Ch. 7 Oh my

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*Gen's P.O.V.*

Jack had gone to bed about an hour ago, and I can't seem to get what he said out of my head. "Die..?" I whispered to myself as I cleaned up the mess from supper. What kind of which curses a boy? And the Guardians??

"From what I hear, they're a bunch of old farts who are quick to judge without reason-" I stopped myself short. I hadn't realized I was speaking out loud. I sighed and put the dishes in the dish washer and dried my hands.

Whatever this lesson is, I'm going to help Jack and keep him from dying. That IS my job after all. I shut off all the lights and ventured upstairs to go to bed.

*In the morning*




I groaned as I opened my eyes. I looked at the clock and it read 7:08 am. The knocking persisted. I put on my fluffy purple robe and checked on Jack. Still sleeping.

He had a long day yesterday so I decided to let him sleep. I opened the door and was greeted by 7 excited faces! "Hey Gen!!" They shouted, very loudly. I quickly shooshed them, "Jack is still sleeping so keep the noise down," I smiled as I opened the door wider so they could come in.

At my statement I recieved a few 'aawwww's. I chuckled to myself. "Who wants some breakfast?" I asked and they all raised their hands. I got all the ingredients out to make some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "Hey Gen?" Jamie asked walking up to me. I hummed in response and began frying some eggs.

"Can I help? I want to make Jack a special pancake." He smiled nervously. "Sure! What kind of special pancake?" I asked. "Well, a chocolate chip pancake in the shape of Mickey Mouse?" He pulled his sleeve nervously, his friends looking over for a moment.

"Sure thing! Chocolate chips are in the pantry on the third shelf" I told him, starting on the bacon. Monty, Sophie and Pippa went over to the fish tank to admire the fish.

"Hey, if you want, you can feed my fish! Just a pinch is enough," they smiled happily and did so. Jamie came back and we began working on the pancakes and I helped him prepare Jack's. I looked over at the stove clock and it read 7:40 am.

As breakfast was ready, I asked Jamie to set the table while I went to retrieve Jack.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

I woke to my shoulder being lightly shaken. Why am I being shaken? Startled, my eyes shot open and I sat upright with a yelp. Gen stared at me in bewilderment and it took a moment for me to come back to reality.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Gen quickly apologized. I put on a smile, "No no, its okay! I just forgot about what happened yesterday for a moment, no need to worry!" I chuckled, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, alright! Well the kids are here and there's breakfast." She smiled brightly. I smiled in return and nervously ventured downstairs.

"Hey hey! Sleeping beauty has finally woken!" Gen said jokingly as we arrived at the bottom of the steps. "Jack!" The kids shouted, running up to me and hugging me.

I nearly fell over as they ambushed my but I hugged them back once I stabilized myself. "Jack! Jack! Jamie made you special pancake!" Sophie shouted excitedly. I looked over at Jamie who was slightly red from embarrassment.

"Is that so? Looks like we have a chef in our midst!" I ruffled his hair and he chuckled. "Alright then! Lets eat!" Gen stated happily, the children all running to the table.

I glanced out the window, hoping to find a light coating of snow but, instead, I was met with partly melted snow. I hope mother nature will take care of it for now.. I ventured over to the table, taking a bite of the pancake Jamie made for me.

"Ohmygosh.." I stopped chewing, everyone looking at me. "This is.." Jamie looked anxious for my response. "This is amazing! Wow! Thanks Jamie!" I shouted, finishing my pancake and eating my eggs and bacon.

As I helped Gen clean up, there was a knock at the door. It sounded slightly urgent but also casual. The kids looked over at Gen and I as we weren't expecting anyone at 8:30 in the morning.

"I'll get it." I stated as I furrowed my brows and began making my way over to the front door. Why do I have a bad feeling about this..?

I opened the door and my blood ran cold. Before I could say anything a large blue rabit jumped on top of me, slamming me to the floor. My wrist twisted the wrong way and I heard a faint snap before blacking out.

*Jamie's P.O.V.*

Jack opened the door and seemed to freeze up, but before we could ask who was there something large and grey-ish blue tackled him. "BUNNY?!" I shouted, rushing over to my friend's aid. Bunny stood up and the rest of the Guardians walked in.

"Its alright now, the anomaly has been taken care of." He said with a proud smug smirk on his face as he gave Sandy a fist bump. I flew into anger but before I could shout at the legends, Gen began screaming at them.

"How DARE you! Attacking an unarmed man like that! Not even a man, a CHILD!" She screamed, marching up to Bunny. He seemed very surprised and backed into the wall, the others taking a step back.

Before she continued, there was a pained groan from the floor where Jack lay.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

I came to and groaned as I sat up. "Jack are you okay??" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Jamie offering me a hand. I went to take it but the moment my hand touched his, an intense pain shot through my wrist causing me to shout.

"Wait- Jack?" An aussie accent questioned, then I remember what hit me. Bunny.. I ignored him and stood up, Gen gently took my injured hand in hers. "Not broken but it's sprained," she sighed.

Sprained? I never used to get hurt like this! Oh right, I'm human.. I winced as she let go of me. "Yes. Jack. As in YOUR fellow GUARDIAN. Jack Frost!" She shouted back at Bunny. I looked at the floor anxiously, ready to be lactured or punished for all the trouble I've caused.

I glanced at the rest of the children and they seemed to be in total shock. "W-what are you talking about? Jack Frost has white hair and blue eyes. This boy has brown hair and brown eyes?" Tooth chimed in.

Gen sighed in disbelief, "You know what? You will either leave or sit and wait for any further convorsation. I need to help Jack with his injury," she whipped around and put a finger in Bunny's face, "that YOU caused!" She grabbed me by my good hand and pulled me into the living room and went to retrieve a first aid kit.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

I will be updating again tonight so stay tuned! I'm not really trying to make the Guardians out to be bad people, its just that they seemed to be very oblivious to certain things and it will get better, don't worry!

Anywho, stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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