Ch. 28 McDonald's

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*No One's P.O.V.*

"Well, lets get that IV out so we can go home, yeah?" Gen asked and Jack nodded eagerly, holding his hand out. Gen went to a cupboard and pulled out a bandaid with firetrucks on it, walking back over and sitting next to Jack.

"Don't look if you're queasy." She instructed to all of the inhabitants of the room. All the kids looked away but Jack just looked at Baby Tooth, holding his hand out for her to sit in. She gladly sat in his palm as he smiled sweetly at her.

"Can I see how your wing is doin'?" She nodded and turned to show him. Just as he was about to look, Gen spoke. "Taking it out." And with that she quickly but gently pulled the IV tube out. "Mm-!" Jack flinched and took a deep breath, Baby Tooth worriedly whipped her head around to make sure he was okay.

Gen quickly bandaged it up, "done! Good job!" She chuckled and pat Jack's head as the children turned back around, holding up a Tootsie Pop. "Lolly?" Jack reached for it but hesitated, looking to Baby Tooth for permission. She gave him a stern look which at first confused Gen, but she soon caught on.

"Come on, Baby Tooth! It'll be our little secret~" he sang sweetly with a sly smirk and even added a wink. She hated it when he made his voice all smoothe like caramel, when he smirked like that at her- she caved with a deep sigh. Jack grinned and took the sucker, popping it in his mout after taking the wrapper off.

She let out a series of stern squeaks and chirps while Jack nodded his head to what she was saying. "I promise!" She chirped again. "Hey! I always brush my teeth morning and night-" she squeaked at him. "That was one time! And it was Christmas!!" He protested and Baby Tooth gave an eyeroll.

"So I put myself in a cookie coma one time! Jeez Baby Tooth you're almost as bad as Tooth!" He laughed and she scoffed, but laughed with him. "Cookie coma?" Gen asked confused. "Yeah! On Christmas Eve last year I snuck into the kitchen because snickerdoodles are heavenly and I ate so much that I passed out on the kitchen floor and didnt wake up until midday on Christmas. Yeah, North wasn't too happy since there were no snickerdoodles left but Tooth was livid." He chuckled nervously.

Baby Tooth shook her head in amused disapproval and the children laughed. "Oh?" Gen chuckled. "Anyway!" Jack went back to looking at his friend's wing. "Can you lift it at all?" He asked softly, Baby Tooth very carefully lifted it and it was almost completely healed. "Almost.." he mumbled.

"What happened to her wing, Jack?" Pippa asked worriedly and Jack sighed, setting his tiny friend on his shoulder. "She got upset with me and.. flew into the blizzard last night.." he looked at his lap slightly ashamed, Baby Tooth squeaking in protest that it wasn't his fault.

"I know you might think it was your fault but its not." Jamie smiled softly at Jack who looked up from his lap with a small nod. "Anyway, lets get going. I'm kind of hungry-" he began to try and stand up but Gen put a firm hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her in confusion.

"You're crazy if you think you're walking out of here. Not on the meds I gave you." She demanded, Jack's face became unimpressed. "I'm Jack friggen Frost and I will not be wheeled out of here like an old man." He deadpanned.

*5 and a half minutes later*

"This is NOT what I meant!!" Jack shouted in protest as Luke carried a very angry and red Jack bridal style to the elevator, followed by hysterically giggling children. "Glad to see you up and kickin' kiddo," Luke chuckled at Jack's firey glare at Gen who sent a smug smile his way.

Jack looked at Luke, blushing more if it were possible. Luke's gaze seemed to press the pause button in Jack's brain. "Uh huh.." he mumbled. What was it about this man that stunnded Jack and made him nervous. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Gen commented towards Jack who was just staring at Luke.

This sent Jack back into the present, "OH SHUT IT!!" He protested, using one hand to cover his face and the other to hold onto his carrier in fear of being dropped. The children cackled now, laughing loudly and uncontrollably, one of them even snapping a picture for keepsake unbeknownst to Jack, yet.

The elevator door opened and they walked out to the lobby. Jack and Luke recieved odd looks and some giggles, making Jack pull his hood up and tying the strings haphazardly to hide his bright red cheeks. He took the hood off as they approached Gen's car, hesitantly and shyly looking up at Luke.

"T-thank you," he quietly mumbled out. Luke smiled sweetly as Gen opened the passenger door. "Anytime~" he gave the small boy in his arms a wink which made Jack completely freeze up. Luke laughed at the boy's reaction and set him in the car carefully.

"Now don't give my little Gen too much trouble, y'hear?" Jack blinked and nodded nervously. "Oh you're such a flirt." Said woman lightly smacked her friend's shoulder as he laughed. She hugged him as the children piled into the pick-up truck, giggling.

"Happy to help," he replied, hugging her back until she pulled away. "Get home safe, and get some food in that kid's belly, he weighs the same as a feather." She nodded and hopped in the truck, waving at Luke as she started it and drove off.

Not even a minute into the drive she smirked at Jack who was pouting angrily with a bright blush still on his cheeks. "Not a word." He muttered, making her laugh. "Then next time take the wheel chair." She stated smugly.

"Yeah yeah." Baby Tooth let out a squeaky giggle from Gen's pocket as she hopped into Jack's lap with a smug smirk and chirped up at him. No one knew why but Jack's face and ears turned tomato red at whatever she said but he remained silent.

After a few minutes he seemed to calm down a bit, "hungry?" She asked as they pulled up to a McDonald's. Jack's stomach answered for him with a greedy growl. She chuckled and asked the kids what they wanted to eat as Jack looked at the menu.

He wasn't sure what he wanted, but everything looked so good. "How about a McDouble?" Gen asked but jack spotted a double quarter pounter combo with large fries and a large drink and he quickly pointed at it, nearly taking Gen's head off.

"Oh? Okay-" she was about to order it but Jack interrupted her, "and nuggets! Lots of nuggets!" He looked so excited for it all that he was practically drooling. Jamie snorted at Jack's enthusiasm, knowing his uncle has always wanted to eat from McDonald's.

Gen chuckled and ordered the food, pulled up to the window to pay, and recieved the food. Everyone passed out eachothers food and Jack stared at the pile of food in his lap not sure what he wanted to start with.

He decided it didn't matter because he was starving and dug in, being mindful of his manners of course. As Gen pulled up in her driveway, she stared in shock at him as he was on his last 2 french fries. "How on Earth did you..?" He looked at her as he finished the fries quickly.

"Spite." He deadpanned. "Sheer spite, Gen." He subtlely burped with an 'excuse me' and sipped on his water. "I've always wanted to eat there-" he began but one of the twins interrupted him, "You've never had McDonald's?!" He asked in horror.

"Spirits can't order Mickey D's, sadly. It's so sad." He faked a sniffle. "We'll that will change." Gen recieved a huge gasp. "You're the best!!" Jack fist pumped the air. "Yeah just don't throw up now," she mentioned as she got out of the car to help Jack into the house as the kids got out as well.

"Yeah yeah, don't treat me like an old man, I may be 3 centuries old but I'm fit as a fiddle." He opened the door and stepped out defiantly. "You literally sound like an old man." Gen rettaliated earning an offended gasp.

"Okay, rude!" He glared playfully and stepped down on a slightly wobbly leg. "Its okay to ask for help, you know." Jamie commented. "Whats the fun in that. If I face plant, write that on my tombstone." Jack shrugged, "well. On my second tombstone." He chuckled at his slightly dark joke but no one minded.

Jack didn't ignore them though and held onto Gen's arm for support as he made his jello-y legs carry him inside. Gen smiled softly as she sat him on the couch and the kids swarmed him, begging for stories of when he was originally alive.

She figured she'd savor these moments while they lasted because she had a gut feeling that something was coming.

Curse Of A Witch (Book 1) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz