Ch. 34 The Witch

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*No One's P.O.V.*

It was a peaceful afternoon, the sun was shining and the snow sparkled vibrantly in the rays. Jack smiled as he watched the children playing in the snow, laughing as Jamie faceplanted into the white fluffiness.

They were on the edge of the woods, playing happily without care. Gen was playing with them, as well as Baby Tooth. Jack was playing for a bit but decided to take a small break, sitting on the bench nearby.

He only had 3 days left, but that could change. He hadn't told anyone but he had a dream of the witch last night. No words were exchanged, but he had a feeling something was going to happen.

A snap of a twig caught his attention from the woods behind him, quickly he stood and faced the direction the noise came from. He couldn't see anything but he wasn't about to ignore his gut feeling.

"Gen!" Jack called, not taking his eyes off of the tree line. Upon seeing him facing the trees and his stiff posture, she quickly came over. His face was hard to read, his brows knitted together and his voice was low.

"Call the Guardians. Keep the kids together." Her eyes widened and she was about to ask what was going on but he stopped her, "Go." And so she did. "Come on kiddo's lets go over here, stay together." She brought them further away from the tree lines.

They looked from her to Jack worriedly asking why he wasn't coming too. "Jack!" She called but he shook his head. Gen held the device to call the Guardians in her hand pressing the panic button which will send an urgent signal to them so they'll get there as soon as possible.

"My, my~ Good instincts you have there~" came Pitch's sickening voice as he emerged from the shadows. "What do you want? Wasn't kidnapping me and torturing me with nightmares enough?" Jack spat, glaring daggers at the man before him.

"Pitch!!" Tooth screeched upon arrival, flying at the Boogyman and swinging at him, to which he dodged. A fight broke out between the Guardians and Pitch as Bunny grabbed Jack's arm, pulling him out of the way. "Hey-!" Came the boy's surprised shout.

Bunny was already leaping into battle, a night mare neighed and dug its hoof into the snow, rearing up to the group of kids and Gen. They threw snowballs at it but it was useless against the massive sand horse.

Jack's eyes widened as it prepared to attack the group, his legs carried him as quickly as possible. He charged at the mare with haste, jumping on top of it just as it reared on its hind legs to stomp the group.

Jack locked his arms around its head and yanked back, the sand mare bucked and jerked its head, trying to throw Jack off but he held on firm. "JACK!!" the children yelled, scared for their friend's safety. The Guardian's momentarily looked to see what they were yelling about, but Pitch attacked harder, giving them no chance to go help their member.

As Jack was about to be thrown off, he pulled out the taser Gen had given him. He quickly pushed the power button and pressed it to the sand creature's neck, electicuting it. The beast shrieked and writhed, it's neck cracking and the whole thing shattered into peices as Jack tumbled to the ground.

Gen rushed over, lifting the boy to his feet and checking him for injuries. "Are you okay?!" She asked and he nodded, catching his breath. "Jack!" The kids ran and hugged him, expressing how worried they were before letting go.

"JACK LOOK OUT!" came a yell from Bunny, and as the aforementioned boy turned to see Pitch about to swing his scythe at him, a blast of light shielded the hit. Jack as well as everyone else looked at the source of the light, their eyes meeting those of the witch.

Jack's eyes widened as she stepped forward infront of the kneeling boy, between him and Pitch. "Enough, Kozmotis." Came the witch's voice, however, it came out as a young woman's and not elderly like Jack had previously heard.

As Jack peered up at her, his eyes widened as her form seemed to change. Her hair went from ashen grey to a silky raven. Her slouched posture straightened to tall and elegant.

Jack stayed still, eyes completely wide. The Guardians bowed respectfully as the figure stood before them all. Pitch's eyes grew wide as well but then turned into a hateful glare.

The woman turned to face a slightly trembling Jack and the anxious, confused children and Gen. Her vibrant green eyes looked from the kids to Jack, her stoic gaze turning a bit softer as her eyes met the boy's.

She offered a hand to him, which he hesitantly took. "M-mother?" He asked in disbelief, Mother Nature gave a soft apologetic smile. "It's time." She replied.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

What do you think? Another plot twist! Every elemental being calls he 'Mother' just to clarify. Jack doesn't see her as his mother at all.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned!

Stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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