Ch.3 The Witch

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Hey Snowflakes! So I reviewed the previous chapters and I realized that Jack seems like an ass... Excuse my french haha.. To clear the air, Jack is just the same as he always is.

He may seem like a jerk but he doesn't think he is acting that way. He doesn't understand that he needs to think rationally. He's spent so much time alone that he doesn't really know how to handle being accused of something he didn't do on PURPOSE.

He gets so worked up sometimes, especially when people are yelling that he gets angry. I know, its odd, but he's had zero interactions for 300 years and he's just learning how to be social.

Just go along with it I guess... Well, onto the story!

*Jack's P.O.V.*

Oh MiM... Why did I say that! Ugh! It WAS my fault, so why did I do that?! I walked aimlessly through the woods. I regreted what I had done and said. "You're not even sorry!" I recalled what Bunny had said to me.

"Of course I'm sorry! Gah! Why didn't I just stop and think?!" I yelled to myself. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I looked at my surroundings and in the distance, I saw a small cottage.

It looked worn out and old, so I just left it, since there was hardly a chance anyone lived there. I kept walking and then, very faintly, I heard a voice.

"Hello?" It sounded like an old woman. I had walked a little past the house so I had to turn around to see where the voice was coming from.

Then, an old woman walked out of the cottage and looked in my direction. I went to leave since she wasn't going to be able to see me, until- "You there!" She called.

I was stunned. "M-me?" I muttered. I walked a little closer, now about 20 feet from the woman. "Yes you!" She said as if it were obvious. Before I could ask how she could see me, she spoke again.

"Will you get me some special herbs??" She didnt sound very nice, but she didn't say it too mean either. "No, I have somewhere I need to be. Sorry ma'am." I replied. No, I didn't have anywhere to be but I didn't want to go get her herbs.

As I turned to leave she kept going. "Well it will only be about 15 minutes!" Does she ever stop? I stoped. I looked over my shoulder at her with a frown. I don't have time for this.. "No, I'm sorry." I stated.

Did she stop? Nope!

"It will only be a moment, kid!" Okay thats it, I'm done. I whirled around on my ankle, wind slightly picking up. "Look lady, I don't have time for this, I have places to be. Look for your own stupid plants." I huffed.

As I was about to, yet again, walk away I was yanked back by an invisible force. "You think that since you are a spirit, you don't have to worry about being attacked by animals, freezing to death, catching some illness, or maybe even doing some manual labor like a human being would?" She asked with a dead look. She had me standing in front of her, unable to move.

Now that I was closer, I could see her better. She long matted greyish brown hair, deep hazel eyes that bore into your sould, a tattered old dress that was greyish black with dirt stains on it. "W-what? No, I-" she cut me off.

"You need to learn how to deal with hardships! Especially for mortals! Learn your place!" She shouted as she flicked her wrist. When she did so, I was able to move again.

"You must learn your lesson in 3 months time. If you do not, you will parish!" And then she vanished.

Poof! Gone. What. The. Heck.

All of a sudden, I was felling very dizzy. I could hardly stand. I tried as best as I could to run away but I was just stumbling and bumping into trees. When I was sure I had gotten a good distance away grom the cottage, I let myself fall. I fell into the snow, unknowing of my hair changing from snow white, to chocolate brown.

Unknowing of my closed ice-blue eyes turning the same chocolate brown as my hair. My pale skin turning a more lively peach. As these changes took place, I fell into a dreamless slumber.

I was now human.


Hello my bootiful Snowflakes!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's the middle of winter and Jack is unconcious in the forrest. And he is human again. What will happen next?

'till next time!

Stay bootiful, stay awesome, and stay frosty!

*Jack Frost*

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