Ch. 33 Near

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Gen pulled up in Jamie's driveway with the children, answering their questions about their friend. "So he really slept all night with no nightmares?" Cupcake asked, Gen nodded in response.

They got out of the car as Gen rolled the window down to talk to them for a moment. "I'll update you guys on anything, I promise. If you need anything please call me, okay?" She asked and they replied with nods and "okay".

She smiled and waved, backing out of the driveway and heading home. She approached the door, beginning to make her presence known but stopping as she saw Bunny signalling for her to be quiet, a bundle wrapped up in his lap.

She smiled softly at the two, making her way over after setting her bag and keys down and locking the door. "How's he doing?" She whispered, checking on him and then stoking the fire. "He's okay, said he's been cold sisnce yesterday. Still seems to be cold but I think I'm helping." He replied, pulling the boy a bit closer as he seemed to shiver as if on que.

Gen frowned slightly, unsure of why he'd still be cold, but Bunny continued. "He remembered a little peice of missing time." At this, she spun around to look at him. "What did that bastard do to my Sweet Pea. I'll kill him." Gen glared at the wide eyed Easter Bunny.

Though, he chuckled at her protectiveness. Her and Jack have grown incredibly close over the past 3 months. "He was held captive, it didn't seem like Pitch was being very kind like in the story Jack gave us originally." He sighed.

Gen balled her fists, she was furious. "Have you guys had any luck finding him?" She asked after taking a deep breath. Bunny shook his head, "We followed the coordinates from the tracker we put on Jack, but we only got so far until it broke." He replied solemnly.

"How is he evading you guys so well?" She asked in irritation and Bunny shrugged, his attention switching to the shifting figure in his arms. Sleepy brown eyes looked up at the rabbit, seemingly trying to figure out what they were looking at.

"Hey mate, sleep well?" He couldn't help but smile at the boy. Jack was always so closed off towards everyone, it was nice seeing him open up and allow himself to be a bit vulnerable.

"Mhm.." he trailed off with a small shiver. "Still cold huh?" Gen piped up, earning the sleepy figure's attention. "Yeah.." he replied, not really trying to leave the Pooka's warmth. Bunny didn't mind, he knew Jack was comfortable so he didn't make any moves to make the boy leave.

"You hungry? Its about dinner time," she smiled sweetly at her Sweet Pea who shook his head. "Okay, no worries." She replied, getting up and taking care of her daily chores. Jack looked up at Bunny, a little more awake now.

"Where's Baby Tooth? She should be done by now," he asked. He missed his dear friend, and he still didn't want her to leave his side since her accident. She didn't want to leave his side either, but Tooth needed the help.

"I dunno, kid. Wanna call Tooth and see?" At this Jack's eyes lit up a bit. "Yeah, can we?" He asked as Bunny was already making the call. "Hello?" Came Tooth's confused answer as she picked up the odd hologram device.

"Hey Toothie, someone wants to say hi," the Pooka moved slightly so Jack could be seen, his face looked a bit confused as he's never seen this device before. "AW HI SWEET TOOTH!!" She squeeled, smiling bright. She was almost like a mother of sorts, or an aunt.

She found his confused face, rosy cheeks, and bedhead an absolutely adorable sight. Jack smiled at her excitement. "Hi! How are you doin'?" He asked as he was still marvelling at the strange device.

"I'm doing okay! Busy, but- OH! Baby Tooth just now finished her work and is heading over there right now! How are you sweetie? You look alot better!" She smiled fondly at the boy who obviously grew excited at the news on Baby Tooth.

"Yeah, I feel a lot better! Just woke up from a nap actually, but I can't seem to get warm- Bunny's helping though," at this, Jack looked up at his personal heater. "Thanks for being fluffy," he smiled as Bunny rolled his eyes.

However, he did notice the glance Tooth and Bunny shared when Jack mentioned him being cold. "Anyway, we'll leave you be, we know you're busy." Bunny stated. They said their goodbyes and Jack looked back up at Bunny as the device ended the call.

"What was that look for?" He asked, paying Gen no mind as she reentered the room and sat down. Bunny sighed, glancing at Gen and then back to Jack. "I.. think I have a theory on why you can't warm up." He stated and Jack's brows furrowed.

"I think it's because your 3 months are almost up." He finished. "That.. makes sense, Jack was the spirit of winter and now he's feeling cold all the time." Gen clarified. The boy looked from Gen to Bunny, a hint of worry on his face.

"But is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He asked hesitantly. "I don't know, kid." Came Bunny's response. The room fell silent and Jack's gut twisted in worry and anxiety. Sure, he thought he made his peace with whatever was to come, but now he realized he didn't want to go.

"I-I.." he began as Baby Tooth flew in, squeaking excitedly until seeing the look on her beloved friend's face. She squeaked worriedly, landing on his shoulder and nuzzling his cheek. He gently nuzzled back but still looked at Bunny.

"Mate?" Bunny asked, not liking the look on his face either. He looked terrified. "I-I don't want to die.." he sobbed. He didn't want to leave his friends and family, not again.

He didn't get to say goodbye to the wind, he needs to protect everyone from Pitch, he still has life he wants to live. He doesn't want to leave Gen and Jamie. He wants to stay.

Gen came over and hugged her Sweet Pea as Bunny pulled him close as well. "We know Sweet Pea, we won't let that happen okay?" She cooed, Baby Tooth squeaking in agreement as Jack sobbed quietly.

He didn't want to die and leave his loved ones behind a second time. And his loved ones won't let that happen, either.

Curse Of A Witch (Book 1) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя