Ch. 15 Return

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

I had blacked out, feeling cold but also hot. Memories from my childhood played through my head. I wasn't concious, I knew that for certain. I tried to open my eyes or move, but my body wouldn't obey my commands.

The current memory playing through my mind was a fairly unpleasant, yet very recent one. I was in the woods, angry and muttering to myself when an elderly woman approached me. Oh no.. I thought to myself. The memory was in third person and I could see myself shout at her and, not too long after, lost conciousness as my hair turned from snow white to brown.

All of a sudden my unconscious form was surrounded in darkness as I could sense a strong wave of fear overtake me. "My, my, my~" an all too familiar voice cooed, seemingly right in my ear. "No!!" I shouted.

*Jamie's P.O.V.*

"No!!" Jack screamed, bolting upright with speed. He had been tossing and turning for a while, having been asleep for hours after we arrived back at Gen's. "Woah woah woah! Calm down, its okay!" Gen tried, reaching a hand towards my uncle.

Jack seemed to be too fired up to realise he was safe and grabbed Gen's wrist and throwing her to the floor, pinning her down. "Oh my god! Jack!!" A few of us shouted, including me. Said boy was panting, his eyes showed anger I've only seen once before.

Gen's shock lasted only a moment, she likely decided to just stay perfectly still as Jack might panic again if she moved one muscle. "Jack he's not here.. Let Gen go, Pitch isnt here." I stated softly, slowly taking a step towards him.

His pupils were quite dialated, I noticed as I got closer. "Jack, please let go." Gen whispered, noticing the things I was. His angry expression faltered and his grip seemed to loosen, but he didn't fully release her just yet.

"Jack, its us.. you're sick, you need to rest," I coaxed. His attention turned to me, finally. "Hey there, we're safe! See?" I gave a smile and he looked back down at Gen.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

Everything was so fuzzy, I couldn't focus my vision and my mind was so foggy that I could barely think. Pitch's voice kept ringing through my head and when I noticed a hand getting closer to me, instinct took over.

I had to protect them. I had to. Magic or not, I wasn't going to let anything harm them- "Jack, its us.. you're sick, you need to rest," Jamie.. I could hear Jamie talking to me. My vision became a bit clearer and I could see the kids.

I looked down and- "Oh my god!" I shouted, instantly springing off of Gen. "I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to- I-" I ran my hands through my hair, desperately trying to apologize.

"Hey, no worries kiddo!" Gen chuckled, standing up. "I live for danger," she lightly punched my shoulder. Before I could protest and apologize more, she flicked my forehead. "I know that look," she paused, her eyes silently saying 'he's back isn't he?'

I sighed heavily as she nodded, the kids looking at us in confusion. "My, you look like a freezing puppy!" Gen suddenly shouted, draping a blanket over my shoulders that I had barely noticed were visibly shaking from being spooked and cold.

I blinked, my mind extremely foggy still. I barely noticed a hand on my forehead and barely registered that I was now somehow sitting. What the hell? The hand was now combing through my hair, and I couldn't help but lean into it.

It felt like when my mother would comfort me when I was young and constantly got ill.

*Gen's P.O.V.*

I had sat the dazed looking boy down. "He seems really... out of it," one of the kids commented. I nodded, "he's running a high fever and he just had a nightmare, I'd be surprised if he was completely aware right now.." I replied, instinctively running my fingers through the winter spirit's hair in an attempt to comfort him., which seemed to work.

The frail boy's head leaned into my hand as his eyes drooped in content. I smiled softly, laying him back down carefully. "Mom.." came a very hushed whisper; I looked down at Jack. "No, sweety.. but you're going to be okay." I smiled sadly and knowingly.

His eyes fluttered closed, seemingly content with the comfort and finally had a peaceful slumber. Get well soon, Jack. We're going to need you.


A tall, lanky, and dark figure lurked in the distance in the night, watching the now human winter spirit through the window of Gen Lockwood's home. "My my.. I'm coming for you Frost." The figured cackled maliciously, melting into the shadows and leaving an eerie echo in its wake.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Its been so long! Almost a year!! Sorry for vanishing on you all, but I've updated!! I don't have much to say but I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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