Ch. 9 Tragic Memory

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*Gen's P.O.V. *

I walked back into the living room as the Easter Bunny apologized to Jack. I smiled nervously, trying not to make eye contact with them.

They're real! Omg!- and I shouted at them.. I tried my best not to panic and smiled softly as they apologized to Jack and the Eater Bunny hugged Jack. I began to get a weird sensation and looked away from the sweet sight to find a small golden man floating in the air and staring at me as if he was pondering my existence.

I tried to avert my gaze but he floated closer. "Oh! Guys this is Gen Lockwood. She saved me when I was turned into a human. Well, the kids found me and she's the nurse that took me to the hospital and stuff." Jack introduced.

I gave a kind 'hello' while still trying to ignore the golden man's gaze.

Jack pointed at the Eater Bunny, "This is Bunny," Bunny waved. He motioned to the bird woman, "and this is Tooth, the Tooth fairy." Tooth waved with a bright smile.

"And this is Santa, a.k.a North." My eyes lit up "Hello!" He shouted, I gave a big wave. "And thats.. Sandy..? Why are you giving Gen that face?" Jack asked. Sandy..? As in the Sandman?

Golden images began appearing above his head very quickly. The Guardians seemed like they were at a loss for what the small man was communicating, but Jack however, caught on. "That IS a good question, Sandy.." He mumbled.

I looked over at the kids who were dead silent, watching everything unfold. Jamie shrugged at me, knowing how confused I was. "Uhm.." I blurted out.

"Oh!" Jack snapped back to attention. "I forget that not everyone can understand Sandy as well as I can. This is Sandy, the Sandman. He talks in symbols." I nodded slowly.

"He wants to know how you are able to see them. Which, honestly is a REALLY good question because it never even crossed my mind." Jack chuckled slightly.

"What do you mean 'how can I see them?' " I asked. This is so confusing.. "So they way it works is that if you believe in 'myths', like these guys, you are able to see them." Jack explained.

"Oh, so its literally like the saying 'Seeing is believing' but the other way around." I stated, earning a nod from everyone. "Okay, makes sense." I replied.

"Well," I began. "Almost a year ago, I was coming home from work and I saw what looked like a giant rabbit and humanoid bird things, which now that I'm looking at them, I know I'm not crazy!" I smiled.

"And I've always sort of believed?" I finished. Everyone nodded slowly. "So YOU are anomaly!" I looked at North.

"What? 'Anomaly'??" Jack questioned. "Yeah! When Bunny knocked you out he said something about the 'anomaly' being taken care of!" Jamie exclaimed.

Now that I think about it, he DID say something like that. "Right, see, only children believe in us. Gen, you're an adult so that creates an anomaly on the globe of believers." Tooth explained.

I hummed in response and nodded. "Makes sense.. welp, now thats cleared up, isn't it?" We all nodded.

*Jack's P.O.V. *

Once everyone was settled down, we all came and sat down, still in the living room while Gen started tea and coffee.

"Now that I look at you in human form, you and Jamie look VERY similar.." Tooth said. Jamie and I exchanged looks. Jamies eyes grew wide, "COULD WE BE RELATED?!" He shouted in excitement.

"Yeah, probably? But not very likely, kiddo." I ruffled his hair as he laughed.

"So, 3 months..?" Bunny questioned. I looked down, "Yeah.. Its still hard to wrap my head around, given the fact that I could possibly die.. Again." I fiddled with my makeshift wrist brace.

"AGAIN?!" Everyone shouted. I looked around nervously. "Yes..? I guess I never told anyone of how I became 'Jack Frost', huh?" They shook their heads and some said 'no'.

I sighed. "Well, long story short, around 300 years ago, my sister and I went ice skating, now she was about 10 and I was about 15? I think?" I paused.

"Anywho, the ice was thin in some areas and she accidently went on a thin spot.." I took a deep breath as I recounted the tragic event.

"The ice began to crack and I told her it woukd be okay. Luckily a crooked stick, now my staff," I chuckled at the irony, "was nearby, so I used it to pull her to safety." Some of the others let out a relieved sigh, not me.

"The shear force of pulling her sent my scrawny self over to where she had been standing, and I didn't realize it.." I paused again, the memories flashing in front if my eyes.

Their eyes were glued to me, I could tell some of them knew what was about to happen because of the tears welling up in their eyes.

"Before I knew it, I plummeted into the freezing water. My body locked as I struggled and so I sank.. the last thing I heard was Emily screaming my name.." Before I knew it, a tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

I looked around and the others were either looking at me in saddened shock, crying or even both. Gen and Jamie both wrapped me in a big hug and I smiled sadly, them both pulling away.

"And some time after that I was being pulled out of the ice by the Man in the Moon, having no memory of who I was or what happened." I finished.

"We are so, so sorry you had to go through that Jack.." Tooth said, everyone agreeing. "It's alright! I remember now so thats enough for me," I smiled.

Then, Gen spoke up. "Do you know if you had a burial?" That caught me off guard. "W-what? I don't know. I think MiM used my actual body? I have no idea.." I began to ponder on the thought.

Did my family give me a burial? If so, where is my grave?


Woo! Another chapter down!

Hello my bootiful Snowflakes! Sorry this story is kind of slow, but thats how I want it! I hope you are all enjoying it so far and I will hopefully update again soon!

Anywho, until next time!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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