Ch.8 Forgiveness

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

Gen sat down on the floor in front of me with a first aid kit. "This is gonna hurt sweetheart, but you need to bare with me okay?" She asked sweetly. I blushed in embarrassment when she called me 'sweetheart' but nodded.

She began to wrap an ace bandage around my hand and wrist, using a fat popcicle stick for support. "Done." She said as she packed up the first aid kit. "Does it feel okay? Is it too tight?" She asked, I shook my head, "No, it feels just fine, thank you."

Gen walked away to put the kit away and Tooth flew over and sat where Gen was previously. She stared at me in concern and disbelief. I averted my gaze but she moved my head so I was looking at her again.

"Is it really..?" She trailed, I solemnly smiled. "Of course it's not! Our Jack could have taken that hit no sweat! He's lying!" Bunny retorted. Thats it. I've had enough.

"REALLY?!" Tooth jumped as I stood. "I've been through alot, and you guys rudely disrespect me, THEN that crazy witch turns me into a human, and YOU have the AUDACITY to BARGE INTO GEN'S HOUSE UNANOUNCED, TACKLE ME, SPRAIN MY WRIST AND TELL ME I'M NOT WHO I AM?!" I paused, huffing like a madman.

"Jack..?" Jamie hesitantly asked. I put my hand up to stop him. I took a deep breath to calm down a little. "A what?" North asked. I scoffed. "A witch." I rolled my eyes and began to pace.

I mimicked an old woman's voice, " 'You have three months to learn your lesson or you will perish!' " I scoffed again. "And you know? After the bull YOU guys put me thru for a simple mistake? Maybe I'll be happy to 'perish'! Huh?! Then I just won't be your problem anymore because thats how you have been treating me!" I finished, feeling myself about to start crying any second.

"You done bein a brat?" Bunny asked in a deadpanned tone. I stared in shock. Everyone gasped, the other Guardians looked over at Bunny in disapproval, and Tooth slapped him. I couldn't help it. The tears fell. There was no stopping this.

Sandy floated over and begun wiping my tears away. I sobbed into his warm hands. "E. Aster Bunnymund!" North boomed, making everyone in the room jump. Bunny's ears flattened to his head.

"Why you speak to Jack that way? What he do to you that make your fur so ruffled? Boy is upset, we made mistake, he got punished, and YOU injured him! Apologize!" North picked him up by the scruff and set him in front of me as Sandy stepped aside.

"Mate.." he put his hand on my shoulder but I pulled away. "I shouldn't have said those things to you.. I didn't mean'em" he started, I stared at the floor. "And what's this about perishing? All of us would miss ya, mate. You bring all the fun!" He lightly punched my shoulder.

"He's right you know," Tooth smiled at me. "You guys were just.. so stuborn and wouldn't listen to me.." I looked at them. "We know, and we are all very sorry for that." North looked down in shame.

"And I was stuborn too.." I added, looking at Bunny. He opened his arms for a hug and I hesitantly took it. Everyone awed for this was a rare sight. warm..and soft..

"Uh..mate? You can let go now." Bunny nudged me. I hummed, "but you're so warm," I nuzzled my face into his fur. "Wait, I thought warmth hurt you?" Tooth asked.

"Human, feels niiiccee," I replied. I never wanted to leave Bunny's fluff but he gently pushed me away. I realized that I made a scene just now and turned beat red. "I am so sorry." Everyone laughed knowingly.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

Short chapter but it's getting late and my eyes hurt. Hope you guys enjoyed!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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