Ch.2 I Didn't Mean To Do It!

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

Oh my God!! What the hell did I do?! As I flew to the North Pole, anxiety and fear welled up inside me. It's not my fault! The staff did it, not me! I could see the workshop coming into view quickly.

Take a deep breath. It's not your fault. I breathed and entered through the unlocked window North always leaves for me. I landed, very softly onto the floor, anxiety at its max.

"H-hello?" I called. "North?" I heard some arguing coming from the direction of his office. I gulped, took another deep breath, and walked toward said room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Came a rough, angry, and exhasperated voice. I exhaled deeply and pushed the door. "North, I-" I was cut short by Bunny. "We know, mate. The radars went nuts." He was short, blunt and dead serious. Oh MiM...

"Why would you do such a thing? Around children no less!" Tooth shouted, more sad and upset than angry. "It wasn't my fault! I tripped and ice shot into the sky! It wasnt on purpose!" I shouted, desperately trying not to panic.

" 'Not your fault'?! You're the one that controls the ice! How can that not be your fault?!" Bunny shouted angrilly. I frantically looked at North. He had his nose pinched, I looked at Sandy. His eyes were glued to the floor. Then I looked at Tooth. She was trying not to cry.

"I tripped!! It's not like I tried to hurt them! And besides, you should all be happy I was able to stop it and that they got inside safely!" I argued. "Are you hearing yourself right now?! You aren't even sorry!" Bunny argued back.

"You never listen! None of you ever listen!" I flew out. They never listen to me! I flew out of the workshop, ignoring the calls for me to come back. I flew. Flew home. To the woods.

"They don't understand..." I whispered...

Hello my bootiful Snowflakes~

Not a very long chapter, I know. But the fun is just beginning. Well, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 of A Curse From A Witch.

'Till next time!

*Jack Frost*

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