Ch. 18 Trust

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*Gen's P.O.V*

It had been about 3 weeks since we discovered Pitch had returned. Things have been quiet from his end, but not silent. Jack had a few nightmares since then that had left him... shaken to say the least.

Actually, shaken is an understatement. After the nightmares Jack would be extremely skittish and jumpy, and he'd flinch at almost any movement. He would also talk less and it worries me. He'd be like that for at least a few days after having the nightmare.

He won't tell me what they were about either, but told me not to tell anyone yet. However, I've found that reading helps him calm down and distracts him so we make a trip to the library at least 2 times a week now, at Jack's request.

The boy really loves to read, which is amazing. I've also been meaning to start teaching him how to write since all he knows how to write is his innitials and his name. At the moment we were in the library, lounging with some books.

"So how did you learn how to read? Was it in your past life or during your spirit life?" I asked in curiosity, making Jack look up from his book from the 'young adult' section. "I learned later on in my spirit life-" he made a hard thinking face.

"Well, I kind of observed a childrens' english class and got the basics there a few decades ago, but never went further and read stuff," he paused to glance at his book. "It wasn't until after I became a Guardian that I actively learned and started to actually read." He stated, almost a little embarrassed.

I listened intently, it was an interesting story. "I never told anybody that I didn't know how to read, but Sophie knows." He had a small embarrassed blush and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? But, why would Sophie know?" I asked, confused.

He looked down at his book as he spoke now, "I had her help me. She was learning how to read and all of her school work for learning how was really helpful." He fiddled with the corner of his current page gently.

I nodded, "So she helped teach you too huh?" I asked with a soft smile and he smiled as well. "Yeah, she already knew more than me so it helped alot, I really owe her." He had a fond smile that warmed my heart.

"And what about writing? Wanna get into that?" His blush got deeper as he avoided eye contact, he didn't know that I was aware he couldn't write other than his name. "U-uhm.." he looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening and, luckily, we were alome in the room.

"I-I don't know how..." he said very quietly, I chuckled softly. "Sweetheart its okay! I understand why, so there's no reason to be flustered about it! And none of your friends will make fun of you either!" I reached over and ruffled his hair.

He looked unsure for a moment, "when you came to Sophie and asked her to help, did she make fun of you?" I asked and he shook his head. "See? Why would the rest of them think any different?" He nodded, understanding what I was saying.

I looked at the time and stood up. "We should go, we have to pick up the kids today." I stated, taking notice of Jack's sad look. I stuck a bookmark that had a beautiful snowflake design on it into his page. "I baught it for you while you weren't looking, you can read it in the car" I smiled as he gasped.

Jack jumped up with absolute excitement and took off towards the door. That kid is so adorable and sweet, why would anyone want to hurt him? I followed him outside and we got into the car, Jack immediately openning his book and contunuing to read.

On our way to the school, he hadn't looked up a single time and he looked absolutely absorbed in the story. His face intensly focused and his mouth twitched at parts that interested him. He never noticed us park either and I dared not speak until the kids came out.

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