Ch. 46 Trial

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*No One's P.O.V.*

Jack's stomach was twisting and turning now. He was so close to snapping. The Man in the Moon planned for all of this to happen, he knew Pitch would target Jack and didn't help when the man tortured the boy.

And what Pitch did during Jack's captivity should have been the breaking point, but at this rate Jack wasn't sure which part of any of this was sending him over the edge.

"Bring in the prisoner." Mother Nature called out to Damon and Rowen after explaining to Jack that he and Pitch would have to stand before her and the moon as it shone brightly in the sky behind her.

At her words Jack's heart began pounding in his chest. He wanted to run, to scream, to smash Pitch's head in. He wanted to be surrounded and huddled with his family right now, but he had to stand in front of Mother Nature while his family stood off to her side, a few yards away.

Jack breathed deep breaths to maintain his control over his powers, though it was thundering in the clouds surrounding the woods. The moon's magic created a circle overhead for visibility. As Pitch and the other spirits approached, Jack looked to Gen.

He wanted her next to him so badly, he wanted her presence right there with him. She looked absolutely homicidal at Pitch, she hadn't noticed Jack looking at her. She looked so bloodthirsty it made him nervous for those around her.

"Release the muzzle." Mother's voice came, bringing Jack's attention back to her. He didn't realize Pitch was muzzled, but he figured why. The man probably raged about how Jack should have died and all that.

Once Jack's gaze finally landed on Pitch, his heart basically stopped. Pitch was looking directly at Jack unblinking, and fuming. The man's eyes were inhumanly wide and if he wasn't being restrained he probably would be ripping Jack's face off.

Jack instinctively moved quite a few feet away fairly quickly after seeing Pitch's face. The man looked absolutely terrifying if Jack was being honest, and the part that was alarming him the most was that Pitch hadn't uttered a peep since being brought out.

Jack couldn't do this. He didn't want to be there anymore. Why would MiM even consider a trial after what Pitch has done, why did Jack have to be in the same area as Pitch for the trial?

As Jack had backed away, the Boogyman's eyes followed him, haunting him. "Jack-" Mother had began, she felt horrible for her usually smiling winter spirit. He wasn't the same person as before and it was Pitch's and MiM's fault.

Jack shook his head. "I can't-" he couldn't seem to look away from Pitch's peircing eyes. He couldn't stop staring back into the horrors. "Sweet Pea, hey-" Gen stood in front of Jack, blocking the eye contact.

Her rage boiled over at the look of absolute terror on his face. She whipped around to face Pitch, who was still looking in Jack's direction. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!" she marched up to him and landed the hardest punch she could onto his face, knocking him over in the process.

Damon and Rowen just stood there, smirking slightly as the Boogyman had just been floored by a human. The moon shown brighter and Gen looked up at it. "And YOU!!" She pointed at it angrily. "You allowed this sweet boy to go through all of this and for what?! A stupid little trial?!" She shouted up at the moon.

Mother Nature's eyes were wide in shock but had a small smile on her face. "Gen-" North began but Bunny covered his mouth while muttering to not intervene. She helped Jack up who was staring at her in absolute shock. "He deserves your sincerest apology and for that BASTARD to be justly punished!" She shouted back up at the moon, her face red with fury.

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