fading as they saw my sad expression and no Jack beside me. "What? He didn't come?" Cupcake asked.

I shook my head, laughing on the inside. They all looked down, sad and upset. Upstairs there were a few thumps and thuds, a few "Oh no's" and "Ows" followed by some "Dang it!' s" soon there was a stumbling Jack coming down the stairs.

Everyone looked stunned as Jack almost fell down the stairs after missing a few steps. Once he reached the floor he acted like he was about to faceplant but straightened himself out.

He took a deep breath and faced us with a goofy grin, "I never really liked them stairs." I busted out laugjing and fell to the floor. Monty was the first to figure it out. "Heeeyyy! You tricked us!" This time Jack couldn't hold in his laughter. He fell to the floor, just as I did and we were laughing up a storm!

Once we calmed down my friends all greeted Jack and hugged him. He still was getting used to contact too. We eventually made it outside and went back to the park.

We had snowball fights, built snowmen, made snow angels, and so on. It was time to head back in so we all crossed the street, but, Jack missed the curb.

He tripped and fell, his staff hit the cocrete at an angle so when it hit, an ice blast shot into the sky. "Ow..." Jack didn't seem to notice so maybe nothing will happen. Thunder cracked and we all jumped.

"Oh no..." he said. A raging storm of snow and ice whipped around us. Within seconds we could hardly see a foot in front of us.

"Get inside, hurry!!" Jack yelled. We all ran as fast as we could, and Jack flew up to stop the storm. "What happened?!" Pippa asked. She had already been inside when Jack fell.

"Jack tripped on the curb and accidentally shot ice into the sky and now its a massive blizzard.." I hurried. She gasped and we locked the windows and doors.

Soon the blizzard calmed and Jack was gone. He had to report it to the others... I hope they forgive him...


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes~

First chapter! I hope you enjoyed!!

'Till next time!

*Jack Frost*

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